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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. Growing up (down here in FL), everyone called it coke, no matter what the brand. All Pepsi, Sprite, Coke, Root Beer was called coke. Now I call it soda though.
  2. Some cash to go to the store and buy some things to decorate our house. We are re-doing some things and it needs some new decor. Also, some cash to print out some scrapbook pages (I digital scrapbook).
  3. Great post!!! Around here you always hear about the kids who read at 3 years old and the ones who are working three grades above their "actual" grade level. I think there's a belief in the homeschooling community that homeschooled kids are usually advanced. But it's nice to hear that not everyone is advanced and that some children are just average....even homeschooled ones.
  4. Yes, I'm glad I'm watching this season. If not, I'd always wonder about some of the answers we've learned (not that we've actually learned too mnay LOL). What I really wish I had done? I wish I had not gotten sucked into Lost from day one. I wish I could have waited and watched the whole thing when all seasons were out on DVD.....that way I wouldn't have had to endure all their crazy long breaks in the seasons.
  5. When DD turned two, we got her hair cut into a chin legnth bob for the first time. Since then, she's worn it in variations of the same. When she turned four, we cut the front of her hair so that she'd have bangs. Now, at six, we are in the process of letting the front grow out again so that its even with the rest of her hair. I hate the growing out part....her hair just looks messy and in her eyes at the moment. Here's DD at 2, right after we got it cut into the bob (it's a little messy in this pic though). And here's DD at 5, with bangs.
  6. I love the commercial with those two babies sitting side by side in the dirt, playing with rocks. Then one bonks the other on the head and he starts crying. They are adorable!! The commercial intrigues me....I think I'd like to see the movie.
  7. I agree with what this poster said. A child's grade is just a number. Usually, when people ask what grade a child is in, they are really trying to see how old the child is.....not what sort of work they are doing. My daughter knows she is in "kindergarten", but I only tell her this so she will be put into a class at church with children her own age. If it weren't for church, she wouldn't even know about grades. Just keep progressing at the pace that your daughter feels comfortable at. And if worse comes to worse, when she graduates 12th grade and you feel she's still behind, you do school for another year.
  8. This show is driving me nuts and has been since day one LOL! I actually cannot wait for it to be over. It's my very favorite show but the waiting, wondering, and trying to figure it out are driving me crazy. I just want to know what the heck is going on! I kept waiting on Sun to say "Jin, go, be with our daughter! Raise her! She needs at least one of her parents!" What the heck???? How could she not tell him this???? I loved Sawyer and Juliet together. I'd rather Kate be with Jack then Sawyer......like someone else mentioned, I see Kate as his consolation prize now. Since Juliet is gone, he'll run to Kate. I don't want to see that. I'd like for Kate to be with Jack. I think he's loved her from the very beginning. I love that Sayid "redeemed" himself. I want to know what is is about those "gates" that keep the smoke monster out. And where was Frank? I assume he died, but I didn't see him at the end.....did I miss it? I hope that Claire sees Flocke for who he is and does not stay on his side.
  9. I've gone to the FPEA convention for the last two years and it is so much fun!!! I'm registered for this year and looking forward to it. Last year my DH could not get off work to go with me so my mom went. She helped watch the kiddos. Do your parents live close to you? If not, I think it would be well worth it to leave your older dc with a friend/sitter and trekk off by yourself. Even if you don't need to go, it's fun just to look around, get ideas, relax by the pool, walk around the resort (the Rosen Shingle is really nice), have a nice dinner alone (or with your little one).
  10. We've been studying the life cycle of a butterfly for the past two weeks. Last week I was outside near our sycamore tree and I happened to see a caterpillar. I showed it to DD6, we caught it, and put it in one of the kids bug cages. I told her we would keep it for a few days, study it, draw it, identify it, etc, but then we would let it go. Well, two days later it began spinning a cocoon! Now it is nestled snugly inside. I told DD we could keep it until it turned into a butterfly (well, a moth in this case) and then we'd let it go. How cool that it spun a cocoon! Turns out it is a white marked tussock moth. The caterpillar stings (thank goodness we didn't touch it).
  11. Ick. I detest lizards. When you walk out our front or back door, they scatter. I need your kids at my house LOL.
  12. UGH. Yes, it is TOO warm. I'm down here in FL and it has been in the 90's this week. We went camping this past weekend and it was just miserable....and we have A/C in our pop-up too! But it was in the direct sun and the A/C just couldnt compete with the sun beating down on it. Down here, when you step outside, you automatically begin sweating. I hate summer.
  13. Oh my gosh, this is the funniest thread in a long time!! That was great LOL!!
  14. I had my only root canal last year. I felt nothing during the procedure. The only thing that bothered me was how long I had to hold my mouth open. Afterwards, I took some Motrin....once on the afternoon of the procedure, and once the day after. No major pain or anything.
  15. I'm thinking of doing Oak Meadow for my 1st grader next year. She's very into science, nature, art, etc. We kept a nature journal this year and she loves it. But I'm just not sure about the phonics and math portion of Oak Meadow. Is there any curriculum that is similar to Oak Meadow but a little more in depth with the reading and math portion? I know it is better not to push a young child in these areas....but we are just kind of going at her own pace.
  16. I'd go with option A LOL! My girls will probably always share a room. I think it promoted bonding. Of course, right now they are only 6 and 3, so ask me again when they are teenagers LOL. But I'd love for them to always share a room. And if you use the school room a lot, then I'd definitely keep it, especailly at the ages your children are at. If you find yourself doing work elsewhere a lot, then maybe consider giving up the school room.
  17. I've hesitated about getting a slip n slide. Are they okay for smaller kids? My girls are 6 and 3. I have visions of them standing on it and then slipping and breaking an arm.
  18. The nerve of people!! I mean, seriously, what the heck were they thinking? We have a privacy hedge exactly like the one you are talking about. The previous owners planted it to block the neighbors. One evening after we had lived here a few months, the guy came over in a drunken rant, beating on our door, cussing, and telling us that if we did not take down the hedge then he would. Ummmm.....heck no. After that night, I knew exactly why the hedge was there. And it still stands today. Crazy neighbors.
  19. Get a DVR....you'll wonder how in the world you managed to watch TV before it. We never watch shows at the time they air anymore. And we never watch commercials either.
  20. My 6 year old DD was born on Earth Day. On her very first birthday our family all went out together and purchased a baby tree to plant in celebration of her Earth day birthday. We planted it together and she has watched it grow. She loves her tree, talks about it often, and has grown up calling it "her" tree. It's a sycamore. Well....we are moving. It is only 10 or 15 minutes up the road, but this tree has been planted for 5 years now. Is there ANY way to transplant it or has the roots extended too deeply into the ground? It's the only thing making her sad about moving....and honestly, me too. I've talked to her about planting another tree, but it is just not the same. Does anyone know if it can be done?
  21. To me, it looks like he has some chihuahua in him....but I'm not sure what else he could be mixed with.
  22. Well, if you keep the book for long enough then you can buy it from the library LOL.
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