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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. I dont think that 11 and 8 year old children are capable of making their own decisions about things like this. I'm sure that all children go through a period of not wanting to attend church. Just like PS children go through a period of not wanting to attend school. My DD5 loves soccer but sometimes does not want to go to soccer practice. I remember doing this as a child. There were phases I went through where I didn't want to go to church, or to softball practice, or to karate. I think it is just something that kids do. You are kind of in a tough place because your DH will not back you up. If it were my kids, it would just be tough luck, they would still be attending. Of course they are bored, kids want action LOL. This period in time will end and hopefully they will enjoy attending church again. I would sit your DH down and talk to him, explain how important it is to you for them to attend, and ask him to please present a united front to them on this.
  2. That is such wonderful news!!! I am so happy for your DD!!!!
  3. My DD2 and DD5 just love them. They dont really mess with the little pieces, they play more with the animals and people.
  4. Oh no!!! I hope your doggie is okay. It's always scary when we just have to "wait and see" with one of our pets. In September our dog ate pork chop bones. We had to just wait and see. Turns out, he was fine and I hope that the same happens with your pup.
  5. Are you talking about Wii Active? It takes a bit of getting used to, but I LOVE it. It really gives me a workout.
  6. My two didn't fall asleep till nearly 12:30....makes 6 AM come really early LOL.
  7. You'll just have people bouncing off the walls. No biggie. :D
  8. You do know that you need to somehow sneak a photo of him so that you can post it here for us to see. :D He wouldn't think that was strange or anything, right? Posting his pic for several hundred women LOL.
  9. Here's our Christmas card for this year...... And for a bit more normal photos LOL, here's a few of those too....
  10. It sounds so much like auditory processing disorder to me. My cousin's DD has it. She is 9 years old and went through therapy. Not only is she improving education-wise, but her attitude is also improving (she was very frustrated with everything because she was not hearing it correctly). I reserched APD for a bit when I thought my DD5 may have it. But now I'm almost 100% sure she has OCD with some tics thrown in. I just wanted to let you know that I know how it is with your husband. My husband worries about NOTHING health-wise. He'll worry himself to death over things like money and budgets, but when it comes to health (physical, mental, emotional) he just blows it all off. I'm trying to convince him that DD5 NEEDS some sort of therapy. He keeps saying "Well, there's no guarantee that it will help, it will cost a lot of money, blah blah blah." And I keep saying that we have to at least TRY therapy. We cannot just ship her off into adulthood one day without trying to help her. UGH!
  11. Yes, I have heard nothing but good things about Kohl's customer service. I've read somewhere that try extra hard to provide good customer service.
  12. I have an annual GYN appointment every year. As for just a physical check-up, it's not one I actually schedule, but I usually end up going at least once a year to get bloodwork done, etc.
  13. I do it for fun. I mean, I wish more people would read and follow it. But I do it for myself and to look back on. I'm a photographer so I try to incorporate a lot of photos into my posts.....I think that photos make a blog more interesting.
  14. I have no problems with WalMart at all! While I do love Target better, I find myself at WalMart more often.
  15. I'm pretty sure that they carry salmonella. My sister has a red eared slider that she found injured on the side of the road. No rescue place will take it (they are full) so she's stuck with it. She's a vet tech though, so she loves animals. She thoroughly washes her hands when she's finished messing with him or anything in his cage.
  16. I know that my girls are younger than yours.....but here is something that they think is the greatest. We go through McDonalds and get our food. Then we park in the parking lot, fold down the third row seat in our van, and we all sit back there having a "car picnic." They love it!!!
  17. LOL! That is great!!! I'll have to keep that in mind when my kids start wanting to shake presents. They are 5 and 2 and have not yet figured out that shaking presents is a way to figure out what's inside them LOL.
  18. I have four iPods on my account. I have my classic, my iPhone, and the two touch's that my girls are getting for Christmas (I loaded them with stuff already). I had no issues with it.....it just popped up when I plugged the iPod in and asked me what I wanted to name it.
  19. I never know what to get kids these days. I have no issues buying for DH's cousin who has three girls....they homeschool and seem to have the same parenting modes as we do. They want to keep their kids being kids. I can easily buy for their girls. I had to buy something for a six year old boy and I didn't know what to buy. I ended up buying some army men. I hope that he likes things like that and is not too "old" for them.
  20. My 5 and 2 year old DD's are getting iPod touch's for Christmas this year. The 5 year old will be able to fully use it (she can operate my iPhone). The 2 year old will need a little help. I bought it to put games, photos, TV shows, movies, home videos, etc for the kids to watch.
  21. Oh no!! I sure hope that they can do something to help you out!
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