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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. Right now we are with Comcast....so I have a @comcast.net email address. But we're going to be changing from Comcast to U-verse when it becomes available in our area. I don't want to constantly keep changing email addresses due to whatever service provider we are currently using. So what is a good internet mail? I have a Gmail account but it has a lot of junk mail.....but I guess I could clear it out and use that. But I was just wondering if there was anything better?
  2. We are wanting to try out Netflix. We know we can do the two week trial from the Netflix site, but I was wondering if anyone had a month long trail code they'd be willing to give me if they don't need it? You can PM it to me. Thanks in advance!
  3. Sounds like I need to get the kind that goes over the glasses! I'll be doing that just as soon as her glasses come in. I would go ahead and order them (from the ebay link that someone provided....thanks so much!) but I have to measure her glasses to get the right fit. DD3 loves Ariel, so maybe if I can order one from there that has Ariel, she will be more willing to wear it.....and maybe having the non-adhesive will cause my sweet girl to come back. So Claire's has glasses with clear lenses? I think I'll stop by there today and check them out. Even if I don't get them for my 3 year old, I may pick up a pair for my 6 year old who is crying and complaining that she's the only one in our little family that does not wear glasses LOL. She wants to wear them so bad....I told her that it is definitely not as fun as it looks. And wow, I didn't realize that patching could go on for years and years. Gosh, I don't know how ya'll do it. I didn't even think to ask DD's doctor how long she thinks we may be patching. She has another appointment in two months to check for any progress so I'll ask her then. Thanks so much for all the replies! It really helps to know that we are not "alone" in this doing this.
  4. That is ridiculous! That poor girl!! I would have been livid if I were her parents. It seems like that rec center needs to get some better organization. Even if they have to require parents to stay on the premises. I'm not sure why they couldn't call the girls parents.....or even an ambulance. That is horrible.
  5. I'm so glad to hear a good update Jennifer! It is so scary when doctor's cant seem to find out what's wrong. The body can do some strange things LOL! But I'm glad that he's home and seems to be getting stronger. I know what you mean about DH being the strong one. Mine never gets sick, never worries, always seems to have a level head.....while I'm the one that seems to feel bad sometimes, freak out and worry, etc. It's really strange when DH is the one to get sick....I don't like it either!
  6. We saw it in 2D since my 3 year old won't wear the glasses....we thought it was great. I didn't feel like I was missing anything.
  7. WOW LOL! Not sure I could have stood in line that long! We ordered ours online the day that the pre-orders opened up and it was delivered to my door step yesterday....a day before they were even released in stores. I love it! Except that I'm paranoid about it because no one carries screen protectors or silicone cases for it yet! I'm going to AT&T tomorrow in hopes of getting a screen protector at least.
  8. She does not have her glasses yet, so we do not have anything to go on the glasses. We should be getting those back in about 5 days....we ordered them on Tuesday. So right now we are using the adhesive patch. I figured the adhesive patch may work better for her.....if there's a patch that goes on the glasses, I figured that she may try to either look up or down or around the patch. That's what our doctor said too. I want to use whatever will have the best chance to help her eyes, even if that means the adhesive ones. So do your children not try to look around the patch that's on their glasses? We may have to get one and at least try it out.
  9. I posted a while back about my daughter's wandering eye (she's 3). We finally got in to see the opthamologist at the children's hospital. As I figured, she has strabismus (crossed eye, but hers is going outwards and not in). We have to patch her for 5 hours a day. Plus, she has to get glasses....she has astigmatism in both eyes. We've been patching since Monday and her glasses are ordered but have not come in yet. I've noticed that my normally sweet, easy going, smiley little three year old has become two different people since we have begun patching. While she has the patch on she is reserved, cranky, and sad looking. When the patch is off, she is back to her usual self as I referenced above. She doesn't try to mess with the patch, she is actually very good about wearing it. Never tried to pull it off or anything. She, of course, does not like wearing it....she cries when I put it on and usually asks once or twice within the 5 hours about when we can take it off. But over all, I'd say she is doing exceptionally well with it. Except for the fact that it seems to change her personality. Has anyone experienced this with their child? I try to baby her more than usual when she has the patch on, but I feel so bad that she seems to be different. I dread trying to get her to wear glasses as well.
  10. No idea, but yes, we've had this problem with our sandbox as well. I have no come up with a solution except to grab a shovel and toss any that I see. It's icky.
  11. If the kids threw a good one out there, then sure, we'd consider it. But I really love naming babies, so I'd be doing most of the deciding. If DD1 had her way, then DD2 would have been named JoJo Ice Cream. Yeah, I had to veto that one. But she was only two at the time and loved JoJo's Circus. My parents let my sister and I have a say in naming our youngest sister. I was 13 at the time, and my sister was 9. We really loved the show Full House. There were sisters on there named Stephanie and Michelle. So we chose the name Stephanie Michelle and my parents liked it....so that's our youngest sisters name (who is now 16). Actually, at first we wanted Angela Stephanie....good thing my parents caught the initials. Our last name started with an S. Yeah, that wouldn't have been good LOL. As for us, we prefer very unique first names, followed by four letter "naturish" middle names. And no, our DD's are not really named Stitch and Boo, as listed below.
