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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. Yes, I do. I have only shown a minor reaction to bananas and my doc gave me an epipen. He said that the reaction could be worse next time or I could develop new allergies.
  2. Awww! She resembles our brand new pup! A chi/jack mix. Have fun with her!!
  3. Sounds like I need to go find a bell and some puppy treats!! My other dog, the Jack Russell, will paw the door with one foot several times to let us know he needs to go out. He won't know what to think about the bell LOL! Hopefully the puppy will understand it pretty quickly. And I'll be sure to give her a treat every time she goes to the potty outside. We have a phrase that we use already. We just say "go to the bathroom" since that's what we've always said with our other dog. And I'm sorry that I violated a new board rule LOL! Here's Marley! Two pounds, 13 oz of energy.
  4. Definitely not racist. It's just a fact that some accents are harder to understand than others. I am not good at understanding accents or speech impediments. Does that make me racist? No....it just makes me someone who doesn't understand accents well. And it is frustrating when you can't understand what someone is saying and vice versa. It is embarassing to me, and I'm sure it is embarassing to the person who is trying to communicate with me.
  5. Definitely offer.....if friend is polite, they will decline.
  6. So there's hope it will get better? LOL I guess I'm spoiled by our first "baby", my ten year old Jack Russell. He was easy to train, is smart as a whip, and is seriously the lowest maintanence dog you could ever ask for. He's only hyper when a new person first comes into the house. After that, he sleeps all day LOL. I knew this one would be more difficult, but I just didn't expect for her to do things like go poop outdoors and then turn around and poop indoors 5 minutes later. We do keep her leashed to us for the most part when she is indoors. But that's a pain because all she wants is to run around and she walks around things, gets tangled, etc. Hopefully it will get better with time.
  7. Chocolate chip cookies....soft, gooey, with lots of chocolate chips. :::wipes drool off keyboard:::
  8. A little over a month ago we got a 9 week old Chihuahua/Jack Russell puppy. Right now she is 14 weeks old and 2 pounds, 13 ounces. The pet store guy said she is supposed to get to around 7 or 8 pounds.....but my sister (a vet tech) said that she doesn't know if she's going to reach that size. She is soooo adorable!! However, house breaking is just. not. happening. One day I'll feel like we are making some progress, and then there are days like today. I knew that housebreaking a small breed dog is harder than a larger breed, just because of their smaller bladder size. But she does things that I just don't understand. For example, we will take her outside, leashed, to walk around and potty. We will walk and walk and walk. Then we'll try standing still and letting her just walk around us. She may poop, but not pee. She may pee, but not poop. She may do neither. And yet, we will come back into the house and she will either pee or poop (whichever she did not do outside). Why in the world could she have not done it outside when we were out there????? Or sometimes, she will poop outside and then come inside and poop again within just a few minutes! We are doing everything right. Crate training her. Not letting her run free in the house. Taking her out at all the right times, etc. I. just. do. not. understand. Any advice? Anyone successfully housetrained a small breed dog? How long did it take? I feel bad not letting her run around the house. The only time she is allowed to do that is if she peed and pooped outdoors. Then we let her run around with the kids and our other dog for about 10 or 15 minutes. But that's it.
  9. Just echoing everyone who has said that you must pick a good time of year to go. Disney is amazing, but can be quickly ruined by waiting in one or two hour lines in the scorching Florida heat. We never wait in lines more than 20 minutes long and we do not go in the heat. The very best time to go is the days after Labor Day. School has just began and most people are getting started with that. An employee described it as "deserted." That's all relative when it comes to Disney though. But you very well may be able to wait 10 minutes for rides. However, it is still very hot at that time of year. We go each year for a week from the end of Oct to the beginning of November. Love the Halloween party they have there.
  10. I have all of our curriculum purchased for 6 year old DD. Here's what we have: Math: Math U See Alpha History: Story of the World 1 Reading/Phonics: The Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading Bible: Positivie Action Bible Curriculum K Science: varied nature science experiments, books, walks, studies, etc Sign Language: Signing Times DVD's Speech: Speechersize CD's as well as oral work Handwriting: Draw, Write, Now Art: Artistic Pursuits Literature: reading aloud to her daily for approx 30 or 45 minutes Do I need to do any type of social studies? I hadn't planned on it. Now that I have everything purchased, how in the world do I coordinate it all? On Wednesdays, we have homeschool group for four hours, then a short rest time at home before attending church that evening. So I figure that the only school we will do on Wednesdays will be homeschool group. That leaves Mon, Tues, Thurs, and Fri. Not everything needs to be done on a daily basis. I figure that we will do Story of the World one day a week. We will read the chapter in the book and do one activity from the activity book. I plan on sign language once a week as well. Art could be once a week or once every two weeks....not sure. Daily I would like to do the Math U See, Reading, Bible, speech, and Literature time (this may be done by dad in the evenings). What about Draw, Write, Now....should we do that only once per week? And how about science? This is DD's favorite subject, especailly since we will be focusing on nature this year. Should science be daily....twice a week? Three times? To me, this is the most difficult part of homeschooling....trying to figure out when and how often everything should be done! Anyone have any suggestions?
