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Everything posted by somo_chickenlady

  1. Another one with Adfison's Disease! How badly does it affect your day to day life?
  2. I forgot about DS...not an illness but he is deaf in his right ear. He also has mild Aspergers.
  3. I have Addison's Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and I also have Partial Complex seizures.
  4. When I was 18 I fell and chipped a huge and noticable chunk out of the corner of one of my front teeth (not the very front one but the one next to it on the left). I never had it fixed and I have never developed a cavity in it. It only caused me pain due to how I broke it (face meet concrete...so bruising and swelling) but otherwise no sensitivity. I grind my teeth in my sleep, so now at 35 I can hardly see it anymore b/c I have ground it almost flat.
  5. FTR - we were having a problem with our DS getting onto his ipad before we woke up and was downloading stuff without permission. We inacted a rule that he could no longer have the password, so if he wants to download something he has to give it to us and we type in the password. Perhaps from now on he can only watch with prior permission, and that means YOU have to type in the password inorder for him to do so.
  6. IMO, losing the privilege for longer. Definitely keep password locks on them from now on.
  7. I am very quiet, and my DS talks 24/7. Literally...if he is awake,his mouth is going. It drives me crazy most of the time and was the hardest thing about homeschooling for me.
  8. I would suggest ice as well. I love water but i prefer it to have ice in it. Otherwise you could try those Mio things with just a tiny squirt in each cup, just enough to give it a tiny bit of flavor.
  9. Kum and Go has their own brand of 5 hour energy which works really well. Every other type of energy drink I have tried leaves me feeling jittery, but that stuff just keeps me awake. They hsve better flavors and tsste than the actual 5 hour energy. The cherry lime actually tastes like cherry lime, not like yak pee. LOL When we moved from MO to NE, we did the drive overnight after being awake loading the truck all day. Those things kept me wide awake even though by the time we got to our new place we had been awake for 24 hours.
  10. Bagels with cream cheese. This week I have been eating a plain bagel with Walmart's Great Value brand mixed berry flavored cream cheese, and it is really good!! My DH and DS both like onion bagels with onion and chive cream cheese.
  11. It may not have been an error or something they caught...quite a lot of hospitals mark the wrong side on purpose. Just saying.
  12. It isnt a new treatment. I am 35, and they had to do that with my teeth. I had braces starting in 2nd grade. The first batch was just the four front teeth, top and bottom. I didn't get full mouth braces until 7th grade.
  13. I agree with Acorn...when DH had surgery on his knee, they marked the wrong one so they would know it was the wrong one and wouldn't accidentally do sugery on it. Quite a few hospitals do that, actually. I know the Children's Hospital that I worked at did as well.
  14. I voted for airplanes b/c I think it is the one that cab best grow with the child...it isnt too babyish or cutesy, so youcan stick with the theme as he gets older.
  15. I started getting them out of the blue about 7 years ago, and would get about one per month. That lasted a year or so then suddenly stopped and i haven't had one since. LOL Not sure what that was about. I also thought i had a tumor. LOL
  16. We have a Sony Bluray with apps like that and it doesn't support Hulu. We have to watch it through our Playstation 3 instead.
  17. The only thing we got with our last house was a deep freeze, but it was part of the sale so we knew about it ahead of time. When we sold the home before that, we left the work benches in the garage that DH built, as well as the washer and dryer (but again, that was part of the sale). I dont recall leaving anything other thsn that. Thrn again, they were PITA buyers, and their agent was even worse, so we weren't doing them any favors.
  18. You said it way better than I ever could, but this is almost identical to how we parent our son. Even down to the yes sir/ma'am (although he does that on his own, we never taught him to do that) and "what he's told, when he's told to do it"...that is our motto. Do what you're told, when you're told, and how you're told to do it, and everything is great! We may sound strict, and we are. We just have certain expectations of respect. I respect him, and in turn I expect it from him. At the end of the day, though, I am still his parent, NOT his peer, and I will not accept certain behaviors, period. As Tammy said, we certainly won't be the last authoritative figures he will have to deal with in life, and we feel it is our job to prepare him to deal with that. I have ran into plenty of people in my adulthood that seemed to have never been taught respect for authority figures, and it shows. I want better for my child than that, and I would be embarrassed to see my child act the way some of those people act.
  19. 1. What names do you absolutely love and would name your child? Astrid (my absolute favorite) Clara/Claire Allison Olivia/Olive Daphne Scarlet Bronwyn Alexis Alice Georgia Matilda Bethany Nora Bridgette Abigail Katherine Caroline Carly Charlotte Eloise Gunnar (my favorite) Oliver Tristan Walter Lucas Cameron Henry Charles Thomas Calvin Dennis Felix Jasper Nathan Samuel William Sawyer 2. What names do you absolutely love and would not name your child (either due to being too out there or too popular, etc.)? Avril Britta Cameron Corinne Aaron Dax Keaton 3. Is there a certain era, theme, etc that you like best when choosing names? I prefer mostly old fashioned names.
  20. It works for our DS, probably b/c he is normally a really relaxed, laid back kid, and his behavior rarely requires this so when it does it is pretty effective. He has learned that he doesn't like to be without his belongings and quickly shapes up to get them back. It may not work for all kids, but you never know until you try it and she asked for suggestions on what works, and this works for us. ;)
  21. To the red...I have to agree. That behavior would NEVER fly in our household, and DS knows that. Depending on the severity of the behavior, he looses privileges, belongings, and privacy. Just last weekend things came to a head with DS and he lost all of his belongings and privileges. He is slowly earning them back, one at a time, with good (expected) behavior. We have never had to take his door off the frame, but we wouldn't hesitate to do so if we felt the need. If his attitude is really bad, he gets a 3 hour time out, in his room, with just a book to read...all electronics and other belongings (yu-gi-oh cards, etc) are taken away. If his attitude is improved at the end of the 3 hours, he can get out of time out, but if it isn't, he gets another 3 hours. We rarely have problems that severe, though. The only way to really deal with it, though, it is nip it in the bud as soon as it happens. Talking back or screaming? INSTANT loss of privileges, NO backing down. With DS we don't give him a set timeline on when he earns his things back, it is solely determined on how much and how quickly his behavior improves. He may earn it back in a day, or it may take a week or two...it just depends on him. We have found that this gets a better result, b/c when we took things away for a predetermined time, he would just hold out until that time period was over and nothing really changed. Now, it is all about personal accountability.
  22. I want to change mine, not b/c I'm trying to hide from someone, but b/c I no longer live in south Missouri (somo), nor do I have chickens anymore. We now live in Nebraska in a townhouse until our house sells. The name just doesn't fit me at all anymore. I just haven't thought of any clever names to change it. lol
  23. I have had Strep about a million times and I never have a fever with it.
  24. We were taght to brush our teeth, but noone actually enforced it that i recall. With DS i remind him to brush his teeth before school and then have him do it again before bed. Yes we replace our tooth brushes frequently.
  25. I started getting bad acne in 5th grade and still deal with it (I'm 35.) Walmart sells a generic (Equate) Proactiv which works GREAT for me except for hormonal breakthroughs around my period. I don't think anything will help me with that. LOL I also like that you can buy each one separately b/c I always use the cleanser up the fastest. I would recommend that.
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