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Everything posted by somo_chickenlady

  1. I have a severe phobia of talking on the phone to anyone other than DH. He is the ONLY one I can talk to comfortably. I get really bad anxiety if I have to call someone, and it can take me forever to build up the courage to actually do it. I hate it.
  2. My DH isn't a big reader. I can probably count on one hand the amount of books he has read in the 15 years we have been together. lol It honestly doesn't matter to me.
  3. Agreed. None of my business, and it isn't my place to butt into their business. If the mother doesn't already know, she will eventually.
  4. I agree, no reason to feel guilty. :grouphug: My DS had strabismus when he was a baby, and he had surgery to correct it. It really was no big deal (speaking from the parent of an at the time 1.5 year old who could not tell me his pain level and what not...), and recovery was pretty simple. He had a patch at first, (and depending on the severity and circumstances, may require glasses, but not all cases do....my son didn't need glasses, but a girl I was a nanny for, of the exact same age, did), then had surgery, and he was fine after that. I wish you good luck. I hope it is solved easily. :)
  5. I would just fill out the forms, but we don't have a problem with holding that kind of information back from DS.
  6. My friend does that. She wears her babies almost all the time. It really is personal preference, though. I am more like you, only really when out and about (I'm a nanny...I don't wear my 13 year old LOL!) unless they are ill or I need to for some other reason. There is no "right" answer. ;) It is what works best for you and what you are most comfortable doing.
  7. We were married at the country club where our reception was held, by a judge. We just went down to the courthouse and signed some paperwork, and he showed up on the day we requested. :)
  8. I went to the doctor for what I thought was strep throat, which I have had numerous times, and she did a mono test and it was positive. I had no other symptoms other than a sore throat, which went away in a couple days. I would have never known I had mono b/c I felt fine otherwise. OP - I hope your daughter feels better soon!
  9. I was a CNA on a Med/Surg floor of a children's hospital, and even though I was OCD diligent with my handwashing, to the point where my hands were RAW, and always wore a mask when I needed to, I still got SOOOO sick all the time, and I DID end up getting fired b/c of it. :cursing: The one and only time I got the flu shot, when I worked there, I still got the flu and in turn passed it on to DH and DS. We were all VERY sick for so long (part of why I got fired...we were only allowed to call in sick 4 times per year, and my bout of flu caused me to call in on three shifts). I have never had the flu otherwise, and I now refuse to get the flu shot again. I also think it is ridiculous to fire someone over a vaccine that has such a proven low rate of effectiveness. Just b/c you get the vaccine doesn't mean you still won't get and pass on the flu. Definitely a false sense of security, IMO.
  10. Not black, but I LOVE this tea...it is full leaves hand rolled into balls, which uncurl when you steep them. It's yummy! Most of their black teas are full leaves, though, so you would probably like them. :) Good luck!!
  11. That would be over medium, which is the way I like mine also. I also like hard boiled.
  12. I'm friends with my 14 year old niece, but I'm not friends with any of my younger cousins who are on FB. My other niece and nephew are 18 and 20, so I don't worry about them.
