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Everything posted by Kanin

  1. How about ThredUp (used clothing online)? I searched for Dresses, then Wedding/Formal, and found some that might work. https://www.thredup.com/women/dresses?department_tags=women&category_tags=dresses&occasion_tags=bridesmaid%2Cformal
  2. I like Lucky jeans the best currently. I bought some last year that were slightly skinny but not too skinny, and curvy. I always find them at Marshall's or TJMaxx.
  3. This made me laugh. I also have a blanket that smells like blanket. Off to soak!
  4. I think we're going back grocery pickup, maybe... too bad because one of my favorite tasks is grocery shopping. My K-8 school of 150 kids went remote this week because too many kids had covid or were quarantined as close contacts. If omicron really is as contagious as people are saying, then I don't see how we'll get through school without either going remote for a long time, or just having everyone get it. Scary. I also know that probably less than half of the kids who could get vaccinated, are vaccinated. Even some of the teachers aren't. And yes, we mask... but we also eat lunch, snacks, etc. and masks are not always worn correctly.
  5. So stressful to wait and see what happens. Thinking good thoughts for them.
  6. Agreed, you should get the whole shebang.
  7. Oh dear. That stinks! I'm hoping that easier/cheaper testing methods will come around sometime... or that this stupid virus will lessen enough that we don't have to be so cautious!
  8. Yeah.... I'm wondering just how many asymptomatic kids are here at school. Eating lunch... breathing on each other...ugh! We're doing rapid testing on the morning of Xmas with my mom. That's it. I'm worried b/c WalMart is out of tests, even online! I saw a friend yesterday. I asked her to do a rapid test. She was very gracious but I'm sure she thought it was overkill.
  9. Hmmm. I don't think that's the case here, but I do wonder about some kind of intellectual impairment. This student is "quirky" but apparently not quite on the autism spectrum. They have a great vocabulary and can chat about many topics. In fact, I think they could probably grasp more higher-level concepts in math but not recognizing numbers is such a drag on their progress. They know a few numbers, and a few letters, but this has been going on for two years now. I love reading about your twins! I've made some stories about the numbers as well. It's helping slowly.
  10. Oh, that’s so hard. Does your daughter go to school? If you call and tell them your situation, I’m sure they’d help. I just bought Christmas presents for one of the students at my school. The student will never know her mom didn’t buy them.
  11. Mine too. Ours is covid.... A combo of people quarantined bc of being close contacts, and 7 out of 150 kids having covid.
  12. TouchMath.... I do own it. Maybe touchign the dots and counting the same number OVER and OVER again would make the names stick? I'll give it a try! Let's hope that when 0-9 are down, 10 and up won't be so excruciating... 😕
  13. Yes! This! I haven't heard of this, will check out.
  14. A student of mine has an extreme difficulty with identifying letters and numbers. As an example, this child can look at the dot pattern for 6 and say "Six! It has two threes, three twos, and six ones!!" but pointing to the number six from a selection of a few number cards... nope. Letters are similar. For reference, this child is almost eight years old. They receive SpEd services, but no testing has been done because the student was so hyperactive/didn't understand directions that testing was attempted and discontinued. This student is starting to get frustrated with school, and I totally sympathize... it's got to be so boring to see the same thing over and over... for years. Does anyone have some ideas about what could be going on? Extreme dyslexia/dyscalculia, or something different? I've taught lots of dyslexic students but none of them have had anything remotely close to this degree of difficulty. It's almost as though there's some kind of blindness towards number/letters, like how some people can't recognize faces. I'm stumped!
  15. I wish my DH would do that. He pretty much doesn't care about spreading his OWN germs.... 😒 Luckily he's rarely sick! I don't think I could take frequent flus or colds with him.
  16. I have no idea, and want to say I’m sorry you’re all going through this. You might want to look into a free app called Abridge. It transcribes the audio of appointments for you, so you just record during the appointment. I’ve not used it myself but I hear it’s really amazing. https://www.abridge.com
  17. Same! I mean, well done all of us, but really? We can't be (shouldn't be!) the smartest bunch around 😝
  18. Did she read all of the Little House series? There's a "spin off" series about Laura's daughter, Rose... I can't remember the author at the moment. Maybe someone else can help. I loved those, too! I think the author of the series was a family friend of Rose. Ooh, got it! Roger MacBride. The series is called the Rose Years, and the first book is "Little House on Rocky Ridge." 🥰 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0064404781?ref_=dbs_m_mng_rwt_calw_tpbk_0&storeType=ebooks&qid=1639331599&sr=8-2 I think that Rose is about 9 in this series, at least at the beginning!
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