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Everything posted by mom2denj

  1. I buy my dd music posters from Art.com. There prices are great. I just buy the posters and then buy cheap frames to hang them in. When you click in, there is a list of subjects to the left, you can just click into music or search for whatever you would like. =)
  2. Ours is Little Blessings Academy. But, one of my dd's is high school age now so I am thinking about using Little Blessings Christian Academy. I think it sounds a little more believable. =)
  3. I went over and checked her feedback and she has nothing but great feedback until now. I wonder what happened. I do agree with the op though, if she has been on the forum and signed in a few times, it is a shame that she is not responding. Sorry you got burned!! =(
  4. Love them and Chicago! So much for my productive morning now. I'm sure I will be on YouTube for a while. =)
  5. Luke or Daniel, or Luke Daniel. That was to be my next boy name. I never for to use it. =(
  6. Oh my goodness!!! So scary! I will be praying for him.:grouphug:
  7. Yes, I do that at times too. When I have to confront someone that I know, I really lose it. I think that you had the right to be upset. They should have cashed him out and he could have paid for that separately.:grouphug:
  8. I know how you feel!!:grouphug: Food and gas prices make it really hard to homeschool these days.
  9. I just pulled my dd out of high school (9th grade). She wanted to try it and she was miserable. I do not regret it at all!!!! She is right back to work, but happy.
  10. I vote give it to her!!! =) When her birthday rolls around get her something smaller like some good books!
  11. Don't you know that poor girl needs to have a life. =) My dd wishes that school was done at 12:00!!
  12. My dd5 has gone through HWT k & 1 this year. Should I order the second grade or should I supplement with something else in between?
  13. I made my own with a piece of cardstock. I made a rectangular window in the middle of a piece of about 4"by5" cardstock. It worked great. However, I found out real quick that if I use a white board and write the sentences on the white board, one at a time, it was much easier for my dd to read. We are half way through the book and we are still doing it this way.
  14. I am the only one in my house with that skill too!!! It drives me nuts!!
  15. I just took my dd out of high school. Her choice. She was tired of the "things" going on right inside the classroom. :glare: It really is unbelievable!!
  16. :bigear:Hamburg soup sounds yummy!! Going to look for a recipe.
  17. This is awesome! Thanks everyone! Can't wait to see what others used.
  18. I have asked this on the high school forum, but I thought I might get more answers over here. I am trying to put a list together for the rest of the school year. I am curious to see what others consider must reads. What are your top 10 literature reads for 9th grade?
  19. Yes, thanks so much! This does help. We are actually reading To Kill a Mockingbird now. I have a list of books that we will be reading for the rest of the year, but I wanted to see if anyone had must haves that I do not have on my list. Any other specific suggestions for 9th grade??
  20. Thanks so much! The Glenco site is amazing!!
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