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Everything posted by mom2denj

  1. I almost spit my drink out on the Bin Laden is the Vice President answer!!!!!!!:lol:
  2. Haven't seen this for a while. Have they got a replacement for Regis yet?
  3. Yes, I definitely would as long as I could afford it. I would definitely ask someone in the neighborhood first to be sure it is legit.:)
  4. I just reread your post. If he is at two consonant blends, I think it would be a good time to order AAS. He will probably breeze through the first couple of lessons, but then I think the two curriculums will work together nicely. Sorry I didn't read your post correctly the first time.
  5. Hi there! I am wondering what lesson your ds is on in OPGTR? We are using both OPGTR and AAS 1 together and I am asking because it sounds like he may be ready for AAS level 2. We are on lesson 81 and I feel like the lessons in AAS have followed along and have been a great review of what we have done so far in OPGTR. I am not sure if AAS has placement tests but you may want to check it out. HTH =)
  6. I am wondering, if they know that there was no one sent out there today, why would they tell you NOT to call the police???
  7. I wanted to add that during those 4-5 hrs, we take many breaks. This includes 30 minutes on Starfall or another educational computer game, lunch and a couple of breaks. We do a great deal of hands on, reading and arts and crafts type stuff, so it is not just work, work, work. =)
  8. 4 days/week 4-5 hrs/day. On the fifth day, she has a home school class, which is mostly just fun stuff.
  9. No way!! I couldn't imagine only seeing my children on the weekends regardless of the opportunity.
  10. Thanks so much for all your thoughts!! I am still undecided, but I think that we might try a new church each week and then try a couple of weeks at the ones that we feel most comfortable in.
  11. We have been at the same church for 14 years. We are looking for a new church and I really do not know what to do. If you have recently tried new churches, how long did you spend at each church? Did you try a new one weekly or spend a few weeks at each church? I have 3 children, but the one that I am concerned with is the 5 yr old. She really doesn't mind trying new classes, but I am not sure which would be harder for her, trying a new one each week or staying at one for a while and then pulling her out and trying another. I would love to hear about other experiences. Thank you!
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