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Jen in PA

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Everything posted by Jen in PA

  1. My kids both enjoy them, and DS plays with them a couple times a week. I got them when they were on sale on Amazon, and would do it again in a heartbeat.
  2. Finished this week: 64. Twelfth Night (a reread -- but I had totally forgotten huge chunks!) 65. What to Read When. This had lots of good ideas for future read-alouds. 66. Imagine: How Creativity Works. I thoroughly enjoyed this book -- it covered a surprising amount of material and I am hoping to reread it once the wait list at the library goes down. Started today: The Other Wes Moore. This is really fascinating so far.
  3. Most canned fruit. I can manage pineapple and mandarin oranges, but I think it's only because they aren't noticeably softer than they are usually. Things like canned peaches/pears/plums/fruit cocktail make me queasy -- and they were my mother's main way of adding fruit to our diet growing up.
  4. Hmmm, DS's birthday is in 2 weeks -- he would love that!
  5. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I am so sorry.
  6. We also have our garbage collected by a private company. We have a limit of 6 bags per household, anything over that is left behind or can be collected for an extra fee (which must be pre-arranged by calling the office before pick-up). We rarely have more than two bags per week, but a few times a year I do major cleaning projects and really do go to the maximum number of bags. If my neighbors were dropping off their garbage at my house I would end up with rotting trash (and raccoons!), or with a big bill. I would inform the company right away that someone is adding garbage to what you put out, and leave it to them to figure out who is doing it and what they will do about it.
  7. I am reading Imagine: How Creativity Works by Jonah Lehrer. With the kids, I'm reading the second Mysterious Benedict Society book -- we will finish it tonight.
  8. My plan for any and all oddball comments on homeschooling is to simply reply "What a fascinating opinion." I figure that should pretty much bring any conversation to a halt.
  9. I voted 0 - 100, but that is a bit misleading because I teach at our co-op, which offsets the cost of their classes there. They will have pricier classes this summer, but no co-op at the same time.
  10. :iagree: I have never understood why in the summer people cool the air to a temp that is significantly lower than the temp they warm it to in the winter. If stores kept it below 65 degrees in the winter, people would complain and the heat would be turned up. I dread going in and out of air conditioned places because it makes me wheeze. I also get frustrated because the same people who complain the second it gets cold enough to snow also complain as soon as it gets warm enough to swim.
  11. It sounds like PMDD. I never thought of myself as having the stereotypical PMS symptoms, so I was shocked when my doc said my symptoms (drastic changes in mood/appetite/sleep patterns/physical endurance) were a perfect fit for PMDD.
  12. I got halfway through this before I really started to enjoy it -- Volume 2 was much more consistent, IMO. Finished last week: 61. Kill Shakespeare Vol. 1 62. Kill Shakespeare Vol. 2 63. The New Kitchen Garden This week I must finish up Finnish Lessons and Imagine: How Creativity Works because they are due back at the library with other patrons waiting.
  13. Same here. DH has never really been able to get into the Chris Eccleston episodes. Matt Smith has definitely grown on us.
  14. I just wanted to say that I think you are a wonderful friend to think over her situation with so much concern and so little judgment. We should all have friends like you.:grouphug:
  15. I am as pro-choice as they come, but I think that this is an important opening for a conversation they need to have as a couple. What she thinks is best and what he wants may be two very different things -- or not. I hope that she will consult him, and I hope that she will find support no matter what the outcome is.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
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