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Everything posted by mom2denj

  1. I absolutely think that it was inappropriate for this teacher to explain the F word to an 11 year old child that is not her child!! I would not shelter my child from the word, but I want to be the one to explain to my own child. She was not an older teen, she was 11.
  2. I would be LIVID!!!! Your dd is 11 years old. I would definitely be talking to this "friend"! She had no right! She should have pulled your dd to the side and let herr know that what she was actually saying was inappropriate. She should have then pulled you to the side and let you know that you need to talk to your dd and let her know what it means and that it is inappropriate. :glare:
  3. I would let him come home. I wish my dd wanted to! I let her go to ps this year as a freshman and she loves it. :( I wish I could have her back home, but she is doing really well! I do not like some of the things that she is hearing and seeing and we have already had a incident involving a girl handing in one of my dd's papers as her own. :/ So, yes, I would let him come home. I would also let him know that your expectations will be higher now. =)
  4. You have got a hilarious and very smart 6.5 yr old!! That was great!! I would definitely keep that note!:001_smile:
  5. Well, my daughter was sick to death this morning and was really scared to go to school. I gave her the choice and she choose to go and face it. I am very proud of her. The teacher never got my email. So, my daughter went to her after class, shaking like a leaf, and explained the whole thing. The teacher was very gracious and my daughter is not in any trouble at all. Thank you Lord. I am not sure what is going to happen to the other girl. This was definitely a HUGE lesson for my daughter. She will definitely be saying NO to anyone that wants her work. She is an amazing kid who wants to help everyone, but I think she has learned a lesson here. Not all people are good. I am sure that we will find out what will happen to the other girl tomorrow. I will pass that on to you all. My dd was never worried about retaliation from the other girl, she was just worry about the teacher not liking her (a people pleaser through and through). I am worried about it, but the girl is new to the school (and state) so, at least my dd has got friends on her side for support. Thanks for all the well wishes, thoughts and prayers. They were greatly appreciated!!!!
  6. Boy is it hard to bite your tongue!!! I have an 18 yr old and I can SO relate!!!!:tongue_smilie:
  7. :iagree:I sent the email myself because I knew she would be reading the papers tonight. High school is so different. You can not just go up and see the teachers, you have to make an appt. that is why I sent the email tonight.
  8. As an adult this would be easy to do. As a teenager and new to a school, trying to survive, not so easy. She was in complete shock and had no idea what to do. =(
  9. Thanks everyone! Well, because we knew that the teacher would be reading over the papers tonight, I went ahead and sent a fully explained email to her a few minutes ago. I did let my dd know that although her intentions were good, that she may also face consequences. I cannot believe the girl had the nerve to do this! They are not friends, they are just in the same class. I feel bad for my dd. I hope that she can find a way to stand up to this girl so there is no future "problems". It just really suc*s that she had to start off her experience in public school like this. =( She choose to go to PS, but she is a people pleaser and I knew this would be a problem!
  10. my dd is going to puclic high school this year and I am already fuming 3 weeks into it!! This weekend she was assigned a paper in her English 1 honors class. This morning she got to school and one of the girls in her class saw her in the courtyard and asked her if she did her paper. My dd said yes. The girl asked her if she could please read it over because she didn't get a chance to do hers and she just wanted to get an idea of what my dd wrote so that she can write hers during another class. My dd had two copies. Her first draft and her final draft, which were almost identical except for the few grammatical corrections she made on the final draft. My dd felt bad for her and let her read over her first draft and told her that she worked really hard on it and to NOT copy it. The girl promised. Well a few hours they are in English and the girl hands my dd's paper in to the teacher right in front of my dd. GRRRRRR!!!! My dd was so upset! She is very nice and very naive. She told the girl she was angry and the girl told her not to worry that if the teacher noticed that she was going to tell the teacher that they worked on it together. My daughter is scared to death to get into trouble. Would you as a parent: 1. Just blow it off and see what happens tomorrow. 2. Send an email to the teacher and explain the whole thing and let dd face retaliation from this girl?
  11. I love this girl so much!! She is a really great kid and we are very close. My problem is also a blessing, but I am going crazy!! She tells me everything!! Every single little teeny tiny detail of everything! On the one hand, I feel so blessed that as a teenager she will talk to me about anything and I do not want to lose that. On the other hand her stories make me dizzy and I sometimes just want to scream "please stop, for 5 min please stop!". Now, she has many many friends and she is going to public high school now, so she is not lonely. I need some advice on how to deal with this. Any ideas??
  12. If he did not know that a kiss would be a part of it, than it is still wrong!!:glare:
  13. :iagree:Yes, this!!!! That is just pure BAD TASTE!!!!! NASTY no matter what the age! Who knows where tht person's mouth has been. YUCK!
  14. Amazing news!! So glad to hear everyone is well and happy!!!:001_smile:
  15. :lol::lol::lol: I almost spit out my coffee!!! I agree with the vinegar and water.
  16. I was thinking kidney infection too. I don't think it would be appendix, that would be more in the front on the right side. I pray it is nothing serious!!
  17. I am wondering how much this would benefit a Kindergartener? I see lots of good reviews for 1st and 2nd second grade, but not much about K. Has anyone used this during thier K year?
  18. I am in FL and it doesn't feel like fall here until around November. =( I have got my Spiced Pumpkin candles burning and it smells sooooo good!!! I really wanted to start putting out the fall decorations. So when do you start?
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