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Everything posted by Kanin

  1. I just asked because PCOS is associated with insulin resistance...are you eating fruits and vegetables? I understand about changing diet. It’s very hard!
  2. Definitely try it! You’ll learn if carbs make you feel better or not. It doesn’t have to be candy, it could be a banana or rice crackers or juice - or some of each. When I have low BG, I feel so fuzzy and gross that I feel like I need to eat a houseful of food to make the fuzziness go away. It takes 10-15 minutes to start feeing better. Once you have more information, you can make a more informed plan. Like, maybe you need a better mix of carbs/protein/fat throughout the day.
  3. It could be a food sensitivity, or just that you need carbs and aren’t getting any from your dinner, or both. That’s why I think trying an elimination diet would be a worthwhile thing to try.
  4. Another thought is that if you eat the same thing every day, maybe you're intolerant to one or more of the foods. You could take one thing out at a time (peanut butter, wheat, dairy, even rice - which seems bland but can be high in salicylates) and see if things change. Maybe take out one thing per week and stick to it strictly.
  5. If I exercised and then ate that little, I'd have a huge blood sugar spike with a crash 30 min later. The small amount of carbs would be wayyyy too small to keep my BG up. If you eat something sugary when you feel bad, do you feel better?
  6. Kanin


    I just suggested it too! So good!!!!
  7. Kanin


    Baby Island is a great book! I read it over and over as a kid.
  8. Kanin


    All of the other Ramonas! ♥️
  9. I believe it means something like, "these days."
  10. Side question, are you by any chance from the Syracuse, NY area? I've only ever heard "anymore" used that way by people from upstate NY.
  11. Bridges Math has an awesome website with fabulous manipulatives. I seriously love this site! The base ten blocks are in the "number pieces" app. https://www.mathlearningcenter.org/apps
  12. Did the teacher keep you in the loop with concerns throughout the year, or just dump this on you at the end? Rather than blaming your daughter, I'd be wondering why the school wasn't able to teach a kindergartner what she needed to know by the end of the year. Perhaps your daughter has learning disabilities. That could explain why she didn't catch on to things like the other kids. Or, maybe, the school/teacher isn't that great and didn't know how to do what your daughter needed. Did the teacher/another staff member give your daughter extra intervention, or make a plan for improvement throughout the year (keeping you informed, too, of course)?
  13. Yup. It's all manipulative based. No worksheets at all. So fun and inviting. Manipulatives are not included, but they are very basic...dice, dominos, cuisenaire rods, collections of things to count. It's not a curriculum so much as a program to build number sense.
  14. Do experiment and experience sound the same? They do for me.
  15. We found Lancaster County, PA to be pretty red, although maybe it’s purple. Too rural and not enough bookstores, coffee shops, museums. Lots of driving. If you go to PA, sounds like you need a big city.
  16. Kanin

    Major Anxiety

    That’s so neat. Thanks for sharing.
  17. I"d totally eat them, but for 4th of July, I'd probably not put the spices in them. But - if they were there - I'd eat them no matter what was in them 😄
  18. I, too, wonder what counts as conflict. I'm an only child, so there was no sibling conflict at my house. I don't remember my parents arguing, ever, although they divorced when I was in middle school. DH and I talk things out, but we also just let things go. Usually I don't care too much about whatever we're discussing and I just get sick of talking about it, and forget what we were even disagreeing about in the first place! Then DH likes to go waaaay back to the beginning of the conversation, re-tell the whole thing: "You said blah blah, then I said blah blah, and then you said..." I find that exhausting!
  19. I agree with you! I'm so impressed that you got evaluations when she's so young. Awesome job!!
  20. I think the classic response around here is Ronit Bird. I love, love, love her materials. Generalizing is a big goal... and internalizing the concept of numbers.... not just counting with no deeper understanding. Like, this domino has 6 dots. Here are 6 plastic dinosaurs. Here are 6 cotton balls. Do we have the same number of cotton balls and dinosaurs? (They're different sized objects, but the same number...) Look, 6 cotton balls can be put into groups of 3 and 3! Oh, and also 5 and 1, and 4 and 2! This leads nicely into addition and subtraction, which is what the early Ronit Bird books do (Dots e-book). Constantly build with actual objects, and write (when she is ready) numbers and equations to go with them. Does she count with 1-1 correspondence (i.e., touch objects and say numbers)? Can she say which number is bigger/smaller (compare)? Does she recognize numerals? Estimating.... how many jellybeans do you think there are? 2? 10? Which pile has more/less jellybeans? You have 4 teddy bears. I give you one more. How many do you have now? I agree with you that math can be very verbal, with wordy explanations. It doesn't have to be that way. Ronit Bird isn't that way, and you can structure math "lessons" to be very fun, play-based, with fewer words than in a commercial math program. The wordiness of math curricula bug me a lot, too.
  21. Classes for adults are important, too. I'd like to get back into taking ballet classes, but the place near me looks a bit intimidating. Somewhere a bit more chill with a good teacher would be amazing. I took ballet classes in college and I had the most amazing teachers. It was so good for my physical, mental, and emotional health. I loved my teachers, and was so impressed that they chose to teach people like me instead of doing something more fancy.
  22. This happens to me and it's so annoying.
  23. I feel like this, too. Not like a 22 year old who wants to go out and party, or anything... just that I don't feel much smarter or more competent than I did when I was 22. At almost 40, it's a bit disheartening to read from those of you older than me and realize I'll probably never feel like an adult! I have a fear that I'll be 90, feel 22, and have people not want to hang out with me because they think I'm too old and boring. 😕
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