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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. Yes LOL! Life is short, time is precious....you don't have to waste it doing something you don't enjoy. I am SO picky about my books. If it doesn't pull me in, I stop reading.
  2. Yikes!!! I wish the docs would have kept him a while longer....I'd be afraid to bring home a child who is still exhibiting signs of a reaction. I pray that he does not have a second reaction. Please keep us updated!
  3. One day - clean Two days - movies and chocolate!!! I'm happy for you!!!
  4. I live in a subdivision. I really dislike people ringing my doorbell during the daytime. The only people that do so are ones going door to door selling things. And usually it is a man. Sorry, I'm not going to open the door to a strange man when I'm home alone with the kids during the daytime and everyone else on my cul-de-sac is gone to work. So instead I get someone knocking on the door, I'm trying to keep my kiddos quiet, the dog is going nuts, and usually the guy at the door knocks and stands there several minutes, knocks again, stands there, etc. Sorry, not answering. I thought about putting up a "No Soliciting" sign....but I'm wondering if it really deters seller from ringing the doorbell or knocking? Has anyone done it?
  5. I hate house cleaning and I don't have very much time to do it. But having a clean house makes me happier and less stressful, so I try to keep up with it. If my house is cluttered and dirty, I cannot think. A few things that I do to make it easier for me: 1. I do a "clean sweep" every night before I go to bed. Anything that is out of place I make sure to put away. That way I can start fresh in the morning with everything neat and tidy. 2. I keep any cleaning supplies in the bathroom. I know that if I have to gather all my cleaning supplies and go into the bathroom to clean, then I will keep putting it off. However, if I just have to grab something from under the sink after I get out of the shower, then I am much more likey to do that. I have found that I can do a quick clean of the bathroom in about 7 minutes. I use Windex wipes on the window, Lysol (or the Seventh Generation ones) to wipe the counters and toilets. And a Lysol disposable toilet wand in the toilet. I try to keep it as easy as possible. 3. I don't do clutter. I'm the queen of throwing things away or giving them to Goodwill or selling them online. I absolutely do not keep clutter. 4. And of course, do it right away. I mean "it" as in things like putting the dishes away. Don't let them pile in the sink....instead, when I finish using a bowl, I rinse it out and stick it the dishwasher. After dinner, clean the dishes immediately. When the clothes bin in full, wash it. Don't wait till they are piled over the top and overflowing. These things help keep me sane.
  6. Someone correct me if I'm wrong (as I've never used it), but isn't Calvert like that?
  7. We are!! My girls are so excited....they've been talking about it for months. The 3 year old just loves Jessie! DH even asked us to wait for him to go see it LOL.
  8. I agree with everyone else.....anything can be learning time. My dd is 6 and I encourage lots of imaginative play with her sister. It may not technically be "school" but I think that imaginative play is good for kids. Anything can be learning at this age....even things that we think may not be. My kids have learned lots of spanish words from watching Dora and Diego. We learn about science every time DD finds a new bug or critter....we always stop and take the time to research it and learn about it. Anything is school. I think it is crazy for a homeschooler to have to log "school hours." It's much too difficult to break it all down.
  9. Ummm....I'm the one who got my kids interested LOL. They are so cute. But $6 a pack is crazy! We picked up a few packs at Wal Mart the other day for $1 each. I did let my kids have a pack of Disney ones (Toy Story 3 and Princesses) for $4 each (but those had 20 in them). And we've gotten a few packs for $3 each. But never $6! I wear them too LOL. My kids don't really socialize with a lot of other kids....they trade with each other, with their 16 year old aunt, and their cousins have some too.
  10. There are some crazies on craigslist LOL!!! I have a 3 and 6 year old. My kids love riding in strollers (my 6 year old will still ride in one whenever we allow her to, for as long as we will allow her to). We have a Maclaren Quest. It will hold up to 55 pounds and reclines well enough for napping. Not to mention, it pushes really smoothly, even with my 6 year old in it. But we also still have our Phil and Teds Sport Buggy double stroller. Both kids still ride in it - ALOT.
