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Everything posted by mom2denj

  1. Thanks ladies. It makes me feel better that it has happened to others with no serious problems. I figured it was probably nothing, but something new is always a little nerve racking.
  2. I have had clear fluid leaking from my nose for the last couple of days. It happens whenever I bend over. Not every time, but most times. I have been looking on the internet and have been reading about CSF leaks. However, those are accompanied by severe headaches, dizziness, nausea, etc... All of which I have not had. I do not have any kind of sinus issues and never have. I did have a cold about a month ago. This is really wierd and a little embarrassing. :tongue_smilie:Any ideas?
  3. I am 43 and I have been pulled over three times in my life. Out of those 3 times, I have only gotten 1 ticket. I have friends that get tickets at least once or twice a month. =O I couldn't imagine having to pay the cost of those tickets!!
  4. Glad everything is well! I find myself checking your blog at least every other day for something new and fun! Look forward to your return. Enjoy your break!
  5. :iagree:I saw it with my 15yr old and their were parts in this one that she covered her face. Definitely would not let my 11 yr old go. My daughter will go to friends houses and still call me and ask if she can watch certain movies. I have no problem saying no.:D
  6. I voted for Molly because I like Molly the best out of all of them. However, I like Grace with Ella better. I know that probably didn't help.:001_smile:
  7. I truly believe that Jill loves all of the kids! She even said on the episode last night that she really missed all of the little kids and it was sooo quiet in Isreal without them.
  8. I thought the title said the same thing at first. :iagree: This is great advice.
  9. I am getting my college boy a Garmin Forerunner.
  10. My favorite part, "what's wrong mommy?":lol::lol::lol:
  11. My two names that I didn't get to use: Lucas Daniel Kylie Jane
  12. We are. We had a few field trips last week, so we are catching up. We are adding alot of fun Thanksgiving crafts though.
  13. She did an amazing job!!! You should be so proud!!!
  14. These are really cute! Ithink that we will make these next week.
  15. I love this idea!! Thanks for sharing! I may start thinking about this for a spring event.
  16. Oh poo! I really like Laila! Now I will be trying to think of names all night. :)
  17. I like cassie. How about Laila. Laila Ali is a female boxer. I think it's cute.
  18. Jim Weiss tell some stories tomorrow morning. I am super excited!!!!:D
  19. Niether one should EVER teach again!! Sorry, no second chances when 2 grown ladies gang up to bully children. That poor sweet girl! What an amazing daddy she has got!
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