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Jen in PA

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Everything posted by Jen in PA

  1. Getting around to a Russian author is looking increasingly unlikely since my library requests have been rolling in and most of them need to be read quickly since most aren't eligible for renewal. Finished this week: # 52 The Hollow. I have been reading a lot of Christie lately, and this was much more enjoyable than the last few have been. #53 How to Talk About Books You Haven't Read. This is my favorite read so far this year -- just amazing. It's a satirical look at lit crit that raises some interesting points about the actual role that books serve for us on an individual level. #54 The Housekeeper and the Professor. This is one I heard about on here, and I thought the book was just lovely. #55 Leviathan (The Unwritten Vol. 4). Graphic novel, and the last one my library has, which is unfortunate since I am definitely hooked.
  2. I am definitely going to use that one in the future!
  3. Art projects, legos/k'nex, chess and other board games, sudoku, tree climbing, sewing/finger knitting.
  4. Oh my. I just signed up for 5 courses, all starting in July and September. I am really tempted by a couple that start next week, but I'm not sure if I'm ready for the time commitment involved. Talk me into it!
  5. There are some fun (and free!) activities on this site.
  6. I would definitely contact somebody. That is not appropriate, and, quite likely, not legal.
  7. I roasted a chicken, and we had baked sweet potatoes, salad, grapes, and french bread with it.
  8. The Mysterious Benedict Society. My kids loved the first one, and we're reading the second one now.
  9. Finished this week: #49 Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children. I wasn't expecting to like this one, but it really grew on me once I got past the first hundred pages or so. #50 Distracted: The Erosion of Attention and the Coming Dark Age. I don't know why, but I had a really hard time finishing this book, and I can't quite put my finger on the reason. The subject matter was interesting, the writing was thoughtful, but I had to push myself to read to the end, which is pretty ironic given its title. #51 Dead Man's Knock. This is the third volume in the graphic novel series The Unwritten, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I'll probably get to book 4 next week.
  10. I have never seen my husband cry or even tear up. I have known him for nearly 13 years.
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