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Everything posted by Kanin

  1. I had that as a teen. I don't remember what kind. I had horrible cramps that would land me in bed for an entire day, it was agony. BC helped so much! Also, the nurse practitioner said to take ibuprofen three days before my period was due to start. I still do that sometimes, but it's not needed the way it was when I was 14-18.
  2. Wow! In that case, if they really had serious fears about the vaccine, they would have just decided not to visit, right? Makes me wonder how strongly held these vax opinions really are. In any case, good for you for sticking with your boundaries. Plus you convinced two people to get vaccinated, so they're more protected now 👍
  3. Oh geez. I bet that put you over the edge. Did they get vaccinated?
  4. Yikes, someone actually said that at a school board meeting?
  5. Maybe! It's for teaching all day. In up for trying anything.
  6. Or wear contacts.... although for some reason my new contacts were great in the office and blurry at home 😕
  7. I'm 91% with Hermione Granger! YAYY! This made my day! 😄
  8. I'm having a hard time sorting through this website. They have cotton masks with filters that say "99% filtration." Then, they have other (paper?) masks that are KN95. I'm wondering if the cotton ones with filters are legit, or comparable to Happy Masks. I have Happy Masks, but I'm having a lot of trouble with glasses fogging. Reviews on these say they're good for glasses. https://shopvida.com/products/protective-mask#201000000166
  9. I wish there was a "trash list" so people could go get 3rd doses if they want to. I wonder if there's any potential harm from taking a 3rd dose if you're not immune compromised...? I got my vaccines back in March and am about to go work with kids younger than 12... all wearing masks though. Still, it's worrying.
  10. I love your deck! Can you get a few of those bug killing things? The kind that cover a certain area, like 1/4 acre, 1/2 acre... Hopefully someone knows what they're called.
  11. So cool! What language are you learning?
  12. I like the guest appearance by the cat 😺
  13. I would be freaking out if I were in a high-transmission area and low vaccination, non-masking school. (I'm already borderline freaking out in a moderate-transmission area and high vaccination, masked school.) The very thought gives me chills. I would not blame teachers for leaving, not one bit.
  14. Has anyone tried Vida masks? I saw them on a list of good masks. They have KN95s, but they also have masks that say, "99% filtration." Not sure what that means exactly...? https://shopvida.com/pages/face-masks
  15. That's bad.... But I'm super distracted by the dates going the wrong way! Just...why?
  16. Whoa, how big is this place? Wonder why it doesn't have a regular sized kitchen. I like your meal plan idea ... The logistics of this situation seem like cooking and cleaning will get old fast. Raw meat with no real kitchen will be difficult. I'd encourage him to do healthy but low key things with the toaster oven, and get at least one meal a day on campus.
  17. We've got browntail moths here. The caterpillars have toxic hairs on them which give a horribly itchy rash if they land on you. They can blow through the breeze so you never even see the caterpillar that got you. Oh, and you can breath them in, too... Luckily they "only" last through spring and most of summer.... I'm so over EVERYTHING!
  18. A Night Divided is awesome. Very suspenseful but not too scary. I heard a teacher read it out loud when I was an ed tech, and the kids were sucked in. I still think about it here and there, years later. Great for anchoring a period of time in the mental timeline.
  19. Maybe I'll just say "folks"! 🙂
  20. I find myself defaulting to "he" things, like saying, "Hey guys!" when it's a mixed group. I never say "Hey ladies!" because it annoys me when other people say it. There are other examples that I can't bring to mind right now. I dislike defaulting to "he" but I catch myself doing it 😞
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