  11. Overall, as a society, yes I think that we are greedy. Personally, I believe we are born sinful (which includes greed) and that we need to be taught differently. And honestly, I'm not quite sure how to go about that. I strive to teach my children to share, to be content, give to others, and try to model that for them. But sometimes, greed wins out and they are still greedy. But they are young and still learning. I wish I knew how to promote more selflessness as the children you referred to.
  12. I'm only 29 so I don't have to worry about this for a little while.....but it really freaks me out. I am small....very small LOL. I have no idea how they are going to get anything on the plate!
  13. Usually the kids ask for something before bed.....but it all depends on what time we had dinner whether or not I allow them to eat. If it has only been an hour, then no. I absolutely have to eat something with protein before bed. If I don't, I'll wake up in the middle of the night feeling very jittery, lightheaded, etc. I usually eat two sausage links or a light sandwich or a bowl of yogurt.
  14. Just curious, how are you creating this will? I was just wondering if you are using a computer program? Having it notarized? Going through an attorney? We need to update ours. We just used a computer program, non-notarized, etc.
  15. Ugh....I am SO with you. How in the world can companies claim to be organic, only to put the bad stuff in their products? I think that's horrible!! I have the Kiss My Face brand of shampoo in my bathroom right now! And the Tom's toothpaste. Guess it's back to the drawing board. I really dislike organic shampoos....I wish I could find one that lathers well and doesnt leave my hair a tangled mess.
  16. I know lots of homeschooling families who have 5 (or more) kids. I don't know how they do it, but they seem to do it well and enjoy it.
  17. If I have to wonder if I should eat it, then it's always a no for me. I can think of many things I'd rather be doing then puking LOL.
  18. You can't believe all the negative things you hear about Jack Russell Terriers. My sister and I both have JRT's and they do not live up to all the negative hype. I seriously have the best dog ever. My JRT is now 10 years old but we've had him since he was 8 weeks. He runs a few circles around the house when company arrives, but other than that, he's a normal dog. Actually kinda lazy LOL. He's smart as a whip too. He's come to understand everyday language and usually knows exactly what I'm telling him to do. I know I'll never have another dog as good as he is. My sister's JRT is the same way except she's probably less exciteable than mine is at the sight of company. They are great dogs! I love the breed so much I recently got DD6 a Jack Russell/Chihuahua mix.
  19. Really? I have never heard about this. I'll be watching this thread though. DD6 was a late talker. I got her into speech therapy at 20 months old and she "tested" out at 3 years old because her vocabulary became normal. However, her articulation was not good. So at 4 years old, she went into speech therapy at the local public school and has been there ever since. I feel like she's not progressing so I'm pulling her out and I'm going to address the issue at home, myself. I'm interested to hear about the fish oil.
  20. Unless it will be really noisy around younger son's room, I'd go with what would work in the long run. I'd hate to decorate a room, only to undecorate it in a short while.
  21. I love anything by the Christian fiction writer Karen Kingsbury. She has lots of books and they are all very entertaining and uplifting. Venturing out of the Chrisitian fiction realm, I enjoyed reading the Twilight series. And I just currently finished reading The Hunger Games and have moved onto the second in that series called Catching Fire. The Hunger Games was an excellent book!
  22. Oh no!!! Baseball/softball really scares me. I played for years as a young/middle teen. I played on a fast pitch softball team. Then I got hit in the face three times in one year. The second time, which was the worst, really got me gun-shy about baseball/softball. I was stealing third base and sliding in...the catcher threw the ball (hard and fast) from home to third trying to get me out. Well, the third baseman missed the ball, but I caught it - in the face. Broke my nose. It still hurts to this day when it barely gets bumped. Now, even when playing baseball with the kids, I am very cautious of where that ball goes. I guess any sport has its dangers though.
  23. Whenever my child (boy or girl) could decide for themselves, I would allow them to get their ears pierced. We don't do baby ear piercing. My DH, however, would probably not agree with me about a son having his ears pierced. Right now we won't have to deal with that since we only have daughters (who are 6 and 3 and care nothing about having pierced ears).
  24. I love the freedom that Photoshop gives to digital scrapping! Those scrapbooking programs just can't even begin to compare! My fave shop is the www.sweetshoppedesigns.com . I browse there all the time!
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