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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. Well, we'll be camping out in the living room, but that has windows. I have done the math neurotically, and I don't think the giant oak out front is capable of getting up enough speed to take out the attic, my bedroom and make it to the living room. It's only about 15 feet away and a good 50 feet high. We have no inside rooms, unless you count the furnace room that used to be the service staircase, and I don't think all of us could fit in there with the furnace if we were standing up. I guess we could sleep in the foyer (only two windows and a door, all protected by the porch roof) but that seems weirdly exposed.
  2. We don't usually, either. I ran out and got emergency storm cider, earlier, when my husband was down at the pub watching the Skins game. I also put in an emergency stash of craft supplies. :D
  3. A friend and I decided we were doing unnecessary laundry because, like bread, milk and TP during a snow storm, we seem to think we use more kitchen towels in a hurricane. ;)
  4. I have a pot roast in right now, and and getting ready to make a couple quiches (storm food). Roast chicken and acorn squash at some point this week. I'm sure there will be soup coming along, as well.
  5. It's been raining over here on the shore since around 3 this morning, and it's definitely clammy. The wind hasn't even been up to normal storm standard yet.
  6. I've been having the pressure with the wacko weather changes we've been having lately, but not this one (irony).
  7. I agree. Especially the lids. What is up with those things?
  8. I have that issue as well. Except it is my mother who introduces me to people as Diminutive Husband's Last Name. I kept my maiden name, and nobody calls me by any diminutive except my parents and husband (which totally confuses people, though most do not adopt the habit). We intentionally have the children names with no diminutives because it irks me so much.
  9. I really enjoy a frisée salad with a poached (or fried, if I'm feeling lazy) egg on top. There is also a recipe that I discovered this summer, where you core and sort of scrape the seeds out of a tomato, toss in some pesto (I think the original called for a spinach and basil purée but I just use jarred pesto- see "lazy" above), crack and egg in the well and bake it at 400, until the tomato is soft. (If you like your yolks runny, I tend to put the tomato in a ramekin and nuke it a bit, then throw the pesto and egg in and put the whole thing in the oven until the egg is set)
  10. I'm crossing my fingers. Lax Clash in Bel Air? Or Terp Classic? We're playing those! (I say "we". My 11yo is playing. They don't let me play, though some of her teammates are taller than me...)
  11. I agree, though I usually go with Caesar. Cool, crunchy, tangy pairs really well with warm, rich, creamy.
  12. Yup, I get it all the time about salmon. I don't like it. It doesn't matter that I haven't had it your way. No, I don't dislike fish. No, I don't dislike strongly flavored fish. I just don't care for the flavor of that one fish. I feel very vindicated since Barnaked Ladies made the song about it. :D
  13. Oh, man. I'm sorry. Over here we (knock wood) rarely lose power, and it had never stayed off for more than an hour or so. We're surrounded by trees, though, so that's always a concern, especially with a "hurricane force ice storm". We do have a wood stove, so now we'll be securing the yard and bringing wood in this weekend... I have a feeling our lax tournament in PA will be canceled, huh?
  14. Cheesy, too! Sometimes, with a fried egg on top, always with hot sauce. (I'm not Southern, though, and rarely sweeten anything.)
  15. Great minds... :D Seriously, does anyone think we should just start a social group?
  16. http://daughtersofnarcissisticmothers.com/ It's good for dealing with any narc in your life. The forums are particularly helpful in feeling non-crazy. ;)
  17. The bold... Ok, so we know what the spatial problem is. How is that a reason to excuse ramming people cars repeatedly? Isn't that the sort of thing you actually make conscious adjustments for? I mean, if you can't judge such things - for whatever reason - don't you make sure you take the clearest path? And don't you not let your loved one try to do that? Obviously, from round 2 with the guy on the cart return, they're just not right, whatever the reason. But just wow.
  18. Me - Tuesday Husband - Friday Daughter 1 - Wednesday Daughter 2 - Thursday The boys - Wednesday Dad - Thursday Mom - Monday No sections.
  19. Us, too. I need a reason to act, not a reason to not act, and I've not heard a convincing reason to act (for us; we have friends who get flu shots for varied reasons and I've really never thought to question it).
  20. :iagree: Everyone must be treated with respect and courtesy. Ceding authority because of some random criterion (such as age), not so much. Obviously deference to a position of authority in the context of that authority - following the direction of a police officer executing his duty, for instance - should be done without negotiation or demand for justification, as a general rule.
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