  11. Well, I'm a Disney freak LOL. So if you've never been, I say go there if you think your kids will enjoy it. I do not do rollercoasters either.....at all. But I can ride everything at Magic Kingdom except for Space Mountain, Splash Mountain, and Thunder Mountain. I can ride most everything at the other parks as well. Thankfully, unlike Busch Gardens and Islands of Adventure, Disney is not a huge rollercoaster park. Disney is just an overall awesome experience. As for accomodations, we like to stay onsite. We either camp at Disney's campground, Fort Wilderness, or stay in one of the value resorts. However, since you have more people in your party than we do, you might want to consider renting a home nearby. There's plenty of vacation home communities that are super nice (Windsor Hills is one we are staying in in December). If staying in a house with a full kitchen, you can make some meals, have snacks accessible, etc. We bring our own snacks into the park. Don't worry about water - all snack bars give free cups of ice water if you just ask (they are not tiny either). We don't even worry about lugging around bottles of water. Sometimes I bring a soft sided cooler and bring a lunch into the parks. Disney gives passes to special needs families as well. Just call and ask about it as I'm not sure how it works. As for swimming with the dolphins, you could do that at Discovery Cove in Orlando.
  12. Wow! That is incredible! And completely freaky too. A perfect circle that just caves in....weird! And I keep reading about it but no one says if there were people in that building! Does anyone know??
  13. Good idea on the laundry bag! Why didn't I think of that? LOL I'll check Wal Mart on the beach toys aisle, as well as the laundry aisle....if that doesn't work out, I'll hit BB&B. Thanks so much!
  14. We spent a week at the beach last week and our sand toys bag broke. It was just a cheap plastic one with a mesh bottom that some sand toys had come in when we purchased them. I'm looking for a mesh bag with a carrying handle....it needs to be good sized to hold buckets, shovels, cups, other sand toys, etc. It also need to close in some way. I prefer those cinch closures....but other closures are fine too. Anyone know where I can find one? I checked Lands End but theirs is fairly small. I'm not sure where else to look.
  15. They definitely need to add a "bring your own horse" in there.
  16. I despise clutter. If it is something we dont use often (and it is not sentimental), then we get rid of it or sell it. I have never regretted it. Last month we thought we were moving and I did another major declutter. Never regretted it.
  17. We are a modest family here as well. I agree with the person who said that if it is not appropriate for your teen, then it is not appropriate for your 2 year old either. I wouldn't want my developing teen daughter to wear a bikini, therefore, I don't let my little girls wear them either. No halter tops, short skirts/dresses, low cut shirts, writing across the bottom, no miniature adult clothing, etc. DD6 has a few dresses from Target, but they would be way too short to wear without something underneath so I purchased some bermuda shorts to go under it. Now it looks like a cute tunic legnth top! I don't mind tank tops (modest ones) but I don't really like spaghetti straps. For bathing suits my girls wear the board shorts and rash guards. Not only is this modest, but also practical for protecting them from the sun.
  18. I love Fringe!! However, I hated that old-timey episode they did a few weeks ago. I fast forwarded right through it! Can't wait to see what happens tonight!
  19. DD6 is hugely jealouse. I'm hoping that it is just a phase. Here's a few examples for you.... **We went to a sporting goods store a few weeks ago to get an elliptical. DD6 was mad because mommy and daddy got something and she did not. **Her little sister's birthday was a big ordeal as far as jealousy. DD6 was upset that she wasn't getting gifts, that little sister got money from my FIL, and that little sister got to pick the day's activities. **Last night at church, there was a little birthday party in her little sister's class for a little girl. They had cake, got a goody bag, and a crown. DD6 was mad that she didn't get to participate. **Everything is a competition. It is started by DD6 and then DD3 follows suit because of course she does not want to be outdone. They run to see who can open the door first....if DD3 gets there first, DD6 is mad. If DD6 thinks that DD3 has more crackers on her plate, she gets mad. Etc. DD6 will complain and complain and complain about things she does not think is fair. Please tell me this jealous phase will pass. And in the meantime, any ideas on how to handle it? We don't give into her jealous cries (for example, she does not get gifts on DD 3's birthday and so forth), so that's not an issue.
  20. I think that people just want to show you how thankful they are for your generosity. I sure hope I would not come across as annoying or offensive just because I'm trying to show you thanks. :confused:
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