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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. Lactose intolerant? Did she have any dairy before the episodes? Is she allergic to any foods?
  2. I do not homeschool classically and I love it here! It's the most active homeschooling forum that I can find, the people are nice, and there's a wealth of information here. Tell her to join in right here! :D
  3. Is there anything "bad" in this show? Such as name calling, bad attitudes, and such? I know that a lot of cartoons tend to have a lot of name calling and I do not let my girls watch it. Just wondering if this would be a "safe" show for our family? For example, we do not allow SpongeBob.
  4. I always drink Sprite when my tummy is yucky. Seems to help. Someone on here told me about the syrup from a can of peaches. It's supposed to soothe the tummy.
  5. I would have an issue with the fact that she just chose a place and moved there. Usually people go where they at least know someone. Is a friend moving there with her? Or will she be completely alone there?
  6. I love color! White walls are just so boring. Here's what we have: main living areas (living, dining, kitchen, family) is a goldish yellow, with several dark brown accent walls our bedroom is a sage-ish green color with a portion of one wall accented in dark red the guest room is bright yellow the playroom is purple with a white stripe going around the room the guest bathroom and the laundry room is sky blue the master bathroom is dark red
  7. That's great! We don't play WoW, so I have no idea about it, but the writing was great!
  8. Personally, there is no way that I could dedicate the time to getting up, getting dressed, getting out the door, driving to the gym, working out, coming home, showering, etc. I just know that I could not commit to actually going somewhere to exercise. I have a treadmill and an exercise bike. About every 6 months or so, we switch them out (storing the other one in the garage). I ride that and do some other exercises as well (crunches, push ups, hand weights, stretches, leg lifts, etc). I do this 5 or 6 days a week. It works for me. A gym would be awesome to use, but I just know I would not be able to commit to leaving the house to do it. Now if it were next door to my house, then maybe LOL.
  9. My mom's layout changed, as well as one of my sisters. The layouts for my other sister and I have stayed the same. Facebook usually changed the layout slowly, and not everyone at one time. I'm not sure why.....maybe they are trying it out on some folks to see what sort of feedback they receive about it.
  10. I'm tired of taking time out of the middle of our days, twice a week to attend speech therapy. But I know that my DD5 needs it. I don't want to hinder her from speaking clearly as she gets older. But why can't I do speech at home? Has anyone successfully done this? Or should I just leave it to the public school speech therapist that my DD saw last year and this year? I mean, from what I gather, the teacher just works with her on tongue placement and then they practice saying words together. They color pictures while saying words. They may play a game while saying words and sounds. By the time we arrive at therapy, they walk to the portable all the way to the back, and then they have to leave before the half hour is up so that they can walk all the way back to the front office. They are really only working for probably 15 minutes out of the 30 minute time slot. Will I get looked at like I'm an awful parent if I tell the therapist we are pulling her out of speech? She is a really nice lady and DD likes her, but it causes such a distraction right in the middle of our days. I'm just wondering if anyone has done speech therapy at home?
  11. Could someone explain to me exactly what Classical Conversations is? I looked around on the website but nothing told me exactly what it is. Do you have to use their curriculum? Is there set classes that you take? Do you do homework from the classes at home? I'm not exactly homeschooling classically ::::ducking to avoid the tomatoes:::: so would it be of any use to me? Right now we are part of a homeschool group that meets once a week for four hours. My daughter is in a class of about 10 kids near her age. They switch classes every 30 minutes and do something new.....art, science, book club, group game time, show and tell, etc. They are with the same teacher each week. We do field trips a few times a month with the group. It's a childrens center so there is all kinds of art supplies in the art room, trampolines and bars and rings in the gym, kid sized fitness equipment, etc. So it is really neat. Would Classical Conversations be able to take the place of this group? Do they do field trips? I keep hearing about CC but I have no idea what it is.
  12. Nope. Never in the kids bedroom. Neither TV nor computer. We do have a TV in the playroom, but it is for DVD's only. It's not even hooked up to the cable or antenna. We do not have a TV in our bedroom either, just because we'd never use it.
  13. Nashville and the Pigeon Forge area are quite far apart. In Nashville, we liked walking through the Opryland Hotel (or, what used to be....its not called that now though). It's the Gaylord now. The atruims are great, lots of plants, rivers, waterfalls, alligators, fish, etc. We took the boat ride through the atrium and the kids really enjoyed that. We also went to the Opry Mills mall. They have a neat aquarium restaurant there. We didn't eat there but we did look at the aquarium they have outside of it. The kids rode the carousel. We ate at the Rainforest Cafe. There's also a really neat science center in Nashville that we went to. Lots of really neat areas there. We wanted to go and see the Parthenon replica, but we didn't get the chance to do that. As for Gatlinburg, we LOVE Gatlinburg! There are so many neat shops that you can spend an entire day walking up and down the street looking in all of the neat shops. There's an aquarium there that we haven't gotten to look at yet. Also, Ober Gatlinburg is a really neat place to visit. I just hate getting up there....ski lifts and cable cars are not my cup of tea LOL. There's a place called Cades Cove not too far from the Gatlinburg area. It's a really neat nature area where you can picnic and deer will come right up to the area. You may even see bears! We love staying in cabins in the Gatlinburg area. We've stayed in the Sugar Maple Cabins, as well as some cabins by Cove Realty and they were both very nice. Of course there area many nature trails to waterfalls and such in this area, so that's always really neat to do as well. We've been to Dollywood.....but it was night time, it was freezing cold, and I was pregnant and not feeling great, so I don't remember a whole lot about it except that I was miserable LOL. There's a restaurant in the area called the Old Mill that is really good....definitely recommended!
  14. Oh gosh, yes, that game is dangerous LOL!! I was swinging the cow one time and got a little too into it. The Wii remote flew out of my hand and I whacked myself in the head. Thankfully the wrist strap was on LOL. Cow swinging is not for me. :lol:
  15. I'm sorry you are in this situation. :sad: I believe that the man should provide for the family in any way that he can. If he has to work at a fast food joint while "thinking", then so be it. I'm like you....I want to be a full time mom to my kids while they are living at home. I'm not sure what I would do if my husband didn't agree with homeschooling though. Can you sit down and maybe make a list and show him all the reasons that homeschooling is important to you. And maybe all the reasons why you do not want to send them to school?
  16. I went ahead and went to the urgent care place (not the minute clinic....I think I'm done with that place). They tested my urine and said that it was negative for a UTI. He said that he would send it off to be cultured and that it should be back by Tuesday, but he said that he didn't think it would show anything since it was negative. I'm going to continue my antibiotic and drinking lots of water, possibly some cranberry juice too. I'll wait to see what the culture says on Tuesday, but if I'm still having issues then, I'm going to go see my regular doctor.
  17. Oh no! That is terrible!! I hope that the pain goes away for you soon!
  18. Do you buy your kids anything? Your hubby? Do you do anything special as a family or just with your spouse? Just gathering ideas for this year! :D
  19. I was playing tennis one time on the Wii. My then 4 year old ran past at the exact moment that I swung the remote and I whacked her really hard in the head. It wasn't funny then, but now I'm :lol:.
  20. Yeah....I would have issues with that. There's going to be kids using each others toothbrushes, dropping them on the ground, etc. And really, at 4 years old, I still have to brush my kids teeth because doing it themsevles does nothing. Not to mention, we use a natural toothpaste and I dont want them putting their Dora the Explorer toothpaste into my child.
  21. Wow, that is just strange!! I'm sorry they are treating you that way....I don't understand why.
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