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Everything posted by Kanin

  1. DH actually read the Hibiclens bottle and it says to keep away from eyes and ears because prolonged exposure can cause blindness and deafness. Sooooo, now he's scared of it. Dang it! And how should I treat his shoes? Antifungal foot spray? Power?
  2. Oh yes, meds on board. This is a student of mine.
  3. Hi everyone, I'm putting this here instead of of the Learning Challenges board so more people may chime in. I'm looking for experiences from people who found successful strategies for accommodating ADHD in a middle or high school. What helped you/your student (or didn't help) to manage the workload and get things done? I'm currently implementing several strategies with a student with middling success. The workload is overwhelming!
  4. Ha, yes, I will need to supervise!
  5. Ugh. So stressful. Maybe it was someone on here said that for people with ADHD, time is separated into two times, now and not-now. Is he concerned about managing the workload, looking ahead to the end of the semester?
  6. And people can be judgey - like... he/she's so SMART but just not motivated! Someone I know has a teenager with ADHD. She writes beautifully for someone her age. It also takes forEVer for her to write. The teachers only see the final product so they think there's no problem. When the mom says, "But it takes her hours to write a paragraph!" the teachers think it's a motivation/laziness issue. So frustrating.
  7. Yes, that sounds exactly like what's happening. Sorry you're dealing with it, it's super stressful (and itchy!). I've got some tea tree around here somewhere. We did try it for athlete's foot once and it wasn't super effective, but we've never stuck with it long term.
  8. Thank you! I ordered caprylic acid, which the internet (hopefully not only the woo internet) says breaks down candida cell walls. With the soaks, how much tea tree to water should I use? I'm wondering if the tea tree would just float on top?
  9. Thanks, I'll look into the wipes! I always wish I could just go to my cat's vet instead of a regular doctor 🙂 I forgot all about the Hibiclens, we have that here! Yay, thank you! I wonder if treating his shoes will be enough, or if we need to get new ones. He never goes barefoot in his shoes luckily.
  10. The vet could give you a syringe, like the kind you give medicine with. You could hold him on your lap and squirt tiny bits into his mouth. (He won't love it but you could get a bit of water in him at a time.) Sorry this is happening, pet problems are so stressful!
  11. This worked for my cat when she was sick. Are you giving him special food (like kidney diet food)? My cat would NOT eat the food, and practically was willing to starve herself to death. I gave in when her poop turned a horrible shade of green because she was simply not eating. As soon as I gave her her normal (wet) food, she wolfed it down and went back to normal. If he absolutely much have the special food, maybe you could phase it in?
  12. DH has had athlete's foot for years now. It only bothers him a couple times a year, and goes away quickly with an anti-fungal from the grocery store. Last week he got an itchy spot on his ankle that quickly spread to a splotchy rash on both ankles. The doctor said it's ringworm (same fungus as athlete's foot). The doc said to treat it with Lotrimin cream and if it doesn't go away, he'll prescribe something stronger. Our hypothesis is that DH used his (rough) heels to scratch an itchy spot on his ankle, which allowed the athlete's foot to transfer. Actually, my personal hypothesis is that DH's long standing gut/histamine issues are caused by some kind of yeast/fungus, and I'm thinking maybe these two are connected. Anyway... Assuming it's just athlete's foot and nothing systemic, does anyone have a strategy for getting rid of the athlete's foot once and for all? The skin on the bottoms of his feet are a little whitish so I'm guessing there's something going on with the whole bottom of his foot, although it never bothers him. The ringworm on his ankles is clearing up nicely, so it seems the doc was right with the diagnosis. p.s. I wish there was a different name for it than ringworm. Sounds so icky!
  13. How does it work with a python in bed? Does it curl up and sleep?
  14. I'd say a fan for white noise, and various thicknesses of pillows for different preferences. Personally I hate pillows with fabric that makes noise when I move around, so quiet pillows would be awesome 🙂
  15. Oh no, that's a real bummer! Hope he feels better soon!!
  16. Ugh. I read that, too. How can anyone move here, or move within the city? Crazy! I don't know that it's much better in other towns. Even my mom's somewhat dingy town has only a handful of houses for sale.
  17. All food tastes good after skiing ☺️🎉
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