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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. Enjoy this celebration of the new season of your life!
  2. This is us, too. There are better ways for us to save money purchasing whole foods that we actually eat, investing in non-disposable items, etc.
  3. I knew them all except one, and one I know but can't place. It's funny that there is almost immediate recognition for Greatest American Hero, when it only lasted two years. :) I didn't watch much tv as a kid. Those span multiple decades, so I've seen the shows in syndication as an adult (like MTM... I'm sure I didn't watch that as a kid, or All in the Family). Mostly, I remember watching the ABC weekly movie - Wizard of Oz, Rikki Tikki Tavi, the Hobbit... Sometimes, I'd watch MASH or WKRP with my dad, but I was mostly in bed by the time they came on. My kids watch in much the same way I did: we watch on occasion, as a family. I think the screen time contention has more to do with the increase in technology with screens: tv AND computers AND games. Even if you watched every single one of those shows, you'd hardly be pushing 2 hrs a week during the span they were on.
  4. At that age, my guys really liked ( and we still laugh out loud at) Junie B Jones. They very quickly moved on to Little House in the Big Wood, Percy Jackson, etc. We've spent the past year or so listening to the Lit2Go (free, on their website or via iTunes) books read by Lorraine Montgomery: A Little Princess, Anne of Green Gables, Little Women and, most recently Peter Pan. (They're 8 now.) Junie B really got them engaged in listening to audio books, though.
  5. Snort. I hate meals that are cursed like that. I'm betting they don't notice, but you go out for a food run to have something that tastes like you imagine. Like cookies. ;)
  6. I like Beautylish.com for all things hair and makeup.
  7. These. Generally, the decision goes to s/he who is affected or has the stronger opinion, but nobody - NOBODY - has the authority to sulk, harrass, badger or bully anyone else into doing something s/he does not feel comfortable doing, no matter where the discomfort originates (physical, ethical, whatever). That would turn into the larger disagreement very quickly here.
  8. I was thinking a shower. I guess my standards are low. :lol: But I see she's moved into the human chain on the Hive hierarchy. :D
  9. I wonder if they had to do it because bands of marauding homeschoolers were making their cart database huge and sluggish. :lol:
  10. I usually just pull all the chicken carcasses, onion ends, etc, I've been saving out of the freezer, dump them in a stock pot, water, a head of garlic, simmer... In the winter, I add astragalus root, but that helps boost immunity, so. Is there some radically different way of making stock/broth?
  11. It's rather like the company who declares Christmas parties are banned (being in poor taste, frivolous, whatever) then dedicates an afternoon to an all-hands "staff meeting" with food, bar and gift exchange. :001_huh: It's ridiculous. And, btw, I am now going as Mrs. Mungo for Halloween.
  12. Yup, that's what I was going to say. Not lock him in a room, but close and lock doors, use keys that are kept at the top of the doorway. Install magnetic cabinet locks and magnet the opener to the top of the fridge. Utilize closets, put hook locks on them. Sometimes, you just have to employ all out lock down for everyone to make it out of the toddler years without ending up an inpatient somewhere. :grouphug: Remember: this is just a phase. (I used to repeat that out loud, many times a day when Captain Chaos and Doctor Destructo were that age.)
  13. No criticism here. That's gorgeous! And totally one of the first "bridesmaid" (or MotB, for that matter) dresses I can see anyone wanting to be seen in again. That's just hands down a nice dress.
  14. Exactly. There is usually a premium involved in personal childcare. Not to mention the premium for paying someone who can be flexible about pickups, etc. When I was a working, single mom, my daycare charged a dollar per minute after 6:00. You also paid when you were on vacation (since you took up a spot), and paid extra when school was out and it was a full day gig. So, yeah, I think the going rate is generous.
  15. Exactly. I do not mind watching anyone's kids when they need a few hours. But a daily gig that keeps you tied to their schedule is a job. And jobs done for others are paid unless there are extraordinary circumstances.
  16. Well, I suppose you could sew one from the tutorial. I got mine at a church rummage.
  17. Chronic exhaustion and pain is not normal at any age. (It is more common as we age, but not normal). Get it checked out. I had lots of excuses for both for several years - being postpartum, being sleep deprived with twin nurslings, being the mother of small children, blah blah blah blah. I only addressed it when it got so bad that an hour or two up and moving (during which I felt like I was using every bit of energy I could possibly muster) would lead to needing to nap for several hours. Now that I have a doctor willing to treat my thyroid* and I'm off gluten, I feel like a normal, productive human being again. I have never been, and never will be, a minimal sleep, running constantly person, but I do now live a life where I have the energy to do what I want and need to do every day. *It was difficult to find a doctor who was willing to acknowledge that borderline "normal" is not an optimal function point for some people, and treat it according to how I feel instead of a TSH level alone.
  18. I just got an email from Michael's for 50% off one Martha Stewart craft item, which includes her knit and weave loom kit (it appears to be configurable, based on whether you want to knit flat or round, or weave). So, if any of you have Michael's near you, there you go! :001_smile:
  19. Sturdy ones, that don't turn into applesauce with the double cooking, I would think would be preferable. So, Braeburn, Granny Smith, that sort.
  20. Me, too! My favorite is a 1920s button apron like this, but longer and less tailored. No strangling or neck pulling.
  21. You'd get it at the grocery store. You may want to let the alcohol sit on it a bit; it's more chemical than mechanical action. Also, if Bon Ami doesn't work for whatever residue may be left, Barkeeper's Friend or Zud cleansers have oxalic acid in them and tend to lift things nicely.
  22. I am currently triangulating your position and will just fold time and space a tiny bit... Go answer the door. It's me. :D Yum!
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