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Everything posted by kewb

  1. Sometimes I have concerns. I don't use my kids full names. Based on where we go and what we do it is pretty easy to figure out what State we are in. A psycho can be picked up anywhere. Statistically it will be someone you know. Yes, a stranger can happen but the chances are greater that it will be someone you know.
  2. One of our favorite dinners is a lentil concoction I created one day. It makes excellent lunch the next day. 1 lb of ground beef or turkey a few cups of cooked lentils 1 onion - chopped 2 cloves of garlic - minced 2 carrots - chopped 2 ribs of celery - chopped 1 can of diced hot chilis 1 can of diced tomatoes chili powder, cinammon, crushed red pepper flakes, salt, and pepper to taste Brown the meat and set on towels to drain. Saute the onions, garlic, carrots, and celery in a little bit of oil of your choice (I like to use coconut) until just softened. Add the tomatoes and chilis, add the meat and lentils, season to taste and make sure everything is heated through. Serve over rice or stuffed in a pita.
  3. I get positive and negative. Strangers are mostly positive. Family-a whole different story.
  4. We have a Wii and I made my kids save their money and pay for it if they wanted it so badly. I am strict about it. Stricter then dh would be. Beautiful sunny day-get your behind outside and don't ask to play it until after dinner. During the week-very limited play. I am less strict on the week-end. Yes, there are definite changes in their behavior if they have unlimited access. My dd can take it or leave it ny ds is obsessed with video games. If given a choice he will pick the video game the majority of the time. The Wii is in the family room. Both kids have a DS that they can play in their rooms if they choose too.
  5. On the night before Halloween all the kids on the block tp each others houses. All in good fun. Although one year the cops came to put a halt to it. They looked quite puzzled that we were tp'ing our own homes.
  6. So far the 7th grade plan is: Growing with Grammar 7 Lightning Lit 7 MUS Zeta Oak Meadow Earth Science Latin Prep 1 History Odyssey Early Modern Meet the Masters-Music and Art PE-Gym class and Swim class Still up in the air because I am undecided about which program to use: Spanish Writing
  7. Sorry, no real pics, although you can probably see a corner of the credenza on my blog in some of the pics taken at home . That said, school supplies-pens, crayons, pencils, staplers, etc. are stored in one of the cabinets of the credenza. Paper, binders, books, the globe, and the like are on a book case in the kitchen. The chair in the corner of the dining room houses all the books from the library. The dining room walls are decorated in early middle school. An assortment of maps sharing wall space with decorative plates. My dh hates it but everyone who comes over loves looking at the maps. Using the dining room as our school room works out great for us. When company is coming all the books return to the book case and all the supplies are put away.
  8. Congratulations! That is a lot to be proud of.
  9. Actually, there is a suitcase on dh's side of the bed right now. I will not empty his clothes and put the suitcase away. It is our current big fork and spoon. That is such a great episode.
  10. Fresh flowers are always nice. So is a pie. But, if you don't know what kind of pie they like then I would stick with flowers.
  11. I have been living "An ignorance is blitz news blackout" for a couple of months now. I have been much less stressed. I will join you for some wine and chocolate.
  12. I also have the Pampered Chef bread knife and it works very well. I also turn the bread upside down to slice it. It makes it easier to see how wide the slice will be. A bread guide would be nice so all my slices were even. I can always tell which of my kids sliced the bread last.
  13. You are supposed to put the stuff away? Not just pile it at one end of the table so you have room to eat at the other? That said, on a good day, all books are returned to the book shelf I keep in the kitchen. One side of my credenza is dedicated to pens, pencils, crayons, etc. Library books are stacked on the chair in the corner of the dining room.
  14. I don't know what they were doing but I had a similar swarm by my driveway last spring.
  15. I use my netti pot with a sinus infection. It helps mine clear up faster. Since using it daily I rarely get them anymore.
  16. The only time I give Tylenol or Mortrin is if my kids are truly uncomfortable/in pain and unable to sleep at night. Fever is one of things the bodies immune system does to fight off the disease. I also judge the need for medication on their behavior not their fever.
  17. Mine is mostly used to store the open bags of chips. I do use it for a quick baked potato, nachos, popcorn, and reheating when I am feeling lazy.
  18. Same challenge here. I am a short train ride into NYC, there is tons to do in the state I live in (NJ), 4.5 hours to my sister in DC. I am often left feeling overwhelmed by my choices. Sometimes, I end up doing nothing from the paralysis of too many choices.
  19. You eat a pound of dirt before you die. "If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're mis-informed." -Mark Twain
  20. http://www.sportsmansparadiseonline.com Click on the live wildlife cam link.
  21. We have been watching her at every possible moment these past few days. We have also checked in with the bald eagle and the hibernating bear.
  22. In our house tattling is telling on someone just so they get into trouble. 2 years ago I instituted The Tattle Form. I love that form. Immediate telling is acceptable if you see someone doing something dangerous, injuring you, or unsure if you should be telling. Otherwise you have to fill out the form. The child has to answer about 15 unrelated to the tattle questions before they can write what the tattle is. They have to include the date, their name, address, house tel. #, my cell phone #, answer questions such as: What is your favorite food? Least favorite school subject? Favorite outfit? etc. If they are willing to take the time to fill out the form I know this is something they feel strongly about and I intervene. The form drastically reduced the amount of tattling.
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