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Everything posted by mom2denj

  1. :grouphug::grouphug: Sorry, this sounds like a tough situation. I wish I had some advice. But, I will say a prayer.
  2. Thank you all for your kind words and support! I needed it tonight!!
  3. Thanks everyone!! I'm am getting to the angry stage about it. I think that I will not share any of our homeschool activities with her for a while. My husband is very supportive and I guess that is all that counts!!
  4. Whine alert.......I just had a conversation with my mom who I thought was supportive of my homeschooling in a quiet sort of way. We were talking about my youngest dd and I said that she is really loving her cheerleading class that she is taking and my mom came back with(in a snarky sort of way), well she is never going to get to do real cheering if you don't send her to "real" school. =( I was so disappointed that I didn't even bother to argue that homeschoolers can do any sport at school if they want. I homeschoooled my middle dd from 5th - 8th and she never said anything negative to me about it. I guess she knew that I was giving dd the choice to go to high school (A choice that I regret), so that made it ok. Well, I'm done whining. =( I feel like I backed down and did not stand up for what I believe is right. I'm wondering, what would you have said in that situation?
  5. I forgot about this, but I always used to say that I was going to name my son Noah Drake. =) Boy, I really do like that name!! =)
  6. My biggest mistake was giving my 15 yr old the choice to go to high school. She is doing great, it's not her, it is all of the cr@p around her! She is enjoying her classes and the basketball team, but she has had to put up with someone stealing a paper and mean girls. The mouths on the kids are unreal! She is at a decent school, but I would still prefer her to be home. =(
  7. I know that in other countries this is normal practice. I had to do the three hour with all of my pregnancies. If it makes you feel better, the "soda" tastes 100 times better now than it did 19 yrs ago!!!! I never got sick or dizzy, but it always did make my stomach feel yucky for the first few minutes after drinking it. I wish you luck, but it's really not that bad.
  8. Mark 16:15 He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.
  9. This video aired a few minutes ago during the Broncos/Patriots game.
  10. I love Tim Tebow!! I think he is the best role model we have got out there for our boys! I do wish that the media would leave him alone and just let him play football. I think all of the attention is the reason so many people have a problem with him and I know that he just wants to be Tim and play football! Yes, he is spreading the word, but he does it quietly and respectfully!
  11. Well, I just went and goggled dry brushing after reading this thread. I had never heard of this before. So, I think a health blog would be great with or without the resources, it would get people researching health related products or ideas that they may have never heard of before. :001_smile:
  12. I voted 60-90. Sometimes more, sometimes less. We love to read!!
  13. Oh, this sounds soooo good!!! I am going to make it tomorrow! Thanks!
  14. No, I wouldn't eat it, but I am weird about expiration dates. I always toss if it is expired.
  15. I am so excited about this!!! Due to outside activities, we are at Chick Fil A at least twice a week.
  16. Co-sleeper here too!! My ds and dd1 were in my room until they were 4 and 5. My baby girl is 5 1/2 and she is still in my bed. She is my last, so she can stay as long as she wants! =) My son (now 18) never wandered back, but my oldest dd (15) still wanders in once in a while.:)
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