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Everything posted by mom2denj

  1. :iagree:This is what I was thinking. If they are not big readers, they will not enjoy the classics. I would stick with fun fiction for now. I really like the first list group.
  2. I was up and out after 3 or 4 days with child and all, except with my now 14 yr old dd who was a c-section. I was never one to worry about germs and all that. I always liked to be out and about, it has been just in the last couple of years that I just want to STAY home.
  3. I get up at 5:15 every morning with my husband and I make his breakfast and lunch. I have been doing this for 19 years, so I am used to it. Once I am up , I am up. I cannot go back to sleep. However, I would love to sleep in until 10 once in a while! =)
  4. SO SO funny that I just got on and saw this thread. I do not have anything on my table right now, but about 5 minutes before I got on the computer, I had just got done cleaning ALL of the papers and paint, glue, glitter, scissors, tape, markers, pencils, cups, plates, paper towels, etc.............. We made the mess last night and I had been dreading doing this all day!! :D
  5. Thanks for posting this! It is a reminder that we all need to reach out and get out of our comfort zone! Praying for the family!
  6. I would love to wake up to that view everyday!
  7. Awwww!!!! She is beautiful! Congratulations! Looks like you had a pretty quick labor. I love the picture of you and the three girls, the baby is smiling!:party:
  8. It is really neat to see all of the different things some people use. So many sound good! Lots of peanut butter and powdered sugar users. I am definitely going to try some of these combinations. The sour cream and brown sugar sounds interesting!! I cannot wait to show this poll to my husband who thinks that I am the wierd one because I do not use honey!!!! :D
  9. Phew!! I thought that I was the only one!! :D I have a 14 yr old girl who I love very,very much!! However, she is LOUD, messy and is ALWAYS right!!:tongue_smilie:I guess this is the definition of a teenage girl.
  10. If you do not mind sharing, where are you from?? My husband is from the south and he uses honey on his pancakes. I never knew anyone that did this before we met. I am from New Hampshire, so of course I use maple syrup!! I am just curious to see how others eat theirs! :001_smile:
  11. Just curious as to how they got the money out of your bank account. That is so scary! I am paranoid everytime I used my bank card to get gas, but I keep on doing it. I do use it as credit instead of debit, which I think is supposed to be safer. Did they get access through your check card? OK, I just read that you had your identity stolen. I think that I am going to start burying my money in my back yard. Geesh, that is crazy!!!
  12. read books on it? How often? I have kindle downloaded onto my iphone and I will read when I am sitting waiting in the car sometimes, but the writing is just too small!! If I blow the words up some, the I am having to move the words back and forth and it drives me crazy. So, I am just curious to see if anyone enjoys reading on their phone.
  13. :party:Congratulations!!!! So exciting! I hope that the delivery went well!
  14. No way! I do not drink, but I definitely wouldn't if I had someone else's children with me.
  15. NO! I was embarrassed watching it with my 14 yr old! Then again, maybe I am just a fuddy duddy!! I did not like tthe movie. I think that they added unnecessary extreme dirty dancing, dirty talking, and cussing. If you enjoyed the movie, I am sorry. i am just throwing in my .02 I will add that the ending was pretty good.
  16. I co-sleeped with all of mine and they are now 18, 14, and 5. I wouldn't have it any other way!! I am a very light sleeper. I would sleep with them either right in between my chest and arm or right beside me. I usually did not use covers and if I did, I would have them at my waist. A friend of mine had a co-sleeper and I thought that was neat. Her husband was a very heavy sleeper and moved around ALOT.
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