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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. Oh my gosh, poor guy!!!!! I really hope that he is better soon. Your story freaks me out though.....I would like to adopt a retired greyhound in the future. But I don't think I could deal with an injury like that!
  2. LOL, I bought one of those too, and I also have no idea what to do with it. It looked so neat that I just had to have it. I had it for over a year and had no idea what to do with it so I passed it on to my 16 year old sister. However, I have not seen it hanging in her room, so I guess she has no idea what to use it for either LOL.
  3. Umm, when Paisley actually SITS at the table, there's no problems with her feet not touching the ground. Sitting at the table is a concept that foreign to us LOL. She slowly melts out of her chair, onto the floor, and wallows around. She will drag the computer chair over and spin in circles as I try to get her to work. She will slowly tip a chair from side to side.....she climbs on the table and sits on it. Sometimes she'll stand beside the table. For us, we needed a table that I could also fit at. I sit with her as she works, so I couldn't sit at a little table.
  4. Hi!! Glad you are here! :hurray: Is Levi really going to be in kindergarten next year?? Wow, time flies way too fast. For us, I've made lot of changes and rearranges of our school area in the past year. I've found that it's been sort of trial and error with us. We finally have something that works well for us, is comfortable, well organized, and is an inviting area to work at. It is at the front of our home and is one of the first areas you see when you enter the house, so I wanted to make sure it looks presentable and uncluttered, plus flowed with the rest of the house. (Did I overthink this? LOL) Our school area is really our formal dining/formal living room area. But we do not need a formal dining/living room so we are using it for something we do need it for. I love having the school area in front of the large window facing the front of the house.
  5. My babies main source of nutrition was breastmilk at that age. I had barely even started them on any type of baby food. They didn't start eating meals at reuglar intervals till they were over a year old.
  6. I admit, my DD loved Happy Feet when she was around 3 years old.....and we did see the Alvin and the Chipmunks movies, but I find that I'm becoming much more strict about the type of media viewing that we allow. I was VERY hesitant to take them to see the Squeakuel. I much prefer my kids to watch TV shows. We purchase a lot of them on video. Ones like Diego, Dora, World World, etc. I know those do not have name calling or vulgar children.
  7. Tylenol has had too many recalls in the recent past. I think I'll be switching to a generic brand. Wal-Greens is right down the road from us....maybe I'll start purchasing their brand.
  8. I'm with you. I don't so much mind the passing gas and belching as much as all the name calling that kids movies seem to have. I never realized that movies like Lilo and Stitch, and even older shows such as the Smurfs have so much name calling. I try to steer my kids clear of shows/movies like that.....name calling is now allowed in our household so I'm not going to let them watch shows that make it okay. I read reviews of almost all movies that my kids see. I use kids-in-mind.com. There are some shows that have few bouts of name-calling that they have seen, but I just remind them that those are not words that we use. So far it has worked, they have never called anyone a name.
  9. We attend a decent sized southern baptist church. I don't do dresses. I've always been a tomboy. When I was a kid my mom made me wear dresses to church all. the. time. So now I'm a rebel LOL. I never wear dresses. I go in jeans and a nice blouse or sweater. People wear everything from jeans to dress pants to dresses.
  10. My two DD's are into the Alvin and The Chipmunks movie. They are collecting all the chipmunks from McDonalds Happy Meals. Anyways, today, I let the chipmunks do school instead of my kindergartener. The chipmunks did wonderfully! Waaaaay better than DD usually does. Instead of my DD reading the short 'a' words that we are working on, the chimpmunks took turns reading them (DD voiced them, of course). The chipmunks also got every single sight word correct (which has never happened when DD has been doing it). The wrote their words more neatly than they have ever been written. I think I have discovered something that just might work! There was no wiggling. DD did not melt out of her chair, onto the floor, and wallow around like she usually does. She did not complain about anything that I did or said to her (and she is usually very much a complainer). She did her work (making the chipmunks do the talking and helping them write) efficiently, neatly, and amazing well. So yes, I spent a while answering to the name Dave (the chipmunks human father) and listening to high pitched chipmunk voices at times. And I also wasn't allowed to refer to my daughter, I had to refer to Alvin, Simon, and Theodore about anything to do with the school work we were doing, but hey, it worked and she had a great time. And she thought is was a riot when Alvin fell into the pencil jar and I yelled "Aaaaaalllllvviiiiiiin", in perfect Dave form. :D Hey, whatever works, right? :tongue_smilie:
  11. I think we have the same DD. My DD sounds just like yours, minus the stomach issues. She will not talk to a soul, she has no friends. My DD also starts crying at random times during an activity. Like you mentioned, she will do fine for weeks or even a few months, and then something triggers her and she will be upset and doesn't want to participate anymore. I have no advice (sorry!) but I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone. My DD does have speech issues and so I wonder if she's afraid that people will not understand her.
