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Everything posted by kewb

  1. I am a Mac person but I will confess to using dh's pc on occasion. His computer is always on and I don't always feel like getting out my laptop.
  2. We are having greek chicken and potatoes tonight. http://www.cdkitchen.com/recipes/recs/2473/Greek-Chicken-And-Potatoes97701.shtml
  3. Mine can identify the ones we eat regularly and probably a few of the ones we eat rarely. But that is because of the way we eat. I doubt they would be able to identify the plant without a ripe veggie hanging off of it. When I was a kid I am pretty sure I only would have been able to identify iceberg lettuce, green and red peppers, carrots, celery, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, radishes, scallions, and onions. Now that I typed that out that seems like a lot. Anyway, my point is, kids learn what they live. If they have a limited diet then that is what they know.
  4. I should get a wheelie thing. I just strain my back with my cloth tote bag instead.
  5. A teaspoon or two of raw honey will help soothe her throat. Store bought honey will work, too, but not as well.
  6. My parents had a theory. Spank them once for something they really deserve it for and they will always remember it. I was spanked for something my sister did and blamed on me. She took my mother's new lipstick and drew all over the walls with it and said I did it. I have always remembered it. My mother was not a great mother. I realize now that she did the best she could with what she had but I was angry at her for a long time. She suffered from depression but no one ever got her any help. Only crazy people saw a shrink. She was emotionally not there for me. She taught me everything I never wanted to do with my own children. My father was of the generation of men who went to work, put a roof over their families heads, and food on the table. His work was done. With age has come the wisdom to understand my parents. I still don't like many of the things I experienced as a child but they really didn't know any better. One day my kids will grow up and talk about all the things I did wrong. I hope and pray that one day they too will gain the wisdom to see that I did the best I could with what I had.
  7. For me, I don't think blogging is any more dangerous then any of the other things I do. A lunatic has as much chance of targeting me in the grocery store as through my blog.
  8. I use the vinegar full strength, about a 1/4 cup. Before I had a washing machine with a fabric softener cup I just filled a downey ball to the line and tossed it in.
  9. I wake up, brush my teeth, put on my exercise clothes, take a few sips of water, and go. If I don't exercise when I first get up it just doesn't happen.
  10. We will be seeing it at some point over the next few days. The kids are discussing the book and the movie at discussion group on Wednesday.
  11. I am bumping into this thread to say thanks for sharing your plan. I am starting to plan out 7th grade for next year, too.
  12. Has your disorganized twin been tested for a learning disability. If this is something you have struggled through the years it may be a symptom of a larger issue. As for the teacher, I would go on a fact finding mission. It is quite possible you are only getting 1/2 the story because your child is, after all, 11. They leave stuff out that they may not think is important and it is.
  13. Very exciting. It makes me want to pack up the family and go teach in another country. Unfortunately, dh said no.
  14. We have not had any problems with direct tv. We have, however, had those kinds of problems with cablevision.
  15. The way I see it, it is their site and they are letting me use it for free. They can do what they want with it. I don't find the new format so horrific. I will adapt just like I did the last time they changed the format.
  16. Neither of us sleeps with a watch on. Unless we fall asleep on the couch or something. I find it uncomfortable to sleep with any jewelry on.
  17. Beverly Cleary books are wear dd went after Magic Tree House.
  18. Interesting questions. What was the main thing that attracted your husband to homeschooling? What is his favorite thing about homeschooling? The main thing that attracted him was that our ds was having problems with bullies at school to the point where he developed trichotillomania. After looking at all the options I said "Let's bring the kids home. We are not going to screw him up any more then the school already has. If it doesn't work they will go back to school." What really sold him in that story was the fact that it was not an all or nothing decision. We have the freedom to evaluate. His favorite thing is being able to take the kids to a weeknight ball game or stay up late and watch with him without having to worry about how they will get up for school the next day. Were the two of you in equal agreement from the start, or was one of you more "pro-homeschooling" than the other? Totally not in equal agreement. It took 2 years for him to get where I was. It was the trichotillomania that made him realize we had to do something. Has he ever had doubts, and if so, what helped him? He has doubts all the time. Discussion is what helps him. We have long and numerous conversations when doubts creep in. That and spending time with his kids. Was there ever something that made him have a definite shift in his perspective about homeschooling? If so, what was it? Seeing how happy our kids are. How often does he look at the kids' work? When he does, does he usually give feedback about what he likes, or what he thinks they should be doing differently? He rarely looks at their work. Sometimes he will discuss what they are learning with them. He never voices likes or dislikes. No, that's not true. Sometimes he will comment on something that went well or talk about something he would like to incorporate and he does send me field trip ideas on occasion. What does he consider to be "proof" of your family's homeschool success? Is he waiting for that proof? The proof is in how our kids are in relation to our nieces and nephews. He likes the differences he sees between them.
  19. We are a yellow/gold family with some touches of green for most of the rooms. The funny thing is we just repainted the kids rooms with the colors they picked themselves. Ds chose a deep, golden yellow and dd chose a bright, sunshine yellow. Independent of each other and with no assistance from me.
  20. Mine is in my siggy. I try to update 2-3 times a week.
  21. It is a tool like anything else. Both my kids have cell phones. They have both been taught proper cell phone etiquette. I.e. When you are with someone the text/ringing phone can wait. The text will still be there when you are done with your conversation. Blaming the cell phone for kids poor manners is a bit like blaming rock and roll for all that is wrong with society.
  22. It breaks my heart on many days that I am not able to give my children the same childhood experiences I had growing up. I did not even realize what a child of privilege I was until I was an adult. I thought everyone did the kinds of things we did. I had an amazing childhood with just one working parent. We were a 2 parent working household until we started homeschooling. Even with dh and I earning very good salaries we barely made ends meet. We had all the necessities and a few perks but not the level I experienced growing up. And now that we are a one salary family I feel like I say "It's just not in the budget right now." more often then not. On the days when it is not breaking my heart I realize that my children are happy. Yes, they experience frustration at not having everything they want or even everything their friends have. Yes, they wish we could travel. But, when I tell them they could go back to school and I could back to work and we can have all those things they say "No." So, I must be doing something right.
  23. We have a TV and a Computer in our bedroom. The kids do not. They think this is grossly unfair. I explained that we have plenty of tvs in the house and that it is not necessary for them to have one in their rooms. The kids have laptops but they are only allowed to use them when either dh or I is in the room/area of use.
  24. I have no idea, nor do I want to know. IQ is just another label, IMO, and I find labels limiting.
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