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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. Thanks everyone! I'm trying to down as much water as possible. I'm not sure if they took an actual culture or not. At first she prescribed me Bactrim, but I've heard of so many people who have had bad reactions to sulfa drugs that I asked for something else. She seemed kind of annoyed that I asked for another drug, and she prescribed Macrobid. I hope she wouldn't have purposely prescribed an antibiotic that she knew would not work on that particular bacteria. She was not my regular doc, just a nurse practitioner at the minute clinic inside of CVS. It's 9:30 Am right now and I'm going to give myself until lunchtime to see how I feel. I drank tons of water yesterday and prayed about it last night, so we will see what happens.
  2. The only burning I had, which actually convinced me it must be a UTI, was on Monday night. I used the bathroom twice and it burned some. That's what made me decide to go to the doctor on Tuesday morning. Also, on Monday I ran a 101 fever and had body aches. I was in bed all day. The doctor did a urine test and said that I caught it right at the beginning. I haven't had real pain at all. It's more of an ache in my abdomen. And yes, I do pee when I have to frequently go......but I'm having to go way too much and not enough is coming out for the urge to be as bad as it is. Pretty much about five minutes after I go, I feel like I could go again. But I don't because I know it cannot be a real urge.
  3. I don't like it when people drop by unannounced. I could be exercising and be all sweaty, we could be doing school, I could have just jumped out of the shower, etc. I like warning.
  4. I was diagnosed with the beginning of a UTI at the minute clinic on Tuesday. I didn't have any major symptoms.....just a slight ache in my abdomen (kind of like when my time of the month may be coming on) and needing to urinate often. They prescribed me macrobid (antibiotic) and I've been taking it since then. Two each day, including Tuesday. So I've been on it 5 days. I have two more full days to go. My symptoms went away after Tuesday. Well, today they are back. I feel the slight ache in my abdomen, I feel tired, and I have to urinate often again. Is this a sign that the antibiotics are not working? Should I go to the urgent care clinic tomorrow to get another kind? Should I wait it out until I'm finished with the full dose after Monday? It's making me not want to do a single thing and I'm scared it will get worse. But I've never had one before so I don't know if this is normal or not.
  5. I'd love to see Tim Hawkins! If he sang the Chick Fil A song I think I'd wet my pants LOL!
  6. Ugh, coughing is tough. DD5 sleeps in our room and had a cough a few months ago. I thought that no one was going to get any sleep. I'll have to remember the Vicks on the feet thing....never tried it before.
  7. We will be schooling year around and taking a break whenever needed. I dont feel that a two month long summer break is necessary for us when schooling at home. We do not even take most holidays that the schools get.
  8. Wow....just wow. I'm SO glad that the doctor caught it!
  9. It depends on how much they enjoy it. Will they be disappointed when they wake up and realize that they have missed bowling? If so, I'd wake them.
  10. I just found out that a huge medieval faire is coming to a town about an hour away from us. What a great field trip opportunity! It's next weekend LOL! I'd like to get in some lessons about medieval times for my kindergartener....just a simple introduction. I'd like to throw some lessons together this weekend so we can begin learning on Monday. Any ideas? Websites?
  11. I love facebook. I love keeping in touch with friends and family all at the same time, in one place. I only accept people that are family, current friends, or friends in the past that I knew well. I've never been hurt or angered by anything on Facebook because I make sure I do not accept people that I may have issues with (hence, they would not be a good friend to me). It has worked out well for me.
  12. I'm sorry! I understand.....I think it is harder for women to go back to sleep than men. I know that my husband can be asleep in two seconds flat. Me, it takes more like 15 minutes or more. If I'm woken up in the middle of the night, I have lots of trouble going back to sleep.
  13. I guess it depends.....between attending school, going to OT, and any other activities, will there be any family time together? Or will it always be rushing around to get somewhere?
  14. I love love love AWANA. I was an AWANA leader years ago before we had kids. And now my DD5 has been in the AWANA program for 2 years now. It is a wonderful program that I cannot say enough good things about. As far as inviting a friend, yes, that is one section in the book that has to be signed off on. Our church does not make a contest of it, and if you do not have a friend to bring, you get signed off anyways. It is a way to get unchurched kids into church. Yes, that is the call of the Bible....to witness and bring others to Christ. Bringing them to AWANA so that they can hear about Christ is a great way for kids to do it. As far as being uncomfortable....of course I'd be uncomfortable if my child was invited to a Hindu church (or some other religion). And I would say "I'm sorry, but DD will not be able to attend with you." And that would be that.
  15. We've been thinking about moving here lately. I either want to move into an average sized house in the country with several acres. Or I'd like to move into a townhouse. There are pros and cons to both. DH doesnt want the house in the country or the townhouse. :glare: He seems to think of a townhouse as a "step down." But I don't!! I mean, you get all the amenities right there at you and you do not even have to take care of them (we have a pool right now that's a pain to care for). There's probably plenty of kids to play with. Someone else does your lawn (which hubby is awful at....our yard looks terrible). Everything seems great! My only concern would be thin walls. Do all complexes have thin, hotel-like walls? That was actually the first thing that DH mentioned when I said something about a townhome.
  16. If it can't replace my laptop, and it can't replace my iPhone, then I don't really see what its purpose could serve for me. I mean, really, when would I need to pull out a gigantic iTouch? It's not portable enough to slip into my pocket, my jacket, or my purse. I wouldn't be able to use it for things I use my laptop for such as editing photos, digital scrapbooking, etc. I'm usually all about new technology, but this iPad kind of has me stumped about what in the world it could be used for.
  17. LOL, your story was hilarious!!! But yes, I totally relate. I can be 4 years old very well LOL!
  18. DD1 was four before we took her to the dentist. DD2 began going when she turned two. Since DD1 was already going, we figured we might as well make DD2 an appointment too. We waited until 4 years old with DD1 because she had a horrible fear of strangers being near her and I knew she would not do well at all before then. We take them every 6 months. DH goes every 6 months as well. I used to go every 6 months. But I loathe the dentist, so I do not go as often as I should. I had a root canal and crown a year ago and have not been back. I really need to go back though....I know I have a filling I need to get, plus another crown on a tooth that has already been filled.
  19. Yes, I'm very open to the "power of suggestion" as well LOL. I think I experienced most side effects listed on the package today. :tongue_smilie: Thanks for the replies! It makes me feel better! Instead of just Macrodantin, maybe I need a :chillpill: pill too LOL.
  20. I'm very VERY nervous about taking drugs that I've never taken before. I had a mild UTI and started this med yesterday. I'm about to take my 4th dose (2 yesterday and 1 this morning). I got online (big mistake) and read all the horror stories about this drug. The doc at the urgent care tried to give me a sulfa drug yesterday but I told her that I had heard too many bad things about them and I wanted something else. So she prescribed this. Now I'm freaked!! I think I'm imagining symptoms.....yes, I'm a total hyprochondriac. I woke up in the middle of the night last night with chills (no fever) that just wouldn't quit. So I called the pharmacist today and she told me that chills were not really a complaint of the drug and I could call my doctor and ask them if I wanted. But she reassured me that this is usually a very safe drug. However, the reviews online were horrible and scary! Has anyone ever taken this drug before?
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