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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. We all go carry on frequently. The lists have been great. I would wear the trousers (jeans). We lived in Orlando, October is warm and jeans can be worn multiple times if needed. Dd almost had heat stroke at the halloween party as a ballerina. You will need the rain ponchos. When we pack I put what everyone needs for bedtime in one bag -- Pajamas, socks, underwear, toothbrushes. Another bag for shirts and shorts. The last bag is electronics and snacks. Dh always takes work so that is our fourth bag.:lol:
  2. I am not overly fond of the whole program. But their math is good, really good. We used it instead of Saxon and loved it. The pages are much more visually appealing but same basic approach.
  3. Congratulations! I'm glad it went well. I love the name. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  4. I spent a lot of time in American airports last winter. I averaged $20 on a travel day for me. I was actually being fairly frugel. When a bottle of water is $4 it adds up quickly. But that was the amount and I made 5 round trips. But I ate decently--2 meals each way. I bought the biggest water and it lasted the day.
  5. It has been awhile but you don't need anything. It is just open and go. I used library books etc. Because I can't resist. But nothing else is required.
  6. Too funny! :lol::lol::lol: Now on a serious note -- how do they stay on? I can see a piece going between the wings does it go around the front (neck) or in front of the legs?
  7. :iagree: Although I have to say that I am using Fallacy Detective which was free from amazon prime really effectively. I have it on my fire and reader--same account. While reading from one, I have the answers up on the other. It is acctually easier then page flipping.:lol:
  8. We did 2, 4, 6 for Shurley. They are all set up much the same. Just harder. I would skip if he did well with 1 and wants to.
  9. We started with Prima Latina around that age. We used the dvd and loved it. My dd had never been to an away school--just mommy and loved having a different teacher! There are a lot of different programs out there now. I would do a thread search before you buy. Lots of choice.
  10. I didn't want you to go without a response. We are using core 200 but dd tends to do it her own way. She reads many of the books when introduced completely!:lol:Time estimates are pretty hard for me because she has it wrapped up with lots of "other." Sonlight says 5 to 7 hours per day. I think that is probably right. I would say one hour for the Bible is accurate. I am requiring written answers for Westminster. I am sorry I can't be more helpful.
  11. I wrote a long post earlier this morning that got lost in posting. Grrrr Maybe someone was trying to tell me not to post that. I am glad that I was raised in the States. I am grateful that my children were born there also. I love the states while I am there. It is bright and loud, not nearly as polite. Generally fun. We all love Target and Taco Bell. We love the sun. We base ourselves in Florida. Personally, I think the poll should have been 2 years. For the first year I wanted to do things the American way. So I did not adjust much. I made things fit my ways. When I gave that up life became easier. People here are very polite and friendly. They just have no expectations of friendship until you have been acquaintances for several years. I am always amazed how patient people are while waiting. People stop so you can make turns while driving. I wish I had more time to explain myself but dd has a lesson so need to go.
  12. It could be an allergic reaction. Dd has a first size welt on her calf and a slightly smaller one one her ankle. Just midges-- mosquitoes. Topical benidril(sp? ) helps. Usually she takes pills too. We try to medicate her immediately after she is bit. We did this time--not sure how much it helped.:lol:
  13. There seems to be a bit of a jump between apologia physical science and biology for my ds12. He breezed through both general science and physical science with dd14. Does not want to be left behind but biology is proving to be hard for him. Lots of content and little interest on his part. It takes him a long time to complete the study sheet and prepare for a test. We have added apologia chemistry in to give him a break and keep dd moving ahead in science. He likes chemistry. The biology course has been a challenge for us.
  14. I have to agree. I can't look. Love the books. Don 't want to change that. I have to say I did look at the site just not click a video. He is not at all what I expected. Not at all!!! I think my vision has been shattered enough. No mild mannered nerd:001_huh:
  15. That is when dd read them. She enjoyed them. I think I read some of the first one a gave up. Someone told me they were fine and it dawned on me that I can't read everything first.
  16. Currently, no. Dc's and I bake for the tea after the service but that is it. So maybe 2 hours a week. Dh is on several committees for our denomination. These take up quite a bit of time. Interupt alot of family outings. I feel at this point that is plenty. I just do not have it in me to give much more of me right now. I can't imagine teaching anyone else right now. I do all the planning I can handle.
  17. Thank you for the review. We have never bought any of these-- zumba, Just Dance, etc. After reading this we might enjoy them. I will watch for them used and give them a try!
  18. We have it as a supplement which neither child has completed. Key to geometry is construction based. You learn by doing. Each page is a worksheet with whatever you are studying on it. There are instructions about what lines excetera to draw. There are also questions "Is it congruent, etc." You would probably learn alot about geometry by doing this course but you would not be learning the typical formulas. You would not use algebra to solve anything. You do not learn to do any proofs. If you need me to look at the course more let me know. I know my review is probably not very helpful but until I just really looked at it I did not realize what the course did not have.:001_huh:
  19. Dh thinks that Germany is great-grandparent. But you have to have great documents. Birth, death, marriage, immigration, from ancestor to you -- need to be legal documents. There are probably other countries but Germany is the major European one. If you are under 35 and have skills-- carpenter, plumber, etc. Then Australia is perfect. You have to pass an English proficiency exam which is harder then imagined. We know a number of people in the process of immigrating there. Good luck!
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