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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. We call them Florida rooms down here in FL. I'd love to build one on the back of our house! Except that the ones here do not have a glass roof. Plus there usually needs to be some sort of a/c unit in it since it gets so hot down here. A glass room without an a/c would turn into a greenhouse down here.
  2. Wow, thanks for all of the suggestions!! Tomorrow I think I'll hit a couple thrift stores around here and see what I can find. And I'll definitely have to hit the Friends of the Library Sale whenever it happens. I do get some great books at used curriculum sales, but those aren't till a few months away. The thrift stores seem like my best bet before her birthday.
  3. My DD is turning 3 in a few weeks and she is very into books. But gosh, I do not want to spend $15 or $20 on a book that's going to take 5 minutes to read to her. Where do you find nice childrens books for a decent price? I'm wondering if places like Goodwill and the Salvation Army have books in good condition? Does anyone know of any place else that may have them?
  4. You could have a talent show. Or do karaoke together. My girls love when we sit in a circle and each choose a favorite song for all of us to sing. My girls also really love doing show and tell. Especially my 5 year old. We all secretly choose two things to show and tell about. And then we each take turns standing up and showing our favorite thing, telling what it is, where we got it, and why we love it. We even incorporate my parents and two sisters into this sometimes. Some games we enjoy as a family (including the 2, nearly 3 year old) is Zingo, Trouble, Memory, Candyland, Rhino Rampage, and Fisher Price Ice Cream Scoops of Fun . Excluding the 2 year old, we love to play Uno, Uno Spin, Mancala, Go Fish, and War. We play quite a bit of hide and seek. This is actually really fun....my husband and I always try to outdo each other. I'm the better hider LOL. A family walk, like someone mentioned, is always nice. Sometimes we even load up the Power Wheels and go to the nearby high school parking lot and let the girls ride around on their Power Wheels. Some we do often, even in the car, is 20 Questions. Except we do not do the 20 rule. I just let them ask as many questions as needed. And we usually stick to guessing animals, and sometimes people that we know.
  5. I started my kids on vegetable baby food at 6 months. I never understood the whole rice cereal thing.
  6. I don't think that home schooling has anything to do with it. I was never homeschooled a day in my life and I was always the kid who never spoke to a teacher unless I was asked a question, sat in the back of the class, and really didn't have any friends. I was just quiet. Still am. My DD5 is like that as well....but worse, I think. She has some anxiety issues. DD2 seems to be a bit more outgoing. Mind you, she's still shy but less so than DD5.
  7. I think that 5 point harnesses are much safer. Most kids will wiggle around and wear a regular safety belt incorrectly. Plus, a regular car seat will give more padding and protection on the sides during an accident. My 5 year old DD (who will be six in 2 months) is still in a 5 point harness and will be in one as long as possible.
  8. We're in the process of looking at houses and floorplans now. I will not consider any house that doesnt have the master and at least two other bedrooms on the same floor. Yes, I'm paranoid. I like to keep my kids close.
  9. I can honstly say that I don't think that I have or have ever had PMS.
  10. I'm very clueless about this type of stuff LOL. About 6 months ago I found out that you could freeze bread. This really helped us out!! I love going to Whole Foods but it is way out of my way. I never go that way. And I hate making a special trip for perishables. I like buying grapes, milk, chocolate milk, apples, bananas, cantaloupe, and potatoes there. Can you freeze any of those things? I think you can freeze milk, right? Chocolate milk? For how long? And after you thaw it, how long is it good for? Do you thaw it in the fridge? And how long does it take to thaw? Sorry for all the crazy questions LOL.
  11. Does he give lessons? LOL. My 5 (almost 6) year old DD still writes pretty big. She has trouble keeping it on the kindergarten writing practice lines. Does she still write that small even on the writing lines? Or just on blank paper?
  12. I have been wondering the same thing. My DD is 5 years old and we've been studying the Middle Ages and stuff like that. I'm wondering if it is pointless? We'll keep doing it for the fun value, but I worry I'm not teaching her enough simple facts about the time period. But then again, I think that it doesnt matter because she will not remember it anyways. Then again, does anyone really remember a whole lot of things that they do not use frequently? I couldn't tell you about all the history, humanities, science, and literature stuff that I learned in high school and early college that I do not use often. I may recall bits and pieces, and of course I remember more of the things I excelled at, but overall I do not think that I retained a lot of stuff that I learned and do not use.
