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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. My thought, exactly. Math is not open to interpretation. It's math. The symbols have assigned meanings. You don't just randomly plop in = where it looks nice. It's that kind of lunacy that made me drop Miquon in the first year. "it doesn't matter what answer they get, they should just be creative in measuring the line." Not! :glare: My head may be spinning around now.
  2. Well, then, they can keep the cold to themselves, thankyouverymuch. :glare:
  3. Wait... We have a cold, too? I was not apprised of this situation. Or is the woman cold the one where we jam tissues up our noses and carry on?
  4. Me, too. And I would make it clear that there is just not going to be any waiting.
  5. I recall mention of Maureen (the eldest girl) working in service, so I would guess that the older children all do something to help support the family. I know other cultures share a communal platter for meals... The communal soup pot was just funny, though. :) We had US/DS season 1 start on Masterpiece Classic last night. Yay!
  6. Ours has been acting weird, too. Our tablet says Netflix (via the app) is unavailable, the recently watched list on Roku is empty... Weird.
  7. I feel you. We just got back from 2 weeks away. No illness, thank goodness, but surly kids, laundry piles, tired from the travel. Yuck.
  8. :iagree: I have a sore throat off and on, and sometimes a gland swollen on one or both sides, during allergy season, from the sinus drainage. With fullness that low, though, I'd be concerned there was a thyroid issue.
  9. Me, too. Not thrilling - it didn't reach out and grab me - but the characters are all interesting enough for me to want to watch it unfold.
  10. :iagree: I generally have no problem with oats (even not GF certified) so I eat them. I generally have no trouble with non-certified goods, if I can read the label and see there are no wheat/spelt/barley/rye ingredients listed, and trust the company enough to assume industry best practice in cleaning between batches (like Ben & Jerry's, above). BUT... I make that decision for myself, not for others. For others, I would take the safest route.
  11. Because it implies that we live in a fantasy world, in which it is all rainbows and butterflies, and unicorns that poop muffins. In my world, there is work to be done, whether you like it or not, difficult people to deal with, scheduling challenges, economic challenges (financial and basic opportunity cost), and so on. All of these things are addressed at an age appropriate level.
  12. :grouphug: While you're out, look for some oil of clove to slap on that tooth. It will numb it good. Why is it that these things always seem to happen when we have a young nursling? Ugh. :(
  13. Roasted root vegetables? Roasted green vegetables? Salad? Couscous? Rice?
  14. I wouldn't, either. Particularly since I'm sure the dust will settle on kitchen utensils, etc., and there could be ongoing cross-contamination.
  15. :iagree: I would split them into kitchen "shifts" and give the one not in the kitchen a task to help with the meal (setting the table, etc).
  16. That was my thought as well. It's the same as with diapers; the deterget residue reacts with urine (or perspiration, in this case) and smells horrifying. The vinegar rinse helps remove any lingering residue at the end of the wash cycle, but you may have to strip the fabric first with something like what Lily_Grace described.
  17. Stay home. As demonstrated in the previous comments, you can't know the health status of the other participants. Yes, it is true that immuno-compromised people take calculated risks of exposure to live a normal life, and we are all exposed to who knows what when we leave our homes (whether due to people who are sick pretending they're not, or because they simply don't have symptoms yet), but that is different than a social activity, where there is (presumably) more personal interaction, shared tools, etc. So, OP, I guess someone should ask: what sort of activity is it?
  18. Wooooow! Beautiful! I'm feeling a "need" coming on. :D
  19. One of our fall favorites is Butternut Squash and White Bean . I usually use smaller white beans (like navy) or black beans. I've also made it dairy free by finishing with a can of coconut milk.
  20. No kidding! I was reading along and thinking how unhelpful it is to have another kid (and a poorly behaved one at that) to babysit and constantly correct and redirect, instead of a staff person to be there to support you. Good grief!
  21. They are all so beautiful and sparkly! And your daughter has great legs! (yeah, I look at bookshelves and musculature. I have issues. :tongue_smilie:)
  22. I don't think it matters what you say (other than not harrassing people, obviously). Just be there. Listen. Offer help where you can. I think we offer feel awkward because we want to be able to say something that will make it better, but there isn't anything. Mostly, when someone feels abandoned by someone they love, they need to be heard and loved anyway by the friends who are still there. It's fine to say "I wish I could say something to make this all better, but I don't know what that is. I love you and am so sad you're going through this, but I know you will get through and will help you wherever I can."
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