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Everything posted by Kanin

  1. Really? Interesting. I hadn't thought those were thyroid things. I've had similar for a while now!
  2. If you do order a soft cone, I'd order two, because they do tend to get gross sometimes (wet cat food, litterbox, etc). That way you have one to put on while you wash the other one.
  3. Ah, reading the reviews I'm remembering that I took a collar and sewed it to the cone. Otherwise the cat could slip out of the collar. You will also need to make sure the litterbox is easily accessible with a big cone on 🙂
  4. Definitely do the cone, and neosporin. I've avoided many vet visits that way. You can buy soft cones on Amazon, those come in really handy. I have this one and it's awesome! Even if it flips down, the cat still can't reach anything to lick. https://www.amazon.com/SunGrow-Recovery-Comfortable-Surgery-Circumference/dp/B01M9I7NGK/ref=sr_1_10?crid=2QP3C5PX28QCI&keywords=soft+cone+cat&qid=1645887562&sprefix=soft+cone+cat%2Caps%2C101&sr=8-10
  5. I don't know what to think, but seeing footage of bombs raining down in the night is horrifying.
  6. I love this. You worked so hard, and thought outside of the box, so much! As a public school special education teacher, this is the kind of thing I desperately WANT to do for all of my students, but I'm constrained by certain unchangeable parts of public school.... schedules... other teachers who don't get it or don't want to think outside the box... curriculums already bought for me... I could go on. I do as much as I can to be as flexible as a homeschool mom, but being in public school has limits. I feel sure that your son has watched you be creative and resourceful, and absorbed the fantastic life skill of encountering an obstacle, thinking creatively, and working around it and moving on. That kind of flexible mindset (dare I say the overused phrase, growth mindset) is way more important than most academic skills, unless a person wants to go on to more academic education. I also feel certain that your son will learn new skills when he needs them. Take grammar, for instance... he's going to be really motivated to write a good email to his boss or a client... and he's going to work hard to make sure it sounds right. Or, say he's going to a job in a new place. He's going to learn all about it, how to get there, etc. He may get more interested in other things, like watching the news, and learn something like geography from that. You got a dyslexic kid to read well, do basic math, and also be a hard worker and all-around awesome kid? That is amazing and something to celebrate big time!
  7. Maine's numbers are unreliable at the moment, they're working through a huge backlog of positive tests. Hopefully the actual current cases are going down!
  8. Ha! Good for her. I bet if she confronted the adults in charge, they'd be mortified. Well, hopefully.
  9. And I think the studio should pay whatever extra it costs to get her costume custom-made.
  10. Yes that would bother me! They should pick a costume that comes in the right size for all of the kids in the piece. Ugh adults can be so insensitive.
  11. I saw an ad on facebook for Misen carbon steel pans. They claim to be very nonstick with no toxic chemicals. Carbon steel is also lighter than cast iron. I'm curious about it.
  12. Awwwww, baby lion! So cute!
  13. I love that she's named Susan 🙂
  14. Did they culture the urine? My cat was on antibiotics over and over and it turned out the antibiotic was only partially effective. Things resolved when we got her on the right thing. It was very stressful!
  15. Oh, that sounds just awful. I'm so sorry. I hope the vet can fix things ASAP!!!!! I couldn't live with that.
  16. Hi everyone, I'm looking to buy as many of the books in this series as possible. I think the publisher has stopped putting all of them out. I can only find 10 online, and I know there are lots more. I'm searching eBay and other places, but if someone here wants part with theirs, I'm your buyer! 🙂 https://www.highnoonbooks.com/detailHNB.tpl?eqskudatarq=8551-5
  17. I know... he's super skeptical of medicine. I just got him to use ibuprofen willingly for headaches a couple years ago! Oh wow, how horrible! I can wash the sneakers, not sure about hiking boots and winter boots.
  18. DH actually read the Hibiclens bottle and it says to keep away from eyes and ears because prolonged exposure can cause blindness and deafness. Sooooo, now he's scared of it. Dang it! And how should I treat his shoes? Antifungal foot spray? Power?
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