  13. Absolutely not. It takes too much time and effort to make something that I'm going to crawl back in later. Plus, it just does not bother me that the bed is not made. Clutter bothers me, an unmade bed does not.
  14. We just went to one last weekend in Gainesville, FL. It was great! DD5 and I are studying the Middle Ages and we really enjoyed it. Pics are on my blog in my siggy.
  15. I have no idea about the meds.....but the mouth/throat issue would concern me. Do they feel swollen at all? Having trouble swallowing water or food?
  16. I wish I had learned to use tampons when I first started. As a teen I sat out of many swimming parties, beach days, and was very uncomfortable at school and afraid of leaking. I'm so glad I began using them as an adult. Now I do not dread that time of the month as much as I used to as a teen.
  17. LOL! Seriously! We would get along great! However, I think I might would freeze to death up in MI. This FL girl has never been north of Tennessee! It has been very interesting reading all of these answers. Looks like friends of all ages is definitely the norm!
  18. For that age, it is definitely fine. Now if a 16 year old sent me one of those, it would give me pause LOL.
  19. Just curious whether or not your friends are close to your age? Within just a few years? Or are your friends in the same stage of life as you? Such as having teenage children or babies or empty nesters. I honestly do not really have any friends. I'm very quiet and prefer to do my own thing. My closest "friend" would probably be DH's cousin. We feel the same about alot of issues and we get alon great. She's 10 years older than me. I'm 29, she's 39. My oldest and her youngest are both 5. So we are only in the same stage of life with those 2 kids. I've also been talking to a girl with two kids. We both have young children. She's 21 and very "uneducated" when it comes to taking care of children. But she tries and we get along fairly well. She's 8 years younger than I am. So I was just wondering how other peoples friends are.
  20. I'm sure they didn't invite him back due to the willing exit he took early in the game the last time they invited him back. He wasn't into it any more.
  21. :iagree: If we have one down here in Florida, I think I'd wet my pants. :D
  22. That's right, Colby didn't win.....I don't know why I keep thinking that he did!
  23. Yeeeeeessssss!!!! I am so excited! We've been watching Survivor since Season One, so we are pretty stoked about this one. Amanda - Eh, I could take her or leave her. Candice - I cannot even remember who this girl is! Cirie - I LOVE Cirie!! She is so witty. I can't wait to have her back. Coach - One fry short of a happy meal. Colby - Colby rocks!! I haven't seen him in SO long! I just love him. Courtney - Can't remember who she is either. Danielle - Who? Maybe if I saw a picture. James - James, James....poor James LOL. Think he will actually use the immunity idol if he finds it this time? I like James pretty well. Jerri - The she-devil. I really dislike her....which is why she was invited back LOL. JT - I really like JT. Nothing like a good ol' country boy. He just seems so nice! Parvati - my family and I call her Parvo, as in the illness that puppies get LOL. Randy - I cannot STAND this dude. I hope he gets blindsided again as Sugar did to him last time! I'd hate to have him as my wedding videographer (which is his real life job). He'd be such a downer. Boston - too mouthy and cocky. Rupert - Rupert is great! Love him!! Can't find a nicer guy. Russell - Ugh. We just got rid of Russell....do we really have to see him again so soon? Sandra - Eh, take her or leave her. I didn't think she was great. Stephenie - She's okay....a little too cocky for my taste. Sugar - I like Sugar, I'm not sure why. She's....interesting. Tom - Tom is the only person that has won Survivor that I think was the true survivor. Most of the time the toughest, athletic, most outdoorsy person never wins. Tom did and I love him! Colby was a true Survivor too though. Tyson - One word: Ick. Tyson thinks that he is God's gift to women. Personally, I think he looks like a skinny chicken. And he's mean too. We cannot wait for this season!!
  24. Our homeschool group is exchanging valentines tomorrow when we meet. But I do buy a little something for my kids to give them them on V-Day. Usually a small thing of candy and a small toy.
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