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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. Me, too. And I don't mean thoughtless or preoccupied. I mean consciously, aggressively, egregiously rude. It truly boggles the mind that (what seems like) a fairly large number of people seem to think it's ok to conduct themselves so horribly.
  2. I always think it's "grey" and "gray" is some sort of misspelling... But, then, I tend to spell things the "rest of the English speaking world" way, and not the American English way, so I'm probably not the best judge.
  3. I generally like people, and want my children to like people, too, but you know what? More and more, I seem to interact with people who are just.not.likable. It doesn't particularly set me off when someone is thoughtless (as in just not aware), or they have an "oops" moment, or when they ask a question, but I have grown terribly weary of the blatantly rude. The member who returned three times to challenge me (loudly) over enforcing a national organization policy that is posted on the wall (and screamed at me, and called me a b*tch. Twice. Then came in to complain about how "rude" I am to my boss), the people who ask an "innocent" question so they can challenge me when I answer (really, I'm sorry that you are absolutely certain that my sons are girls, but as their mother I am actually pretty familiar with which sort of bits they have. I'm not targeting you to make you look foolish, though arguing the point of their gender is doing that nicely), the people who want to park in front of my driveway to visit their friends and harass me for months (turning around in the driveway, spraying gravel, screaming obscenities out their window while they do it) after they are ticketed... Yeah, they can pound sand. And if being fed up with aggressively antisocial, uncivil and just **** unpleasant behaviour makes me a bad person. Well, ok. You should definitely block my posts because I have run out of nice for such interactions.
  4. Ugh. I think it's safe to say puke is the last thing we need pretty much at any time. Alas, I usually find it's easier to just give in and reschedule the rest of life. :(
  5. If it makes you feel better, we have a (NT) friend in her early teens that I often see in jeans, t-shirt and tutu. And my (also NT) 11 yo dresses rather eclectically as well. And, frankly, around here there is a decent turnout of teens and adults dressed in what are obviously jammie bottoms out doing errands on any given day. I wouldn't worry about it. Personal style is one of the benefits of homeschooling. ;)
  6. No kidding! My babies are 8 and I still nap pretty much every day.
  7. I have always thought "4" was just code for "objectionable personality disorder". Thankfully, it appears to pass like all the other difficult stages that precede it, though possibly more slowly.
  8. I was thinking the same (in addition to the language arguments); to wit, you will not end up being the idiot who has to phone a friend to pick the (multiple choice) ending of "Hey diddle, diddle/ the cat and the ______" on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.
  9. Yeah, I have just been given permission to become a rabid Vikings fan from my rabid Redskins fan husband. :D
  10. Ya know, I often wonder about the same thing. An Amish woman I know has more kids than me, more stuff to do (like making her family's clothing), everything takes much longer for her to do it (eg, when she does laundry, she DOING the laundry, whereas I stick it in the washer and do something else), and they live on a farm, for Pete's sake. And she is the most leisurely paced woman I know. I think it's because they have less "stuff". She doesn't have to organize, just do the tasks that need to be done. I need less stuff. :glare: Eta: Everything Tammy said applies here. I think she's spot on.
  11. You are correct: identical twins happen at the same rate across all ethnicities, socioeconomic groups, and ages. But, just because you have no twins in your family history (and your husband's has no bearing, since his genetics can't very well cause you to throw out two eggs) does not mean any twins would have to be identical. I have no twins on either side of my family, going back at least 4 generations. My twins are fraternal. Just because there are no twins doesn't mean no one has ever popped out two eggs. They simply didn't conceive with that ovulation. ;) Eta: I also had no fertility intervention and was 32, so at about the bottom of the barrel for age related increased risk. (I also literally could not have been a lower risk of a molar pregnancy unless I was Asian, but that's what preceded twins for us, like some deranged cosmic correction.)
  12. Late is late and, frankly, I would be sort of annoyed if someone was 10 minutes late because they chose to continue a conversation outside the door without sticking their head in to relieve me. However, being on time is not late. If she was supposed to leave at 12:30, then by all means, you should arrive a few minutes early to get the shift change stuff out of the way, but that overlap is built into the scheduling here, so arriving on time is on time and not delaying her departure in any way. Her rudeness is just that, and a completely different issue.
  13. Yep. I have some mugs that the handle can be too hot to touch, cup warm, coffee tepid.
  14. I think we should all just start shaking cans of pennies at them when they start. In fact, I may start carrying one in my purse, and shake it at anyone who starts getting surly.
  15. Heehee. That IS unfortunate. Alas, there isn't really a lot of real estate for better placed logos on a speedo, is there?
  16. I agree! We love the audiobook. I would be a crazy person reading all that dialogue aloud, especially the BFG's rather poor language. (I also have trouble reading Twain because of the phonetic dialogue) Natasha Richardson does an excellent job, though.
  17. My husband would like to add: you knew the freaking answer to this question 40 MINUTES AGO, how do you not know how to add since I went into the kitchen to get another cup of coffee?!?!? :lol:
  18. Yes, I'm wondering the same. And, forgive me, but it seems like you want it to change without changing anything. If there is no medical / developmental reason that requires him to eat for 8 hours a day, then YOU need to place limits and enforce them, if you want change. I have poky eaters, too. There is a limit to how long they may sit at the table. If they're actually hungry, they eat. It sounds like he's not so much hungry as bored and looking for a "legitimate" time waster.
  19. Yup. It's very difficult for me to explain something that is very intuitive for me. Not just academics, but knitting, form for exercises, driving... It's just very difficult when you've never really had to think through each of the steps.
  20. My children do not see any medical provider that does not allow me in the room. It's non-negotiable. On the flip side of your experience, we have a pediatric dentist (one) in our area who we went to a couple of times. HE berated a frightened four year old, then came out and dressed down the mother in the waiting room. Add to that the open hygiene area (biohazard nightmare), and we did not return.
  21. PBS. It's on Sunday at 8 here, before Masterpiece. I'm sure you can watch on PBS.org, though.
  22. Well, they're going to have to take out all the other furry pet human owners first, aren't they? I think they're going to have to grow some thumbs and get technology, too.
  23. I love it. After the first episode I wasn't hooked, but was interested enough to see where they were going with the characters. Now I'm completely hooked. I loved the comment that Ted didn't seem to notice, so no one else did, either. It really is a sweet show. So rare these days.
  24. Gymboss? For iThings, I have an interval timer called... Interval Timer, that I use for tabata intervals, but would work fine for running intervals. You can use your own music and set up your own interval times and repeats.
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