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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. :iagree: He just looked confused. So sad. I can't even begin to imagine... Poor family.
  2. In case they need to follow up. Though, honestly, it seems like they could track you by your cell phone number if they needed to find you. But, then, the caller could have asked for someone else's phone, so...
  3. Huh. No idea. I always wear makeup (upper liner, mascara, lipstick - usually bright red). I paint my toenails, too. My hair is always up, usually in a clip/barrette/sticks - the hairdo equivalent of tape - but that's because if it's short, I have to style it, and that is not going to happen. I wear skirts, jeans or workout clothes, depending on what I'm doing and the weather. Footwear, if worn, goes with it. Today it's a fitted t, LLBean skirt and ancient birks. My lipstick and the color of my toenails have never prevented me from doing manual labor, "man work", or playing sports, though. (Though the relative dearth of sporting opportunities for post-collegiate women does) And I hooked my husband crawling under his truck to help drop the exhaust to get to the transmission on our first date. So I guess I'm around a 4 or 5 on the girly scale? I'm just spitballing it; I honestly have no idea.
  4. I do mine in a big skillet that can go in the oven. One dish. (Well, and the cutting board and knife for the onions, and mandolin for the spuds) And the simmering makes them go super fast.
  5. This is my favorite recipe: http://www.browneyedbaker.com/2011/04/20/scalloped-potatoes-recipe/ The cheese just goes on top, so omitting it wouldn't affect consistency.
  6. We have Verizon for our land line. I had to work a little to make the guy understand that when I said I want dialtone, that's really all I wanted (we don't pay for incoming calls, and if I have to dial 911, I'll invest the 10 cents). It's, $11 a month with alll the taxes and everything.
  7. Yes, I'm going to need some detail, too. Just to feed my "people are disgusting" skeeved out paranoia. :bigear:
  8. I'm trying to talk the kids into being Wendy (11 yo), John (8 yo #1) and Michael (8 yo #2) when we do a costumed visit to a nursing home.
  9. Like this: (please excuse the weird phone picture. My cabinets are white, but the phone case gives everything a weird tinge and I'm still on my first cup of coffee)
  10. That's what my souvenir yarn is. I have to keep petting the skeins. :001_wub: (I'm hoping the silk will be as tough, wear wise, as nylon)
  11. We make/use this one. Not messy at all. I keep it in the cabinet and, in winter, sometimes have to microwave it for a few seconds to make it pliable (it melts into your warm armpit, but can be hard to get out of the jar when it's cold). I use lavender and tea tree oil, too, for the antimicrobial properties.
  12. That's what we have. I keep pots and pans beneath, lids on the bottom swing shelf (which we mounted fairly close to the one above) and mixing bowls, etc on the top. There is still some extra space in the way back corner of the cabinet, where I keep things I don't use every day, like the stock pot.
  13. How's traffic? I commuted for the first five years we lived here (about 3 miles from the DE line) to northern VA and DC, and the drive wasn't hideous, but the traffic often was. Sitting in my car sucked up a LOT of hours in my life. I left at 6am and would sometimes not get home until after 8. So, what gains in quality of life would 7k get you, versus how much of your life lost in commute?
  14. YES! I don't know how it's actually possible to stretch A BOWL OF CEREAL out to 90 minutes! But I can guarantee it has become soggy muck long before that.
  15. You should know that turning a heel feels clever every.single.time. I've finally sucked it up and bought Two-at-a-time Socks. I've never done magic loop before, but a friend (who is also a die hard dpn girl) and I are doing a knit along with some souvenir yarn in the same colorway as the trees were sporting when we left Maine last week. So, maybe, no more SSS. :) Tip: use sock wool with a bit of nylon in it. It makes it wear like iron, even when you get lovely, soft merino. ;)
  16. I hate them. They suck up space, stuff falls off, doesn't fit, etc. We opted for swing out shelves in our lower corner cabinet. They're ok, but you still lose a lot of space.
  17. Some of the best chocolate chip cookies I've ever eaten are made with almond flour. Interestingly, I made two batches and had the same experience as the author (first batch spread more than the second). I used Bob's for the first, Honeyville for the second.
  18. We had a discussion about this some months back. I think the general consensus was that some people do and some people don't. It's not a matter of training, just how you process a narrative.
  19. I'm pretty sure I know the reason I dumped it, and that was it.
  20. My eldest daughter is a fair-skinned strawberry blonde. No skin issues. Though, as Element said, anything at all would stand out more on her.
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