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Everything posted by mom2denj

  1. Absolutely beautiful school room!! Drooling over here!
  2. I would not go! You just cannot be to careful these days. Then again, I tend to be a bit on the paranoid side!
  3. This is what i did with my dd who is now chosen to try out public high school. I am OK with it. I pray that she has a wonderful experience. She is excited mostly about the extracurricular stuff (sports etc..). I am not sure how I would feel if I was not starting over with my new big girl Kindergartner this year. I will be keeeping her at home until after jr. high which at that point I will give her the same opportunity to choose.:001_smile:
  4. WOW!! I cannot believe that no one came out to check on her. I wouldd have definitely been out there with water, a cool rag etc.. I definitely would not have sent my son out alone. People amaze me all the time!!!!:glare: I am so glad that your daughter was OK!
  5. What pace did you work at? I am thinking of doing half a lesson daily. The first few lessons were doable in a day, but after about the 9th, they got a little harder. Just curious to see what others have done.
  6. .....and the driver was probably thinking to himself, must be one of those crazy homeschool moms!! :lol:
  7. Read this book and you will understand how Warren Jeffs was able to brainwash these people. It was a very hard to read, but it will blow your mind!!! http://www.slate.com/id/2189275/
  8. :iagree: This is what I would do. That is just insane! I have never heard of this. How sad that your friend's child cannot go outside. I wonder what the momma will think when her sweet girl does this to the wrong person and starts geting her butt whipped! I do not promote that, but it will inevitably happen.:glare:
  9. I am so impressed that you got out!! I would not have been able to. I am horrible at getting out of tight parking places. I park far away just to avoid it. Good job!:hurray:
  10. I wish that I was freezing!!! I am tired of melting as soon as I walk out the door! I guess the grass is always greener......
  11. Here is what she is asking: Hi ladies, I need your advice! Starting in September I'm going to be an assistant ESL teacher. The teachers I am assisting have been school teachers, however teaching foreigners how to read and write is still a challenge in any situation. They have asked if I know of any homeschool families. Obviously I have :) Do you guys have any resources, websites, etc that you would recommend for us to go to. Or even just any tips that you could give us. Again it's a different situation, but a lot of the principles that are used in teaching young children can still work in teaching these women. If you have any information you would like to share...I would love to have it :) Thanks so much! I was truly thinking of advising her to look into AAS and/or AAR. I think it is such a wonderful program, but I am sure there is many other resources for teaching english and writing to adults. Any suggesstions?
  12. I really wish that we did this from the beginning. I do them by myself. I have asked him several times to do it with me, but he just doesn't want to.
  13. Wow!! This is really wierd! I went to her page and looked at the threads that she has started and they all seem so legit. Normal homeschool mom/mom questions. How did she seem so normal?? I jsut cant see someone going through this much trouble to be a troll???? I must be easily fooled, although I did not read all of her posts, I did believe the ones that I read.:glare:
  14. My first was almost 10 pounds, second was 10'8, third almost 10. I wouldn't have dared to have them at home. However, I always thought it would be neat for the whole family to share the experience.
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