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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. I think hotmail is a popular target for such things, more so than other free email providers. Yes, you should most definitely change your password, preferably to something long that contains letters, numbers, and special characters. You should do that whether you change emails or not.
  2. Congratulations!! You ROCK! 41/5. 10 lbs. 15" head!! Wow! Here's to enjoying your new little man, and a speedy rebound from all that great work.
  3. The stick diffuser things aren't any more spendy than the Yankee Candle scent options. Bath & Body Works has some nice scent options that cost less than YC. You could get some DampRid hanging bags (Home Depot sells them), which will suck up and moisture and give off a scent. At least then the $ is helping with the issue, not just making a pretty smell. (IMO you have to be really super careless to burn the house down with a jar candle, but that's another thread)
  4. (Speaking only regarding MD, as I have an interest) The FACT of that article is accurate, but it does not reflect the TRUTH, which is that the case law and appellate decisions are clear that there must be parental unfitness or exceptional circumstances to usurp parental rights. The state simply acknowledges that it cannot define every possible circumstance, so it doesn't limit the family courts by trying.
  5. Rice can be cooked like pasta. I assume the idea is that the arsenic is somewhat extracted into the water, which you then drain off.
  6. :iagree: I don't generally get too excited about stuff that naturally occurs in soil, but I think this is worth looking into further. We do buy mostly organic (or Lundberg's "eco") so I'm not super concerned about pesticides but, if rice has an affinity for arsenic (or other heavy metals), I would like to see some information on that.
  7. It doesn't burn forever. 15, 20 minutes? So I rarely have to put it out to leave the house. I just wouldn't light it off if I was leaving shortly... Sort of defeats the purpose (in the car, I just toss it on the ground and grind it out with my shoe). If I suddenly had to put out a stick, I'd just run it under water. If I had to leave suddenly with a cone burning, I'd probably just take it outside.
  8. Well, the Volvo is of a vintage where cars still had ashtrays, so there are some rocks in the ashtray, with a little ceramic cone dish in it. In the van (no ashtray), I have a brass dish with a little mesh lid that fits in the cup holder in the center console between the front seats. Like this but just brass.
  9. Mine, thankfully, appears to be immune to the mancold. And he would think the video is as funny as I find it, but he's had that 9-1-1 call so many times in the past 15 years (along with the 3a.m. hangnail and hurty toe of unknown origin) that he watched it and handed my phone back saying, "I think he lives in <city of employment>" :lol:
  10. Were they your mother's parents? That would fit with current laws (parents of an absent/deceased parent can be granted visitation). Grandparents' rights do not supersede rights of parents in cases outside of that situation (where the, say, deceased parent's rights are being continued and, before death, they were clear in their pattern of communication/visitation). Grandparents cannot disagree with the decisions of an intact family unit and assert their right to have the parents make decisions according to their wishes. That includes cutting off the grandparents due to their behavior. Abuse/neglect doesn't factor here. If there is abuse or neglect, that goes through different channels; it's not a magic word that gives somebody rights to your children because they want them.
  11. Hmmm. Unless it's marked "superwash", animal fibers (wool, alpaca, etc) will felt. It's not the heat, it's the temperature change and friction. I often dry them in a rack in the dryer, on medium or low heat. Generally, plant fibers (cotton, linen, hemp, tencel) are dry-able. Rayon is, frankly, iffy in water, it's also iffy in the dryer. I wash and dry silk with impunity.
  12. I think a poly-cotton blend says "dry flat" because, if you hang them they will grow exponentially in length. Cotton is just like that. It doesn't shrink like wool, though. I have a number of cotton sweaters that I have had for decades that go into the dryer with regular clothes. But I'm just a kamikaze launderer like that. :lol: I put cashmere in the washer with the rest of my wool. :D
  13. This is me, too, except I've been on the job for a good 15 hours by 8. But I am just done by dinner time. Done. Full stop. I have no suggestions, other than routine and preparedness already covered... Well, and don't sell them yet. In a few years, they will be more helpful, self-cleaning (more or less), and literate. My evenings are much easier these days, though I'm no less done with the day.
  14. Yep. We have Nag Champa sticks for the house and cones for the car. I also love the Shoyeido jewel series - emerald and amethyst are favorites; we like sandalwood - and I have random ones that I come across here and there. I grew up with incense burning in the house. My husband teased me for years, but now I can tell when he had a rough night at work because he gets home smelling like Nag Champa. :D (which, by the way, does make a sticky residue in the car)
  15. Us, too! I only make it occasionally, though, but it's always "good" meatloaf. I don't care for anything ill-seasoned or such.
  16. :grouphug: That sounds like the appropriate thing to do. Happy birthday to your son! I hope he had a great day.
  17. Uh... Wow. When I was a kid, if you were caught smoking pot by the coach, you would be suspended for the season. At least. And there would be drug testing. And the police would be involved. I don't think pot, as a substance, is any great concern. But using illegal drugs (including alcohol, because of the legal age restrictions) would be a Very Big Deal (as would illegal behavior of any kind). (I am making no assumptions about mental health, here, and addressing the underlying draw to such substances, just speaking to the acts themselves. Just so I'm clear.) I'm trying to wrap my head around suing because your kid is caught holding/using a controlled substance. Mind boggling. I wouldn't consider the organization "dirty" for not being in a position to control the behavior/ethics of players off the field. They can set standards, certainly, and take whatever action they've spelled out for team participation, but it the kids are creeps off the field, I'm not sure there's much that can be done by the organization.
  18. So true. Our metabolism slows down after 30 or so. After 40, it seems you lose about 8% of your muscle mass each decade so, if you're not actively building/maintaining muscle, you're losing it, which results in a lower resting metabolism. I really dislike diets (not dieting, diets). I don't think they tend to change eating habits for the better long term and, quite frankly, there is no one size fits all way to eat. If a diet is radical enough to stress your body, you will hold onto weight, too; it's a defense mechanism. Finally, I wouldn't look at the scale. That number only has a marginal relationship with your body composition, unless you're completely sedentary. Look to healthy and fit instead. Look to how your body feels and clothes fit. As a point of reference, I am 5' even and weigh in at about 150 in top form. I wear about a 4-8 (ballpark, accounting for differences in cut, intended audience age, and the general psychosis that is women's clothing sizing). My body fat is under 20%. Eta: I see that you've added new exercise. That's awesome. However, due to new stress on your muscles, you may be holding fluids from the repair process. That's fine and normal in the beginning, but another factor that will affect the scale and make you crazy. ;)
  19. That is how we answer, here, too. "I'm trying to teach you better than I was taught." They see us struggle to be on top of things and make good habits that we didn't learn in childhood, so they get it. If my husband wasn't inclined to improve his habits, that would be my answer. I love the bolded. It's so true and something that I think we're all working on here.
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