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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. Ewww LOL! Did one of your kids put that thing in their pocket?? That gives even me the heebie jeebies LOL!
  2. I vote no....way too dangerous, in my opinion. We will never have one. I watched my little sister accidently bump into someone while jumping and she knocked her two front teeth out. There was lots of blood.
  3. Yikes!!! I'm so glad she was safe and sound! I hate that fear that suddenly panics you when you cannot find your child. There is nothing else like it.
  4. My girls prefer stuffed animals, but they are of the mindset that one cannot have too many animals. They still get excited whenever they get another. We have three BIG overflowing bins of stuffed animals. I recently went through and got rid of about 50 of the ones that do not get played with anymore. If that's all your daughter really wants, I'd get it. They are only children for so long. My cousin (who just turned 10) got the Bitty Baby twins for this past Christmas. They are so cute!
  5. I don't see many options. I'd definitely go with the "if there's laundry to do, hubby needs to sit in the laundromat" option. The Depends would be the way to go.
  6. Actually, my 3 year old DD is like this and has been since 18 months. She plays with one thing.....her princess figures. She loves to be read to and will sit there forever. But that's all. It's either imagination play with her princesses or reading (she will even sit and look at books for a long time on her own.) She really does not like to play outside, color, do art projects, or anything else.
  7. Those Farm Stores must be in south Florida because they defitely are not up here in north Florida. It would be nice though! A drive through grocery store would be awesome!! They could make it something like 10 items or less....and shoot, I'd even pay a convenience fee! There have been PLENTY of times that I only needed bread or something and I have to unbuckle two kids and drag them into the store. What could have been a 5 minutes stop usually turns into 20 minutes. UGH! Love the pop up wind guy LOL!! I NEED one of those! I'm one of those who walks out of the store and thinks "Where the heck did I park?" I want a kid friendly restaurant. I mean REALLY kid friendly. One that has an area gated off around each table.....cause kids want to get down and wander around, yet you don't want them wandering away from you. So having an area around each table would make it where the kids can get down, walk around, yet still be confined to your area. Make it kid friendly but still have yummy adult food. Have an expansive kids menu. Have an indoor playground in the middle of the restaurant where families can wait and play until their name is called to be seated.
  8. I know nothing about scouts....but it sounds like you need to cut your ties with this group. Is there any way to go to the group that's 30 minutes away? It sounds ideal.
  9. We don't have a GPS....but we do have an iPhone. There's an app you can download (it's geocaching.com's app) and you can find all the cache's around your location. I think I actually like that better than using a GPS. With only a GPS, you have to plan which cache's you'll find beforehand....and write down the coordinates and such. With the app, we just go somewhere and it finds all the ones around us. Plus, if we get stumped, we can look at the hint. We can also look at other people's logs and make sure it was found recently.....and read the description of the cache if necessary.
  10. LOL! I love that video! And yes, I am proud to say that I DO drive a swagger wagon LOL! (But not that brand)
  11. Our family has just begun geocaching. What a neat family activity! It's free, it's fun, and it's quality time together! The kids love it because we go on adventures and find "hidden treasure." There are usually trinkets and small toys inside and the kids love swapping out new ones. And a great thing is that no matter where we travel to, there always seems to be tons of caches wherever we go! And this can be eduational too....learning about latitude and longitude coordinates, map skills, following directions, learning about a compass....not to metion learning about nature and plant life if you are geocaching in the woods. Anyone else discover the fun of geocaching?
  12. Eat at the Old Mill....it's great!! Especailly their fritters! Hike trails, play in streams, etc. That's always fun. Ober Gatlinburg is a nice time. I've been to the Dixie Stampede....I thought it was pretty good. I've also been to Medieval Times though, so I'm comparing it to that since it is similiar. I enjoyed MT better. Stroll the shops in Gatlinburg, they have unique things.
  13. I have a young three year old.....she does not like to color, draw, or make art projects. At this age, my older daughter loved this type of stuff! But I cannot get my younger to do anything of the sort.
  14. My heart skipped when I read the title of your post. I am so very sorry for your loss.
  15. I'd be very upset about the sneaking and lying. As long as nothing is physically wrong as far as why he wants to eat a lot, then my child would be in very big trouble for the sneaking and lying. Those are trust breakers and it is hard to earn trust back. My kids (well, my 6 year old) knows that I do not allow them to have very much "junk" food. I just do not keep it in the house. But if I caught her sneaking it and lying to me about it, then yes, I'd eliminate all treats for a while. Seems like the logical consequence. We usually allow our entire family to pick a weekly treat and eat it on the weekend. She would just have to deal with seeing everyone else eat theirs. And I'd absolutely have my child to go a birthday party and tell them they were not allowed to have a cupcake there. Around our house, lying and sneaking are serious offenses. Trust is important. Of course, all of this is as long as you feel there is no physical reason that he's wanting the food (albeit, poor food choices are being made...but that's normal for a child). If it's just a kid craving sugar and junk (as I know my 6 year old does), it would not be acceptable.
  16. I'm currently reading The Hunger Games. It's really good so far!
  17. DD 6's name is Paisley LOL! She used to crawl around, drink water out of a dish, and wear a collar like a kitty!
  18. Ewww!!! Did it really say tea stains or umm, something else? I'm hoping it is literally tea stains LOL. I'm looking for a kitchen nook on craigslist...thankfully I can just wipe that down LOL!
  19. Yay for Aha moments! I've found that my 6 year old daughter is the same way. Whenever I am reading something to her, I always give her something to do. But then again, I'm a multi-tasker as well. I can't just do one thing at a time either.
  20. I agree with the other poster. You need to walk at a quicker pace to lose weight. I just don't think a 5 year old is capable of walking at that pace. Is he quick enough on a bicycle? Will he stay right beside you? If you are contantly having to wrangle him in, it will be hard to keep the pace to lose weight. I second the stroller. My 6 year old can still fit in our stroller just fine and I wouldn't hesitate to use it in order to go walking.
  21. Yes! This happens here too!! The kids will be in the room with their father when they need help with something. They will EXIT the room and come to find me for help. I ask "Weren't you JUST in there with Daddy? He knows how to help you too!"
  22. We have been doing Explode the Code for a while. We started last year when she was 4 and went through the prequel books for that which is books A, B, and C. This year, we are doing kindergarten and she has completed Book 1 and we are going through Book 2 now. We are stuck on the consonant blends. She has a speech issue and is in therapy for that. For example, one of the words used in the book is grass. When she pronounces grass it sounds like gas. And this is how it is for all consanant blends. We are really stuck on book #2. She does fine with CVC words for the most part. I mean, she does still have to sound them out but she can sound them out well. She knows all letter sounds. It's just these blends. Plus the reading comprehension. Since she has to sound out every word in a sentence, she has no idea what that sentence said by the time she gets to the end of it. Is there a program that may be better suited for her?
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