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Everything posted by alisoncooks

  1. Following because I've been having this same conversation in my head for weeks. (Though mine is more renovate or cut our losses and run/sell.). Our house, while only ~25 years old, was built sloppily and cheaply. Everything we do is a band-aid and the house is a money pit. We need new subfloors throughout and something done about moisture issues under the house. We need another bedroom but there's no good place to add on. All of it is hypothetical because we can't afford it, but I mull over it constantly.
  2. Sounds like there's a market for something like Thinx but lighter weight, for sweat!
  3. Once the novelty wore off, we seldom used our sunroof. So far we've not had any problems (leaks, etc) but I always think that the more moving parts something has, the greater the chance of something breaking.
  4. I also exercise in regular cotton underwear. Are you looking for a better (wicking) material or a style that won't show under leggings? Full disclosure: I'm of the opinion that panty lines are fully acceptable -- people wear underwear. Big deal. 😉
  5. Yep. I've got a kiddo that struggles to remember multiplication facts but can remember "tricks." So I do: 5678 (56=7x8) School House Rock song for 3s the 9s fingers 4s table = just double the 2s 12s table = take the 10s and 2s table and add 11s trick (11x any 2 digit # = split that number and stick the sum in between. So 11x34= 3____4. 3+4=7, so 374.) We use whatever works/helps. I'm sure people will say that if she can remember the above, she can remember just the facts. Sure...if you say so (because why would we choose to add unnecessary work if the other was sufficient?)
  6. My kids and I eat lunch together daily, but usually in the living room, in front of the tv. On nights that DH is home (about half the week), we either eat at the table together or (if I have a project or junk covering the table) we eat in the living room.
  7. OMG, I could've written this. When I taught first grade in PS, the thing I enjoyed most was teaching kids to read! But that was sooo different than teaching and reteaching the same 1-2 kids for years and years. My girls learned to read at 8.5 and 10. (Gah! And "learning to read" is just the start! It's not over and done; there's still so much encouraging and scaffolding and reteaching required.)
  8. LOL. I saw the error post before it was deleted, and I was like...deja vu??
  9. I totaled my Geo Prism in 2006. My parents bought it back and had it fixed. (And it was quite damaged.) I drove that car for 10 more years, until I had DD in 2006, and I wanted a minivan. No issues with inspection or insurance in my area.
  10. Oh, thank goodness! My family thinks I'm neurotic b/c of this, lol. I'm not! We're totally normal!!
  11. I think we all must be a little strange... My main oddity: I won't breathe people's air. Meaning, if a stranger walks by me and I feel that waft of air from their passing, I hold my breath. I don't want to breathe in their perfume/BO/contaminated air. (I only do this at the mall or Walmart -- not home.)
  12. I've often thought: what would I do differently, if I could start over? And what I come to is, I wish I'd stuck with CLE (instead of bouncing around before landing back there). It's just SOLID, ya know? My kids are very much "get it done" -- they don't care if the program is cute or fun or popular. They just want to get it done. So for them, CLE works because it's presented in a very clear, basic format. Then I just make sure to read plenty of fun classics separate from "school reading." If you like CLE, I say stick with it! And just keep reading the good stuff during bedtimes and such.
  13. I don't know what a Tim Tam is (off to google) but I'm with @Lori D.. I don't question these things.
  14. Tater tots, lol? roasted cabbage steaks?
  15. I like CLE reading. Like, a lot. That said, I prefer it for grades 4+ because those have only 5 light units. (Then I add in good novels between LUs.) I've never used MP but their literature (Storytime Treasures) looks very nice. I don't think you can go wrong with either choice!
  16. If you were a teen/YA in the 90s, you probably would have heard of him. If R&B wasn't your thing (big hits: "Bump 'n Grind" or "Down Low") then you likely heard "I Believe I Can Fly" from the Space Jam soundtrack. (I *still* remember the lyrics to the above songs, 20+ years later...) ETA: and I'm not saying I'm a fan. It's just part of the soundtrack of my high school years.
  17. OP - I'm sorry this is difficult for you. I know this thread is a JAWM...so this part I will whole-heartedly agree with: It is *their* wedding. Also, just consider how many times people on this forum have encouraged posters to cut off or limit in-laws who have overstepped boundaries or offered more feedback than was wanted. It sounds like your DS and FDIL want to do this their own way. I hope you can find peace with that.
  18. I keep a running "notes" going on my phone. Shopping lists, to do, etc. I also take pictures/screen shots of important things/dates/emails. For hands free, in-the-moment stuff, what about one of those Alexa type devices. Ya know, "Alexa, add chips to the shopping list." (I don't have one so I don't know if this is a thing...)
  19. Then she might be in the wrong business...
  20. Classical Stretch/Essentrics - they have DVDs and streaming, but I don't know if they'd have classes near you.
  21. My DH works with college students, and he frequently is giving rides to and from events using my car. There is enough leg room for "around town" type driving. It mainly becomes a problem for longer road trips or holiday traveling. But yeah, for taller-than-average people, I'd definitely suggest trying it out first (bring a tall sibling to ride in the back when test driving, maybe).
  22. We have a Rav 4. The back cargo area is very roomy -- def enough room for dogs. My only hesitation is that the backseat legroom is smallish. So depending on how often people will be back there, she may want more space. It's (overall) a good size -- it's the main car for our family of 4 (roomier than it looks -- like the Tardis. 😉 ) But, in full disclosure, I'm hoping to upgrade to a minivan for even more room (and hauling kids+friends everywhere).
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