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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. I pay $5-8 an hour. The $8 is for an older teen who cooks and cleans as well. If they just play and watch movies and leave the house a mess, I pay less. As a college graduate, I worked in a daycare with either 4 infants or 12 two year olds in my care; I made minimum wage. I have two kids, petty trained and pretty self sufficient. I won't pay a 13 year old more than $5 an hour.
  2. My son begged for schoolwork. So we did K last year. If we had a really off day, we skipped it. It was low key and I tried to have fun, he loved math so we did a lot! Had he not begged, I would have held off. You might wait a couple of months, he might start asking about it.
  3. DS finished his Barnes and Noble Summer Reading Journal and we turned it in, he got one free book. On the way we passed the last Border's in town and hit their 80% off sale!!! We got some great books!
  4. You could read the lesson together, so the sample(s), and then leave him to do the rest and bring it to you to discuss when he is done.
  5. :iagree: But would need to add Stargate palm weapon sounds and actions! I think he as about outgrown that, or forgotten. He must finish schoolwork before tv, Wii, etc. He can earn extra time with extra reading and cleaning.
  6. I have Tthe Story of US. I don't know when we will use it. I may do a summer study, or hold off a couple of years. I think the story format will work well for us. We do SOTW and he only retains what we discuss. If I just read and go, he remembers little. When we discuss and make a lap book page he remembers a lot more. I don't expect full recall at his age.
  7. I love it!! If I were creative in that way....I would make one. Maybe dh can build one.
  8. I would assume so. Just call it religious studies.
  9. Is wear spaghetti strap sundresses to church in the summer. I have worn a nice tank and jeans, too. I usually dress nicer than everyday, but I don't worry about my shoulders. I am concerned more with appropriate length, and not being to low-cut.
  10. Raid, highs in the 80s, talk of sweaters at night, and the pool was cool...not like a bathtub!! Just wanted to share. Power flash....not so good...
  11. If you want to teach map skills, do orienteering. We did this with my science teacher in middle school. We loved it! She gave us a map with some clues and markings on it, and a compass. We went all over campus looking for the flags. We did different types of maps - regular maps with streets, topography maps, relief maps...it was great for learning to read maps. We are doing SOTW with out a geography program. We did a lot of geography last year, I used the Core Knowledge Series of books: What Your Kindergartener Needs to Know. This year I have the first grade book and we will read through that toward the end of the year.
  12. She would be pleased. I always wanted to be a wife, mom, and teacher....and a vet, but hey...you can't have everything;)
  13. She took a hop skip and a __________ into the far end of the pool.
  14. You stole 250 cookies!


    Rules of the game: if you find this (anyone except the cookie thief themselves) then post here to say "I caught the cookie thief! BUT... someone else took 250 cookies from the cookie jar!" That way we know this player has been caught and we'll look on another profile. Next, copy this entire post and paste it onto someone else's profile (player must have more than 100 posts and must have been active in the last month.) Lastly, change the numbers so each increase by one. It will be easier to track that way. Please post your findings in the thread entitled SOMEONE STOLE A COOKIE! Forum Game. Have Fun!

  15. I caught the thief!!!

  16. :iagree: I use a vanilla pudding packet (instant) and either coolwhip if I am in a hurry or whipped cream if I have time. It is simple and YUMMY! I put a good two inches on top of my cakes!
  17. I forgot about this thread as well, I just looked at it to post and saw my post! I must have done it on my phone, stupid autocorrect! I drive through Siloam... I love Springdale, it is beautiful! I have some friends who used to homeschool who now live at work at Cookson Hills. It is probably pretty close to where you are.
  18. If you want some fun history, get SOTW vol 1. There is a free lapbook I downloaded from a blog, my son LOVES it!!! I am on my Phineas or I would link to the blog....just GoogleStory of the World lapbook and you will find it!
  19. Lee's Summit on the MO side is nice. And MO hs law is pretty laid back. You just submit a letter each year.
  20. I took Algebra 1 in 8th grade, I had friends who did not take it until 9th. We all got into good colleges and graduated. Of my closest friends....the 2 who did not complete calc in high school are the doctors ;) My son is currently moving through SM 2a at a good pace. Not fast....normal, according to the schedule in the HIG. He will be through the primary math series in 5th grade. Even if he is "ready" I don't think I will put him in Algebra in 6th grade. We will do some pre-algebra or try a different program for so.e fun life application math.
  21. My friend had twins naturally (well, I think she had an epidural). She did not want a c-section and her OB told her she would need a c-section if both babies were not head down. She went in to be induced (at 40 weeks) with both babies head down. Baby A was born and baby B flipped. Before they had time to check on the baby's position, out popped a foot. Baby B was delivered breech. Baby A was 7.5 lbs and Baby A was 8.5 lbs. From reading other posts, and her experience; I would say that baby A head down and baby B breech at time of labor, is more ideal. The force of one baby being delivered plus all that new space would seem to cause baby B to move and flip in most situations.
  22. How do you put someone on the ignore list and what does it do? Hide all of their posts on my screen? Not that I want to ignore anyone...just curious:D
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