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Everything posted by somo_chickenlady

  1. If you can disclose the information, I think you should. I work in childcare, and I once worked for a TERRIBLE director that I disliked so much that I quit. I still had friends that worked there, and found out that she got fired b/c a bunch of money went missing, but they couldn't prove she took it. Fast forward a couple years and I am working at another center, and the director resigns. They end up hiring terrible director. If this tells you anything, I immediately started bawling when I found out, and I don't cry easily. I ended up quitting again b/c of her (and that was probably the best, most favorite job I have ever had) and less than 6 months later she ended up embbezzling a TON of money from the center and they had to shut down. I tried to warn them, but they wouldn't listen. I say if she was fired, it was probably for good reason and personally wouldn't hire her, especially if what she was fired for is as serious as you make it seem.
  2. Our 18yr old nephew is going to be staying with us from now on, any time he is home from college. His mother, my SIL, and her husband recently aquired custody of their 15 year old niece (and now her newborn) and said niece sleeps in our nephews bed, so he had been staying on their sofa. We have an empty basement, and we live only a couple doors down from SIL so we offered for him to stay with us. Anyway, he is coming back for spring break on Saturday so we went out yesterday and bought a futon for him to sleep on. It also gives him somewhere he can hang out and play video games or whatever, just to get some privacy which he got none at his mother's house. What I am wondering is....is a futon cover necessary, or can we get away with a set of sheets? The mattress is black, so I dont want it to get stained up so I want something on it. Kwim?
  3. My weekend was calm and relaxing, until some drama with SIL (who we recently moved next to and is starting to blur her boundaries between "aunt" and "parent") happened Sunday afternoon. I dont have enough spoons to deal with that carp, so by Sunday evening I was dead. Then yesterday morning I was dead before I even got up, and I could barely drag myself out of bed. Thankfully, yesterday was uneventful so I am doing much better today. How are you doing today Jean?
  4. I would get a new number if possible. Sorry you are dealing with this, what a pain!!
  5. I have no idea. My DH is the same way, unfortunately. To him, unless I am hyper and happy bouncing off the walls, he tells me I am being p*ssy and gets mad at me, but heaven forbid I mention something when HE is in a truly carpy mood. *grumble* I can never just be in a somber mood, or not feel well, or just not feel like being hyper, without him jumping down my throat. If I don't respond to everything with a chipper tone to my voice, watch out. I hate it. ...and yes, I have said something to him about it multiple times, but it doesn't make a difference.
  6. I have been using a Libman Wonder mop for years. The mop heads (the orange and white strip one is what I use, but they also have yarn heads) are washable, I throw it in with my dish towels. They also have a wringer built into the mop. I would definitely recommend one.
  7. Our son is not allowed to have a cell phone until he can drive alone, so 16.
  8. To us, a guest is anyone that does not permanently reside in our home, including family. I expect family to take their plates to the sink when they are over for dinner, but I don't require people other than family to do that, and no guests are required to do anything else beyond that.
  9. Mop with laundry detergent (like Tide or Era)! Seriously. I worked at Wendy's in high school, and that is what they used to mop the floors b/c it cuts through grease and dirt so well. I use Era to mop my floors, and it works GREAT! We had tile (beige, no less) and the red dirt at our old house, and this cleaned it without a problem. Plus, it makes your house smell great! lol
  10. The only year I or my family fell ill with Influenza was the year that I had the vaccine, due to requirements at my work (I was a CNA). I had it first, followed by DH, then by DS. Dh and I both tested positive, they just assumed with DS b/c of that. None of us have had the vaccine any other time, and none of us have had influenza any other time either.
  11. If your DS doesn't care, what does it matter what other kids think?? If he starts to get self conscious and begins to worry what his peers think, he will stop doing it. Simple as that. Why bring attention or make a big deal out of something that just...isn't??
  12. Agreed, no matter their gender. I'm assuming it is a boy, since you mentioned it. I wouldn't bat an eye at a Kindergarten or 1st grade boy with a doll in public, particularly if they had a carrier for it. My son is 14, and still sleeps with stuffed animals at night. He still brings his stuffed dinosaur, named "Spotty" (it has polka dots on it) with him when we go on trips. My husband doesn't think he should be doing that anymore, but I don't care at all, so I completely understand where you are coming from...if we are on the same page, that is. I figure he will stop doing it at some point, but I'm not going to pressure him into doing it earlier than he is comfortable. I still slept with my "dog blankie" (a pieced quilt that looks like a big dog) until high school, and it was threadbare and falling apart at that point. I still have it, but I don't sleep with it anymore. ;) Maybe that is why I don't care about DS still sleeping with stuffed animals. I bet there are more people out there than you think that are the same way.