  12. Oh no! Gosh, that is really high for an adult! Please keep us updated on what the docs say when they see him.
  13. Ummm....wow. YES, I would have been LIVID. That was completely inappropriate.
  14. 40K??? :svengo: I am SO glad our home already had a pool when we moved into it....we never would have paid that much to install one. I didn't realize they were SO expensive. We definitely do not use it enough to justify 40K.
  15. It could be stress. I have tics sometimes (not verbal ones though) and they can tend to be more evident in stressful times. I wouldn't call him out on it though....he can't help it and hopefully it will resolve itself in a short time span.
  16. What about the Fisher Price Trio blocks? My DD's are 6 and 3 and just LOVE these blocks. They stay together better then Legos and duplo blocks. They build staircases, zoos, chairs, and beds for all their animals and figures. They really love them. I do too.
  17. We are going in October!! I'm hoping the novelty will have died down a lot by them. I'll definitely have to wait in line for the ride, despite the fact that I don't do coasters.
  18. Hmmm...I probably wouldn't let my children watch it. Right now they are way too young, but I would probably wait until they were teens at least. One of the characters (Sawyer) likes to use curse words (especailly the B one). There's a lot of violence, a lot of people die, lots of intense moments, and even some hot and heavy kissing scenes, as well as a sex scene in the jungle.
  19. I don't have a particular story....I just remember my dad always doing fun things with us. He'd take us on bike rides through the neighborhood, to the local park to play, hiking at the local nature trails, etc. And he was/is funny. Always had a dry humor joke. He made up a song about me and him and he'd sing it. He'd put me to bed and say bedtime prayers with me at night. He helped coach my softball team. I loved having the opportunity to go to work with him at times. It was always fun. He's a great dad and now he's a great poppy to my girls.
  20. No, I don't think Grocery Gadget is free. But I'm sure it wasn't too much....none of my apps are over a few dollars each.
  21. Awwww!! It's hard, huh? I may be in a similar situation in a few months. DH is going to his cousin's wedding in October and he cant take off of work so he'll have to only stay for the weekend. I don't fly so we'd need to drive. Staying for only the weekend is not enough time for us to drive there and back. So Dh wants to fly and take our 6 year old with him. I know she'd have fun....but gosh, I don't want her to go!! I'll miss her.
  22. I wanted to add that I agree with an above poster who mentioned scams. Yes, be very careful there. There are LOTS of scammers. They like to round up attractive children to get them into "modeling" but then the parents are really just out a bunch of money. We were at an event one time and someone in a booth pulled me aside and told me that my daughter (then 4) was gorgeous and I needed to get her into modeling. My daughter is very photogenic and yes, I do think she's gorgeous (doesn't every mother? LOL). The person gave me their contact number and I called them the following week. They wanted me to enroll my daughter in their modeling school.....which, of course, costed lots of money. So I figure it was probably just a way for them to make money in their modeling school. Maybe a few of their students actually get offers, but I seriously doubt that majority of them do. So be careful.
  23. Interesting question. The only type of modeling I'd allow my daughters to do would be photo shoots for things like clothing stores (example: Gap, Old Navy, Children's Place). However, places like that would not want us because I'm too strict on clothing for my daughters. My girls would not model anything that I would not allow them to wear....this includes any skirts too short, halter tops, adult looking clothing, etc. And as a teen, I can pretty much say that I wouldn't allow modeling....because I'm sure they would need to model revealing, provocative clothing that I do not believe women should be wearing. I wouldn't allow any of the runway stuff, revealing clothes, etc. I don't really care for the whole modeling scene anyways. I don't think that beauty should be a competition (as in pageants) and I don't like the way most models are required to be stick thin and then they still airbrush them and "fix" them in Photoshop. What began as a person ends up being a computer generated image of a person. I don't like the way society tells women they should look like models, when that isn't attainable.
  24. You can't watch live TV (at least I don't think you can LOL) but you can download movies and TV shows from iTunes. Or there are ways that you can upload movies of your own, change the format, and then put them onto your iTouch. You have to download a program to do that though. I actually put a few home videos onto my girl's iTouches because they like watching home videos. For grocery lists you can either use the "notes" app that comes on your iTouch. Or you can download a Grocery List app from iTunes. I use Grocery Gadget. There's also a maps app that you can use as a GPS. And I use the clock on my iPhone as my alarm clock. And I even downloaded a clock that glows like bedside clock each night. I use the calculator on it often. I downloaded the weather channel app so that I always have the weather with me. I check that often with all of our violent afternoon thunderstorms in Florida. And I keep photos on there to show friends and family. Can you tell I couldn't live without my iPhone? LOL
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