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Jen in PA

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Everything posted by Jen in PA

  1. :iagree:This was my DS! He just didn't care what he was sitting in, he would keep on playing. We stopped trying to train him, and then he trained very quickly when we gave it another try a few months later.
  2. The house is always clean enough, although a midday visit would mean they were walking in while school stuff was on the table and I might be in the middle of folding laundry. I could certainly clear the table and start the kettle, and I always have some sort of baked goodies around.
  3. :lol: DD has been using a yoga dvd, but I think she will prefer this!
  4. We both wear ours. Mine has been getting progressively looser over the past year, and I may have to stop wearing it to avoid losing it.
  5. Me! Running around having a fun spring break has turned out to be more exhausting than keeping our usual routine.
  6. BA political science/literature MA Early Childhood and Elementary Education Work history: a mix of classroom teaching and educational administration
  7. DH is a web developer. He has an A.S. and a few certifications specific to his field.
  8. He seemed sexier before I saw the otter pics.:D
  9. We are doing Minimus Secundus as a placeholder since DD seems to be on the young side for Latin Prep, which is where I think we are headed next. So far we haven't encountered any grammar concepts that weren't in LL, but there is a fair amount of new vocabulary to keep her busy.
  10. Last week I finished: 43. Of Love and Other Demons by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. I couldn't put this down. 44. Elephants Can Remember by Agatha Christie. Not one of her best, but enjoyable. 45. The Tempest -- I managed to squeeze it in before the end of the month. It was a reread for me, but is one of the plays I always enjoy. Also, I was able to hear a nice streaming audio version through my library's website -- Ian McKellan as Prospero and Benedict Cumberbatch as Ferdinand! 46. For my personal challenge to read a modern book of poetry each month, I read Sixty Odd by Ursula LeGuin. I have to admit -- before I found this at the library, I didn't even know that she wrote poetry. I had trouble getting into it at first, but ended up finding many of the poems to be surprisingly moving. This week I'll continue with The Dumbest Generation: How the Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans and Jeopardizes Our Future. So far it is covering a lot of the same material in The Shallows, but with a slightly greater emphasis on the long-term effect on "cultured" civilization and civic involvement.
  11. I often wake up at 3 or 4 ready to clean, cook, or otherwise do something with my hands.
  12. I loved reading it. My kids begged me to keep going every night. I found it impossible not to invest in really doing voices for the characters, which I don't always do. I cried like a baby at the end. One of our favorite read-alouds.
  13. I know people who shop this way, actually slightly better (higher quality stuff, but still processed or prepared). They are really hurting with food prices going up so much lately, yet they don't want to cut out the products they find comforting -- or that their kids will complain about not having around. I partly understand the reliance on prepared foods for people with hectic schedules, but when I really press them, I usually find that people are unwilling to give up leisure time in exchange for cooking from scratch. I also know a few people who devote significant time to slashing their grocery budget couponing, and then end up with a pantry full of processed stuff that didn't cost any less than just cooking from scratch -- and the couponing actually takes more time than cooking would!
  14. We are currently reading through the Lewis Barnavelt books by John Bellairs and finishing up the third book in the Roman Mysteries series by Caroline Lawrence.
  15. :iagree: They aren't going to approve anything they think will do substantially better than what they are doing now -- why would they want the unfavorable comparisons?
  16. I have gotten very lucky finding docs by word of mouth, but my mother swears by asking the head pediatrics nurse at the closest hospital. I had some great docs as a kid, so maybe she's on to something.
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