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Everything posted by kewb

  1. I don't do 30 day freezer meals. I do about 2 weeks at a time when inspiration hits. I cook from scratch. It is totally worth it to me. I usually just make things we all enjoy and freeze them. I do need to stock my freezer and soon as it is quite bare at the moment. Normally I have breaded cutlets, meatballs, and burritos in there. I use my own recipes and just double or triple up. The prep does get easier. The more you do it the more you find ways to increase your efficiency. If you can do it with a friend, even better. You both make things and swap.
  2. I've always been a fan of Richard Simmon's Sweating to the Oldies.
  3. This is the recipe we use. I use whatever dried fruits I have on hand. Everyone loves it.
  4. We use Math-U-See as a stand alone. I have not yet seen a need to supplement with my kids.
  5. When I am being good and actually using my planner I use this: http://www.myhomeschoolplan.com It does not do everything I want but it does allow me to feel organized.
  6. Weight Watchers is what worked for me. I know what I am supposed to eat but portion control is a problem for me. I liked having a well balanced menu to follow until I was comfortable doing things on my own. I don't use their products as I prefer a whole foods approach and they suggest many foods that are full of artificial sweeteners. I would rather have a bite or two of the real thing then a whole artificially sweetened item. I avoid white sugar and white flour. I also use a salad plate instead of a dinner plate and drink only water. No soda, the occasional glass of juice and/or wine. Eat more veggies (and you should be eating a rainbow of veggies) and less meat and fruit. Whole grains leave you feeling full longer. Exercise is key in getting your metabolism going. It is not about doing aerobics to burn off the muffin you just ate. It is about exercising (aerobics to get your heart rate going) at least every other day so that your body burns its fuel more efficiently and all day.
  7. You do have a point there. Access and forced medical care are different things.
  8. Basic Human Rights as I see them: Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Access to quality medical care. As a society it is in everyone's best interest to have healthy people in it. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
  9. I always check. If the item rings up incorrectly it is free. It has been awhile since I caught an error.
  10. Terrorism is not my reason for not going. Crowd phobia, inability to hold my pee for hours on end, and freezing cold are why I choose not to go. However, if I could be one of the newscasters on a heated platform with access to a bathroom-sure.
  11. Me-a multi-vitamin and fish oil when I remember. DH-Fish Oil, B-Complex, multi-vitamin, and this time of year-a vitamin C chewable. The kids-Fish Oil.
  12. I started the blog to keep my mother updated on what we are doing. I also feel that if I keep up the blog it will keep me from letting school work slide. I am accountable to my blog. So, that is why I do it. Other people reading it and leaving me positive feedback is a bonus.
  13. That would be Forage Night in our house. Find something to eat and enjoy. Salsa and chips-great! Hummus and crackers with some olives-awesome! Cereal-chock full of vitamins and minerals! Yogurt with extra fruit-Mmm, mmm, good.
  14. Now I want to be a Jr. Ranger. I think this may be this years adventure when we visit my sister in DC in April.
  15. Wii Just Dance is tons of fun and the kids can do it at the same time. It is a fun workout.
  16. Some years we have friends over for a New Year's Day Brunch. Some years we go to the movies. Some years it is pajama day and we stay in and watch movies and eat popcorn all day.
  17. I think it is a great idea. The best way to start is to ask the women in question if they would be interested in being part of a book club and explain your idea. Once you have a few then you ask what types of books they like to read and pick something in the majority genre. Since it is your idea you should run the first discussion. For my book club, I like to go online and find book club questions and then print them out to have at the meeting. My suggestion for a first book is Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons. It is an easy read , touches on all the emotions, and has character depth. Good luck.
  18. They showed the trailer for this while we were at the movies this morning. It looks great. Ds is super excited because he loves the book series.
  19. New Years Eve is Chinese Take Out. I am usually asleep by 10:30. Everyone else seems able to stay awake.
  20. Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons by Loma Landvk. Loved it, just loved it. It was fun and I really connected with the characters. These two I reread for the gazillionth time: A Woman of Substance by Barbara Taylor Bradford. Clan of the Cavebear by Jean M. Auel
  21. You could do what my parents did to me. Showed me a girl in our congregation who was in a wheelchair waiting for her surgery to have a steel rod fused to her spine because she wouldn't wear her brace. I did what I was supposed to do and I had to wear that thing 23 hours a day.
  22. If you don't mind a mess: Place an assortment of gummy worms on the bottom of a pie tin. Fill with whip cream. (One pie dish for each player). First one to get all the worms wins. The catch-hands have to stay behind their backs.
  23. In potato salad I prefer boiled. But I think it is a personal preference. Here is a tried and true recipe that is a little different then the standard mayo and potatoes one. Serves 8 2 lbs red potatoes, scrubbed and halved. 1/2 lb bacon, chopped 1/2 c shallots, finely chopped 1/4 c olive oil 1/2 c red wine vinegar 1 c parsley, finely chopped 1/2 c red onion, chopped 1/2 c celery, chopped salt and freshly ground pepper to taste Boil potatoes until fork tender, drain them, cut them into bite size pieces, and put them in a large bowl. Fry the bacon crisp and reserve. Pour out all but 3 Tbl of the bacon fat and saute the shallots in the fat very slowly until soft. Pour the shallots and the bacon fat over the hot potatoes; add the oil, vinegar, parsley, onion, celery, and crumbled bacon. Toss very gently, but thoroughly. Salt and pepper to taste. Serve at room temperature.
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