  13. I agree. My DS is this way, and it drives me insane. We stayed with MIL and FIL while we were up there for Christmas, and they bought an air mattress for us that included a pump. I found batteries, put them in, then turned it on...it worked for about a second then died. I thought maybe the batteries were old, so we went out and bought new ones. I put them in, and it wouldn't even work, so I figured the pump was faulty and put it aside. I walk out of the room for two seconds, and when I get back DS had taken all of the batteries out and was in the process of putting them back in again, b/c he was convinced HE could get it to work when I couldn't. :cursing:
  14. Agreed. We stay with my inlaws when we go back to visit, and I don't touch or change anything that isn't my personal property. I ask permission before doing anything. The same goes for when I'm in anyone else's home...including my own parents. We just got back from my inlaws' house, and while there I noticed that there were hairs all over the floor in the bathroom, and while it drove me nuts, I didn't say anything b/c it is their house not mine. They also have a TON more clutter than we have, which irritates me, but it isn't my house. For the record...I hang our toilet paper so it rolls from behind b/c we have pets that will paw at it and that way it just stays on the roll...if we hung it the other way, it would unroll all over the floor and make a mess. ;)
  15. curtains - Never :svengo: throw rug - About once a month, or when it looks visibly dirty bath mat - Every time I wash the towels, which is once a week shower curtain - We don't have one shower curtain liner - same as above mattress pad - Every other sheet washing, so every other week pillow cover* (not a pillowcase, see below for explanation) - Every couple months pillows - Never blanket on bed - Every other week throw blanket on sofa/chair - Never bedspread/quilt/comforter - Bedspreads/quilts and comforters are different in my mind...I will wash a bedspread/quilt once a month or so, but I don't like to wash comforters b/c I don't like how they get lumpy.
  16. Where Did I Come From? by Peter Mayle My mom gave me this book when I was about that age, and I gave it to DS around the same time. He also has a book called "What is Happening to Me?" which covers puberty, which is great. I think this book tells just enough for a child to understand, but doesn't go into too much gory details, if that makes sense.
  17. I was just wondering if I could get some advice on our situation. We currently live in Missouri, but in 3 weeks we are moving back to Nebraska where we are from. DS will go back into public school after we move. I'm trying to decide if it is worth it to continue homeschooling him until then, or just give him a break until we move. He still has to finish his last section/workbooks b/c he was supposed to do it while we were up in Nebraska for Christmas, but we let him hold off so he could spend more time with family. Because of that, he won't have time to finish the next section before we move. What would you do in our situation? Finish the last section and start the next, even though he won't have time to finish it...finish the current section and give him a break until we move...or don't bother finishing the current section and just go straight to a break. I do plan on having him read daily, no matter what. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!!
  18. I used to nanny for a family that was in charge of the local branch. Their cleaning supplies are great, their diapers are awesome (most of their baby stuff is great, including the formula), and their energy bars are really good (chocolate peanut butter are the best ones IMO).
  19. When my whole family had the flu a couple years ago, we all ran fevers for well over a week. I hope he feels better soon!!
  20. Buy some basic tinted face powder...you can do the same thing with that that you can do with mineral powder. I do it every day. ELF brand, which is only $1/$3 depending on what you buy, is GREAT!!! Almost everything I use is ELF now. Some Walmarts carry it, some don't, so if the first one you check doesn't look at another one (if possible). Our grocery store carries it in the cosmetics section, as well. You can also make your own sheer mineral powder with this recipe. I use about 2-3 times the amount of tinted powder (I like it to cover more than it calls for), but I find it to be really light (I also HATE really heavy makeup) and it works just like the store bought stuff, but is WAY cheaper. I use a cream coverup for my acne scars, really thin over just those areas (not all over), and then a layer of powder over top. Occasionally I will use pressed powder over top of that. Then I use blush on my cheeks to give me color, and a tiny bit on my nose, forehead, and edge of my jaw. Neutral colored eyeshadow on my eyes, then ELF eyeliner on upper lid only (BEST eyeliner I have tried so far, the $3 eyeliner/eyeshadow combo...goes on SO smoothly, I LOVE IT!). and ELF mineral blend mascara really lightly. Mascara makes me itch also, but the ELF mineral blend doesn't for some reason. Oh....I also use the ELF brand eyebrow kit, b/c my eyebrows are really thin and transparent, and it makes me look like I actually have them. LMAO If you need any other advice, please don't hesitate to PM me! I have struggled my whole life with it, and have just in the past few years got this whole thing under control. LOL
  21. Usually only after midnight unless specified. They usually tell you if you have to wait longer than that. If anything, call and ask. If you do not urinate when you wake up and wait until you go in for your blood work, I think you should be able to go for them. Good luck!! BTDT.
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