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Everything posted by Kanin

  1. Yes, this! A couple years back I got a large medical bill and freaked out. I called the hospital in tears and the lady on the phone told me that they have a program for lower income people. My bill was reduced by a big %, just for making a call.
  2. I'm just not understanding how the words junk drawer and organized go together!
  3. There's a drive through coffee place in Aurora, NY called Simple Roast. It was fun to drive through, and they had a lot of customers!
  4. I agree. Our favorite coffee shop does this, but there is no "commercial composting" place to actually compost them, so... into the trash they go. Ugh.
  5. I love this one! Grounds for Divorce? 😛
  6. You have my sympathies. My DH has had food/gut issues for at least a decade, and we're both over it. The only thing that seems to be helping with motility (finally), is the SCD (specific carbohydrate diet). Even then, some of the things that are on that diet, DH can't tolerate - right now, nuts, eggs, and yogurt are out. We're hoping they could go back in, at some point. He's in the midst of testing, too. It's stressful!! Hope you get some helpful information soon. I agree that the conflicting advice (high fiber for one thing, low fiber for the other!) is so frustrating.
  7. DH just to a GI for the first time. She drew blood for a genetic test for celiac. Never heard of that before.
  8. My DH is on the hunt for t-shirts/undershirts to wear under dress shirts. He used to buy Jockey, but the quality isn't as good as it used to be. He's looking for something that's not too thick, is long so it stays tucked in, and is good enough quality so the neck doesn't get all stretched out after a few washes. Anyone have a brand they like?
  9. OH no! Theo bars are high in both lead and cadmium. DH used to eat one every other day or so. ARGH! He's been taking a break lately, but I wonder if we should be concerned about the amount he was eating in the past year.
  10. Oh, no. That's terrible! You just start to feel so worn down after 15 days of sickness. UGH!
  11. Oh, how terrible. DH's family pretends that nothing is happening, and ignores everything. It's maddening. I think it's been happening his whole life, so he's not about to rock the boat now. He just visits as little as possible. 😞 I think there are treatments for schizophrenia that can be very helpful and allow a person to lead a pretty normal life.
  12. This sounds a lot like the stuff my MIL says sometimes. It usually only happens when she's really stressed. I personally think she may have schizophrenia.
  13. I like the holidays, but we're extremely low key. I would very much dislike the holidays if I had to travel a lot, spend a ton of time with lots of extended family, and buy lots of gifts. I like Christmas lights, time to relax, eating chocolates, reading books, and drinking coffee on the couch 😄
  14. I'm so sorry about your wonderful dog. I think that all of the ideas about thank yous for the vet and the staff shared by others are perfect.
  15. You could also do an iPad with a keyboard case. I have one and it works really well. The kids at my school have that. There are a million kinds, for example: https://www.amazon.com/Generation-Keyboard-Pencil-Holder-Bluetooth/dp/B08HMMYCS8/ref=sr_1_3_sspa?keywords=ipad+keyboard+case&qid=1669483076&s=electronics&sprefix=ipad+keyboard%2Celectronics%2C100&sr=1-3-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEyTEdEOUkxSkNYR1pVJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNjY5OTQxMkNIWkYzV0NPRklWWiZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwMjk3MTEwMTE3QTNGM09LMktaUCZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=
  16. If someone in my house had the flu, I would NOT want to sit at the Thanksgiving table with them. So, in my book, you're doing everyone a favor if you stay in your bedroom until you're most likely not contagious. You wouldn't want to give other family members the flu. That would be way worse. They'll miss you, but at least they're less likely to get the flu. Hope you're slightly better today!
  17. I'll have to try this. I hate having to try and wolf some food at work to stave off a crash. I've never found anything that can get me from 7:30 to noon.
  18. I think I'm getting a Vitamix! Yay. I make lots of soup, and blend lots of things, so... I'm ready to make my life easier. I see that the Vitamix can make hot soup. Does it matter which model? Do I need the $$$ version? And does it really work well, or would I probably end up blending in the Vitamix, then heating on the stove anyway? Thanks!
  19. I think you should look around. Like someone said earlier, loving another pet doesn't take away from the love you had (and still have) for previous pets. ❤️
  20. The wood snakes are awesome!! Love the pins, too!
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