  12. Call the local fire station or police station and ask if you can come in for a tour. It would probably be good if you could get a small group of homeschoolers or something like that. Maybe they could show the kids the inside of a fire truck or police cruiser. Our local library gives tours. Again, this is probably best for a group. Our group has also toured Publix, which was actually pretty neat.
  13. Oh my gosh LOL!!!! :lol: Great story to tell his future wife and kids one day though! :D
  14. Yep, I agree!! It seems when I'm trying to get back into the daily Bible reading groove, the kids tend to wake up early and disturb my quiet time. They sleep in every other day. :001_huh:
  15. I think we'll do a variation of year around school. I just can't see us taking 2 or 3 months off for the summer. I figure we'll take a few weeks off and then start back.....then maybe take another break later on. We take breaks all throughout the school year as well for vacations, etc. But then again, I still do school on days like Martin Luther King Day, Presidents Day, etc. And we wont take a Spring Break either. So, it's kind of a "fly by the seat of my pants" type of deal LOL. As for grades, I don't figure we will actually "switch" grades. I mean, if I feel like she's ready for first grade work in the middle of the year, I'll just switch books for that subject then. But she may still be doing K work in another subject. I'll officially start calling her "first grade" for outside purposes whenever the public school begins their new school year.
  16. Just curious (as I do not have any sons), but can you request a local anesthetic for the procedure? I know that if we have sons in the future, DH will want them circumcized. If I'm adamant about having an local numbing of the area, will the doctors do it? I'll send DH to oversee the procedure too.
  17. We purchased a set of LG washer/dryer about 8 months ago and love them. We've had no problems.
  18. Reason number one zillion why I homeschool.....to keep my kids away from mean children who get little to no consequences for what they do. I'm sorry that happened to your son. I would have been very upset as well.
  19. Wow, that is really rude.....and very cruel to your boys. I can't believe that she did that. And to just tell you about it to your face last night. I hope your DH can find out what's going on.
  20. LOL! That is too funny! We said almost the exact same thing! :lol:
  21. Yes, I think there is a fine line between rational fears and irrational fears. I have a lot of fears myself. I actually believe that I have OCD tendencies (but not full blown OCD because it does not effect my daily life in most aspects), and OCD is basically an anxiety disorder. As far as pharms, I don't like to take them myself. I had surgery about 8 years ago. It was minor surgery, just a small lump removed from my breast. So it was a small incision. But I refused to take pain meds afterwards. I hear of SO many people becoming addicted to pain meds that I'm afraid to take them. Thankfully, Motrin worked for me and I never felt the need to take the pain meds. But I am VERY hesitant about taking any meds. I had postpartum thyroiditis and the doctor almost put me on thyroid meds, but I convinced them to let me wait it out a bit......and it went away. But the doc said that if I ever decide to get pregnant again, I will need to go on thyroid meds immediately. That freaks me out! HOWEVER, if it were a life or death situation, I would take them, no doubt, because an even bigger fear of mine is my children growing up without a mother for any reason. So that fear would outweigh my fear (I don't see it as a fear though....I see it as logic as far as putting a foreign chemical into my body) of pharms. I :::shudder::: loathe roaches as well. But if for some reason they were crawling all over my child, I would no doubt put my arm in and grab my child out. And then do the heebie jeebie dance afterwards. :tongue_smilie: I just get this icky chill when I think of spiders and roaches. Lizards too. Ick. My big fear would be heights. Therefore, I do not fly on airplanes. If my child were teetering on the top of a tall building, it would take the hands of God to help me get them down and not freeze in fear. I am so afraid of heights. I've never flown, and I've never had a panic attack, but I have no doubt that flying would give me one. I believe that's an irrational fear of mine and I have no idea what shaped it.
  22. We're in Jax too. I reeeeaaally want to see snow flurries LOL! I've been here my whole life and I remember the "big" snow in 1989. I want that again LOL!
  23. MIL is......well, her own character LOL. She just flew home today after a 15 day visit with us. She's as nice as can be, compliments me endlessly, is very sweet.....but she has her own ideas about some things. She never criticizes our parenting, but does the opposite....she praises it for the most part. So I have no idea how this topic was brought up.
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