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  1. I want to say Thank You to everyone that has responded. My father died on the 19th of December and he had left me $500 and my daughter $50. I think he knew I was struggling with christmas and he wanted to make sure my kids got Christmas. I have two 12 yr Olds and an 8 yr old to buy for. My father made it happen. I do homeschool my 12 yr old daughter, she needs the extra help. The other two go to public school. 2 of these kids are my great nephews, but live here Monday thru Friday. And their dad gives my $60 a week to feed them and anything else they may need. He does but their clothing and school uniforms. I just want to assure everyone here that this was not a scam. I'm a very private person and have never expressed my problems online. In fact I didn't use my true name cause I didn't want anyone to know what I was going through. Thank You Again
  2. No this is not a scam. This is me spilling my heart. And I am checking out these ideas. I tried to add a picture of our tree but couldn't figure it out. I want to Thank You All for the comments and the ideas. I am trying a few allready. Thank you
  3. My daughter is not getting any Christmas presents this year. We've just had a very tough year. My daughter says she understands but I think she thinks that I'm trying to trick her. My brother-in-law did buy us a tree and we did buy our dinner. So hopefully she'll be able to appreciate the dinner. She loves the tree. This is really bothering me. We've always had kids in the house(we've helped with family and friends kids)but never had a Christmas as we are this time. I'd like to blame it on covid but we only lost 1 family member to covid. I think its the fact that everything has gone up so high in price. IDK, but I can sure use some words of encouragement from others...
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