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Everything posted by mom2denj

  1. I went to a craft fair today and my sweet hubby called me while I was there and told me (knowing that I don't like to spend much on me) to buy one thing that I really wanted and it was a gift from him.He is so sweet. That made me smile!! However, I left the craft fair and went to Target and bought my dd a new big girl seat for the car. =)
  2. I have 2 or 3 burning at all times. For the most part they are Yankee candles or tarts. I hate hearing this, but we hear daily of all the things that that are poisonous. I guess that we can't live in a bubble.
  3. Trust me, it will get OLD real fast!! I used to drive 1 1/2+ hours each way (with 3 different stops), a total of 3 hrs+ a day, so that my kids could go to a great school. That is actually the reason I started homeschooling my dd in 5th grade instead of 7th, which was the original plan. Now, I am hsing my youngest all the way becuase I WILL NOT drive anymore!!! Of course I had 2 babies in the car, so it was not fun!!
  4. That is funny because people keep telling me that my dd should be in school because she is so outgoing and social. :lol: You can't win!!!!
  5. What :001_huh:and what:glare:!!!!!!!! I have never heard of this! That is insane! She needs to look in the school handbook and see if that is in there. i have a hard time believing it is!!
  6. I wish that we could scratch and sniff. I do not know what Patchouli is, and everyone here seems to know??
  7. It would be neat to have a question/answer time with them. I have a lot of questions I would love to ask!
  8. I heard that they were serving those at the Jacksonville fair. It has been kind of a jolke on facebook around here. It actually does sound like it would be good, but it is definitely a heart attack waiting to happen!!!
  9. I pulled up a picture of a yorkie and had my dd's look at it. One dd vote for Stanley and one votes for Edmund. I vote for Leiws. He, he, he. I guess this doesn't help. :D
  10. Praying! Can't wait to see pictures!!:D
  11. Absolutely not!! We have enough problems in the world with porn, we do not need to give the truly sick people easy, free access. Especially in a place where there are children EVERYDAY!!!! I can't even imagine that this is a possibility. Please tell me it is not!!:glare::confused:
  12. I could have written this exact post!! We say the exact same thing when we forget!! :D
  13. Couldn't be any more different! I was raised by my single mom who was NEVER home! I grew up with babysitters, during the day, at night and on the weekends (and hated it and most of them!!). I am a stay at home mom who homeschools. I always knew that when I had children that I would have a relationship with them. I would spend as much time as possible with them. I would love them, play with them, teach them and never get them a babysitter!! No, I do not think there is anything wrong with having a babysitter for your children, I promise. I just swore that I would never do it and I am sticking with it! Whew, sorry!! I sound very angry. I really am a happy person! I guess I just needed to get that off my chest.:D
  14. I am so sorry for what you are having to deal with! I don't know that I could live there anymore. I can't stop thinking about her poor kids. Does anyone in the neighborhood know anything at all about them? Does anyone go to school with them? I pray that they are safe and being taken care of!
  15. I know that you want your daughter to take responsibility and make her own decisions, but I WOULD NOT allow her to sit for this lady. She is using her and it is not OK!!! It will continue. Who leaves kids with the flu with a sitter???
  16. I used Sonlight Core 5, 6 & 7 with my oldest dd (and we LOVED it) and it has always been my plan to use SL with my little one. She will be ready for SL next fall and I am only seeing negative comments about the lower cores and I would like some opinions. What do you like and dislike? Favorite and least favorite books? Thanks so much!!
  17. So sorry that you are hurting!! Prayers going up for you and the kids!!:grouphug:
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