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Jen in PA

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Everything posted by Jen in PA

  1. We go to the Y one morning a week, and we usually do some schoolwork in one of the common areas after the kids swim and play in the gym. I had a woman get in my face a few weeks ago over it, explaining that her daughter is a teacher and would NEVER try to teach kids in such a noisy environment. Because, of course, a classroom full of 30 kids is so much quieter than 3 or 4 middle-aged women chatting while they wait for their Zumba class to start. Whatever.
  2. I had one earlier this week. Definitely a scam. I didn't report it, but I noticed that a second email like that went straight to spam, so I am guessing that the filters are seeing it for what it is now.
  3. I think she is weird about the shoes thing. We don't wear shoes in the house, and live in an area where almost everyone takes shoes off at the door. The lace-up shoe part is even stranger. Does she know something I don't about making lace-up shoes look good with skirts and dresses?
  4. Finished last week: # 56 One Good Turn by Kate Atkinson. I had trouble getting into this at first because it turned out I had seen it as one of the episodes of Case Histories on PBS, but there were so many changes made that I ended up unsure if I should continue reading. I'm glad I stuck with it -- Atkinson's narrative style is really enjoyable. # 57 Late, Lost, and Unprepared: A Parents' Guide to Helping Children With Executive Functioning. This had lots of very concrete suggestions that I will be implementing with DS. # 58 Proust and the Squid: The Story and Science of the Reading Brain. This was a fascinating book, covering a broad range of topics on how we read and the value of reading. # 59 The Spirit Level by Seamus Heaney. A collection of poems by one of my favorite poets. This week I need to finally get around to Twelfth Night, and DS has "assigned me" The Red Pyramid, so I think I'll give it a try.:D
  5. Formal music. We do lots of exposure to music, and we do go to the symphony every few months, but I dropped the piano and recorder instruction early this school year and don't plan to resume it until the summer. Art is very low-key since their outside art class ended. We have lots of materials, but I tend to let them do their own thing with those. PE is finally getting done with structure -- we are spending one morning a week at the Y, and they spend half the time in the pool and the other half in the gym. I bring a book and read on those mornings, so it's a real win-win situation.
  6. :lol: My DS is the same age. He can spend 20 minutes telling me names/characteristics/relationships from Egyptian mythology (thanks, Rick Riordan!), but he forgets the steps required to get ready for bed. Every. Single. Night.
  7. We had some over 7 inches last week just 3 days after DH mowed -- he was livid.:D
  8. Adding olive oil to the diet can do wonders for constipation.
  9. A year ago I had planned that DD would be a 5th grader this school year, but that involved a grade skip for a child already young for grade level, and I ended up deciding against it. We kept my curriculum plans, but called this year 4th grade, and it has worked out really well.... so now I get to plan 5th grade all over again. Starting in July of this year: Spelling Workout F (I gave her the option of dropping spelling and just working on words she misspells, but she wants to continue!) Exercises in English G (we switched to the EIE workbook this year and it has been very efficient and thorough) Minimus Secundus/Latin Prep Classical Greek for Beginners HO Middle Ages 2 Singapore Discovering Mathematics PHSE -- some of the physical science textbooks, maybe also some chemistry (we are doing one of the life science books now and she is really thriving with this) I design our own literature and writing I am planning unit studies on the Olympics and the presidential election I'm still figuring out something for Spanish that she and DS can do together piano/recorder I'm hoping to find a good outside class for art ETA: Continuing with various Prufrock Press books for logic
  10. I'm doing some kind of chunky pasta with a mushroom/garlic/olive oil sauce, a big green salad, steamed zucchini, and strawberries. DH is not a fan of vegetarian dinners, but for something with lots of mushrooms, he'll make an exception.
  11. Tana French and Kate Atkinson are two of my current favorites.
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