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Everything posted by kewb

  1. I can do it wih my MIL, too. But not my FIL. He surprises me every time.
  2. When the phone rings I can tell if it is my mother (and this skill predates caller id and individual ringtones).
  3. I can only speak to the quality of Land's End at the Sears near me: Exactly the same. My dd is very hard on her clothes and the Land's End stuff has held up really well. I tend to purchase off their overstock page and clearance sales. They are the only bathing suits I buy for my dd. And the other thing Sears will do, if they don't have what you want in the store you can order it online at the store and it will be shipped for free.
  4. I can see this but I also see more choices for parents on where to find support. This in turn will cause more sub-groups to form as parents will probably be looking for a specific something. That something will be different for everyone.
  5. I always thought it meant I don't know the answer but I am interested in the answer so I am going to sit back and watch.
  6. Congratulations on decluttering. I am always on a decluttering quest because it feels so good. We have too much stuff. I am married to a pack rat and my kids are pack rats. I just gave 2 giant bags of my dd's outgrown clothes to my SIL and a giant bag of ds's outgrown clothes to my sister. 2 years ago I did out closets and they desperately need to be done again. I keep trying but it seems for every item I get rid of 2 take its place.
  7. These vents always get to me. I used to have this type of conversation with my dad all the time. I would give anything to be able to have it again. Accept the gifts. Do with them what you want after they come into your home.
  8. I don't normally pay for chores because they are part of being a member of the family. However, the kids can earn extra money by doing additional chores to the ones they are already assigned. I pay $1 a chore. If it something really above and beyond I will increase the amount.
  9. Does it count that I have the semolina flour and I periodically stare at it and say "You really need to try to make pasta."
  10. Hearing the word panties makes me think of a pervert sitting in a room sniffing women's underpants. I don't know why. But it does. The word just makes me cringe. I wear underwear. My dh wears underwear. The kids wear underwear. No panties.
  11. I read that and thought "Wow. You have a lot on your plate." Is there any way your spouse can take over for the day or the weekend to give you a chance to recharge? I am also an introvert and need that down time for me. When I am really going insane I call quiet time. Everyone has to go to their own rooms and engage in quiet activities. Reading, puzzles, drawing, as long as it is quiet.
  12. I thought your blog was fine and dandy. Who cares what some anonymous person wrote. Unless your blog is a business the only person you need to please is you. P.S. Your family is lovely.
  13. I'm pretty sure it is Kinder Eggs my dh purchases for the kids at the German Butcher. It is a chocolate egg with a toy inside.
  14. I am just happy that I am not alone in my hating of the word "panties". Man panties may put me over the edge. To the pp who mentioned ginormous. Oh, how I detest that word, too.
  15. Math is always first. Followed by Language Arts. Then the kids get to choose what they are going to next.
  16. Panties. I hate the word panties. It always makes me think of some perv sniffing women's underpants. When people say ax instead of ask.
  17. This sounds like my home. Only, sometimes I find it difficult not to get frustrated with him. He knows not to complain about a few of his maladies because I have no sympathy for them. If he lost 100 lbs his joints would not bother him, his back would bother him less, etc. I no longer want to hear it. He will either lose the weight or he won't. I can't do it for him. I provide healthy food in the home but I have no control over what he eats when he is not here. This thread has been a reminder to remember all the wonderful things he does for this family and to top focusing on the negative.
  18. I am guilty of it right now. DD is doing her independent reading and DS is doing some mapwork. I am not needed right now.
  19. I get a decent workout from the Wii Fit Plus. I feel like I must be tremendously out of shape now. Every day I do 3 minutes of hula hooping, the advanced step class (I have the thing they sell to raise the balance board to 4"). I do the step class twice because I think it is too short, 10 minutes of rhythm boxing, and then 20 minutes of yoga and strength exercises. I have been doing this for 2 months now and my body is shaping up nicely. Now I want to try the Walk it out.
  20. Once the vinegar dries the smell dissipates. It is a wonderful cleaner. I also use it in place of fabric softener in the wash. I mix a 50/50 solution of vinegar and water in a spray bottle for general purpose cleaning. If I need to scrub something I use baking soda.
  21. I have had nothing but a positive experience with Hospice. Caring staff makes all the difference at the end of life.
  22. I have issues. I made sure whatever house we purchased we would all be sleeping on the same floor. I have many friends who made it work with them sleeping on different levels.
  23. Homeschooling has brought new stress into our marriage and eliminated other stresses. The big stress is money. When we were both working full time we had disposable income and were frugal but living comfortably. Now that we are 100% dependent on his salary it has brought a lot of stress with it. We come at finances from two very different points and it makes things challenging.
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