  13. Okay, that makes sense. LOL In your other posts, you made it seem like only friends were invited, but you were still inviting cousins, so I was confused. ;)
  14. I'm still confused, and I'm sure your sister is as well. That's like saying...family isn't invited, but since you are family you can still come. Either family is invited, or they aren't, and since cousins are family I would assume they couldn't come, no matter how old they are. Also, I would expect the parents of an 8 year old (particularly if they are family) to stay at the party. Maybe it's just me, but I couldn't imagine telling my sister that she can leave her 8 year old, but she has to leave.
  15. Growing up, until we were in our teens, I was VERY close to my male cousin who was only one year older than me. Our birthdays are actually only a day apart, so when we were very young...like 2 & 3...we had combined birthday parties, but after that I was never invited to his birthday parties and vice versa. Same goes for my DS and his female cousin. They are 9 months apart and have been close their entire lives, as if like siblings. He has never been invited to one of her parties, and vice versa. That's just how it was/is. DS has a male cousin who is 3 years older than he is, and I couldn't imagine expecting him to invite DS to his party.
  16. I am definitely attracted to a certain facial structure. Square forehead and jaw, defined brow and nose, preferably with dark hair. Like Mark Ruffalo from The Avengers, or the lead singer of Train. My husband has very similar features to both of those men. They don't necessarily look alike, as you said, but they all have very similar features. They also all have a similar build to their bodies...shorter, more compact.
  17. I haven't been, so no advice, but I just wanted to with you good luck at the doctor! It is always good for me to take my DH b/c I am terrible at standing up for myself and he has no problem doing it for me. :grouphug:
  18. :grouphug: I'm so sorry! I completely understand. I get simple partials before my complex partials (mostly deja vu and sudden nausea, but sometimes I get the thing where items look bigger/smaller...can't remember the name for it) and mine are usually brought on by stress as well. I hope tomorrow is better for you! :grouphug:
  19. I voted 6 (both weekdays and weekends) and close at 2pm. We have a really great breakfast/lunch joint here, and those are the hours they are open, and they ALWAYS have a wait.
  20. Tommy Girl or Ralph Lauren Romance are my two favorites. I like wearing Tommy Girl b/c it complements DH's Tommy, which is my favorite scent on him. I also love Poison, but it is very strong and you either love it or hate it. All of the Clinique Happy scents are really nice as well. :)
  21. Yes, thank you Jean! :) Aunty Social, my husband is the same way. :grouphug: There are some days when I am in so much pain from my arthritis, but whenever I complain he tells me I'm being a big baby. I just started telling him that he doesn't live in my body and can't know my pain, to me I hurt, so shut up. LOL I don't even usually complain unless it is really bad. We had a big snow storm push through today, and for the past couple days my body has hurt SOOO bad! Especially my hands and my shoulders, which are two of my worst joints. My shoulders have been waking me up in my sleep the past couple nights. Today has been better b/c it warmed up a bit, but man when that cold front came through it was horrible! We ended up getting around 9" of snow, and it hasn't stopped yet. My boss (I'm a nanny) doesn't have school again tomorrow...but wants me to come in for a couple hours so he can go to the gym. Ummm....I'm not going to risk my life for that, sorry! We tried to go out to get something to eat tonight at 7:30 pm, and the entire city of Omaha was shut down!! It was like a zombie apocalypse! lmao The roads are HORRIBLE! If they aren't much better by morning, I'm going to tell them I just can't make it in. They live on the other side of town, a 25 minute drive on a regular day.
  22. I'm having a good day. I got the day off work b/c my boss is a teacher and they canceled school since we are supposed to get a ton of snow. Therefore, I got to sleep in. Woot! Now, I get to catch up on all of my recorded shows that DH refuses to watch with me. :laugh: Jean, I'm glad you are doing well today! No more chest pains? Shannon, sorry to hear you had a rough night and that are having pain today. I hope you are able to get better sleep tonight. :grouphug:
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