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Jen in PA

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Everything posted by Jen in PA

  1. I have a Peninah, but I suppose that falls into the unusual category.
  2. :iagree: Plus, your body can't really use thyroid hormone properly without sufficient vitamin D -- I feel just as awful when I go off D supplements as when my TSH numbers are off.
  3. I voted 9, but that's the average for getting into bed. He usually stays up reading until 11 or even later.
  4. We have both. I would drop the landline since we both have cell phones and I am always logged into chat (via cable internet), but DH likes having something as backup. Our landline service goes out pretty regularly though, often for days at a time, so we might reconsider in the near future.
  5. I give you permission! This morning we finished up our seatwork, this afternoon I got confirmation that the district received our portfolio, and tomorrow is our last day of co-op. I can't decide if it's party time or nap time.
  6. I have joked with DH that I think some of the PBS fund drive money should go toward sedatives for the Kratt Brothers.:D
  7. My kids don't watch these show as much now, but I still like Arthur, especially the episodes that deal with reading that play on the themes of various book series/genres/authors. My kids get excited when they think there will be new animals on Wild Kratts, but I find the Kratt brothers sort of terrifying -- they have way too much energy.
  8. I have a day planner type form that I use as my lesson plans, adjust for what we actually do finish, then save and print at the end of each week. I label it (e.g. week 27 log), then the next week I write over the old dates and day numbers, then save it as the new week's log (it becomes week 28). The printed copy goes straight into my portfolio binder, I email a copy to myself to store online, and I keep a folder on my PC desktop with all of the current school year's plans/logs. I keep most of my book list for recurring textbooks on the bottom of that page so that the top gets filled in with abbreviations that I just cut and paste. It takes me about 5 minutes at the start of the week to set up the new page, but that is rolled into my lesson planning time. It takes another 5 minutes at the end of the week to proofread and print. SAMPLE LOG.doc
  9. :iagree: At our house I am always walking into the living room to notice that the Wii has been turned off and the tv has been left on. DH just can't hear it, and the sound drives me bonkers. He can't hear my phone ring when I have it set to a mosquito ringtone, either. He's 44, I'm 37.
  10. I didn't finish anything this week but somehow managed to start more books! DS gave me several bookmarks for Mother's Day to help me handle this problem.:D In progress: Kill Shakespeare Vol. 1 Twelfth Night This Book Is Overdue: How Librarians and Cybrarians Can Save Us All Red Pyramid Imagine: How Creativity Works Finnish Lessons: What Can the World Learn From Educational Change in Finland?
  11. :iagree: It is designed to make sure the student remembers to include an introduction, spends time on major points, and then closes the essay properly. Once the student has the habit of doing all of that. there is no reason whatsoever to insist on following the formula to a T.
  12. I don't know of anyplace online. I stumbled across a few in our library's homeschool section, so I just got very lucky. I would describe them as having all of the visual appeal of most textbooks (think colorful pics, data tables, sidebars) but the text itself is meaty and well-written -- a lot of the other texts were nice to look at but light on actual content.
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