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Everything posted by kewb

  1. It is hard. I remember my father saying that no matter how much time you have with someone it is never enough. When he passed I felt that right to my core. I am sorry you are dealing with this right now.
  2. It bothers me when the question is asked at 10am. It bothers me when, as pp stated, it is followed with "I don't like that" It bothers me because I feel put on the spot. Especially if I have absolutely no idea what will be for dinner
  3. We quote the Princess Bride with some frequency. When you leave our house someone will usually say "Have fun storming the castle." Monty Python makes an appearance with "Tis only a flesh wound" Bro code from how I met your mother has been tossed about. Along with legen-wait for it -dery. Usually, because it annoys ds. My son reminded me that I drive him nuts when I tell him not to look at me in that tone of voice. He is so literal and that phrase drives him bonkers.
  4. When my children neglect to place their dishes in the dishwasher I remind them that the dish fairy quit. When I knock on their bedroom door before entering and they ask who is it I will usually respond with Candygram. I don't know who they think is knocking when it is just us in the house.
  5. Child: should I bring a jacket? Me: How much could it eat. I am not paying to air condition/heat the neighborhood. Child complaining about the unfairness of whatever has been denied. "That dripping noise you hear is my heart bleeding for to." or I will rub my pointer and thumb together and tell them that is the world's smallest violin playing for them. Why, yes, the dog is my favorite. If I locked you both in the trunk for a week who would be happy to see me?
  6. I don't like the question. Does anyone not take drugs implies illegal use to me. Not life saving medicine or supplements. What exactly are you trying to learn? I don't consider someone who takes an otc painkiller on occasion a drug user. Nor do I view a maintenance drug user or someone who takes herbal supplements or a multivitamin a person who uses drugs. I know they are but the connotation is different. I would consider myself someone who doesn't take drugs yet I have been on a maintenance drug since I was 15.
  7. Sometimes I feel too worried. I am glad I am not a new mom today. I remember when baby Jessica fell down that well. How the country watched and worried and cried for the parents. Today the internet would be ripping those parents apart for their carelessness and how they deserved this. Everything has become a competition. Who is the purest parent. Oh,you use antibacterial soap. Oh, you packed little Debbie snack cakes for your child. Gasp! You let your 10 year old have one glass of soda on pizza night. We never use conventional produce. Organic only. Lysol! That's agent orange in a can. Formula, poison in a can. Feingold diet, gluten free diet, no dairy-no gluten-soy free-egg free-no nightshades diet. Air diet. Tofu and yams at midnight only diet. Vegan is the only ethical and right diet. It makes my head spin. I can no longer live my life like this. When my kids were little I was a bit of a diet control freak. It gave me some level of comfort that I had control over this. To a degree, I think it paid off. When ds was hit by a car while riding his bike when he was 10 he didn't break anything. Just a very bad bruised bone. I like to say it was healthy diet even though it was probably dumb luck. Living like that becomes it's own kind of prison. I know there is a word now for people obsessed with clean eating.
  8. I knew I should not have read that article. I feel sick. What horrible human beings. Unfortunately, bystanders videoing a tragedy rather than calling for help and/or helping yourself has become more and more the norm.
  9. The school year is a count down to 4th of July. Once the 4th arrives summer is basically over.
  10. 😂 I have 3 spider plants in my kitchen. I didn't realize there were people who had never seen one.
  11. Same day delivery from amazon ruined me. I ordered something for ds from another company because there was a significant savings and i didn't need it immediately. The item won't be here for another week. I am getting a little twitchy about it. I am not totally ruined because my dh orders stuff we don't need immediately direct from china all the time. Literally, on a slow boat from china.
  12. Glad I could help. If they are heading to the island for the beach they are probably going to Jones Beach. Which is fabulous. Although I may be biased that the south shore of Long Island has the nicest beaches since I grew up there.
  13. Starting with first job after college: Ad agency - 2 years ,(let go) Lillian Vernon -5 years (left for next job) Toys R Us - 10 years (retired to homeschool) DH is too scattered. There was a career change. A couple of years with different companies, did contract work for a couple of years, then he opened his own business, then went to work for another company for health insurance. If he had not become disabled he would probably still be with that company.
  14. Historical, take one of the many walking tours offered throughout the city. http://www.freetoursbyfoot.com/new-york-tours/tour-calendar/ (This is really pay what you want) https://www.bigonion.com/ Or our family favorites, one of the food tours. http://m.sidewalksofny.com/site/lower-east-side-eats.php Central Park also offers various tours. http://www.centralpark.com/guide/tours.html Tons of museums to choose from. For Chinese food he should head to Wo Hops Basement in Chinatown. Not the upstairs restaurant but the basement. For lunch he should go to Vanessa's Dumpling House. Economy candy on the lower east side is better than Dylan's Candy Bar. Serendipity for Frozen Hot Chocolate There is a museum for everything. Some are suggested donation, such as the Met.
  15. I believe if she has a provisional license when visiting she has to follow NJ rules if it is a full license no restrictions apply. I would call the mvc to be sure.
  16. Cucumber salad Thinly sliced cucumber Thinly sliced onion White vinegar Water (for example, if you used 6 Tbsp of vinegar,you would use 3 Tbsp of water) Chopped fresh dill (3-4 tablespoons or more, to taste) A couple of tablespoons of sugar Pinch of salt Ground pepper Pinch of pepper flakes if you like a little heat.
  17. I started highlighting when I was in my late 30's. But I always felt to blonde. Switched to coloring for part of my 40's. In my mid 40's I got tired of the maintenance and went natural. I don't regret any of my choices. Except for that last highlight job. Way too blonde for my skin.
  18. These are the scenarios I see: One bedroom available. Share. Both siblings are okay with the arrangement: Share. If space is not an issue I imagine someone will want privacy when puberty hits.
  19. E.R. was a nighttime soap which is it's own category. ER was predated by Dallas, Dynasty, and Knots Landing.
  20. I am sorry he didn't get the job. I am hopeful something better is on the horizon. Enjoy the vacation. It will be beneficial for mental health.
  21. Where else could you learn about adult life before the internet? Sure, Judy Blume covered puberty but what about after?
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