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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. I prefer the computer to handwritten planners (if I change something it still looks neat and clean - no worn spots from erasing or scratched out lines.) If I had not found Edu-Track, I was going to make something in Excel. You can do the dates down the side, the subjects across the top and fill in ahead of time, or as you go. I would make the following sheets for each student: classes and work completed with a grade column, a reading list, a service list, award list, and an extra curricular list.
  2. Today went pretty well. My first grader finished 4 pages of Singapore IP, one section of SOTW, Biology Test, handwriting, spelling dictation, grammar lesson, one chapter of assigned reading, and some review work in 1.5 hours! My 3.5 year old learned the letter D and we colored. Now they are playing (DD in the playroom, DS racing on Mario Kart) as I weed through 26 resumes for a job at our studio!! This is not fun. I am now heading to do laundry so DH has clothes to take with him tomorrow when he heads out of town. Then we have to go hang some barres at the studio.... Lunch was soup for DD, soup for me, and DS has not eaten yet (he had a bigg breakfast ;))
  3. I am using RS4K for my 1st grader. We are making the biology course take all year. We are only doing 2 days a week, but he practically memorized the first chapter since we took our time with it. I am adding to the text as well with some library books and things we have here. It was fairly inexpensive.
  4. There is replacement cost for your house, and then also for your belongings. If the amount difference covering what is inside your house?
  5. My dd loves pocket phonics. I think Angry Birds has some educational value...angles and trajectory...;) My son loves Slice it! It is great for developing spacial thinking and talking about geometric shapes. Plus...it gets to be a real challenge! We have one where numbers drop and you have to select them to add up to a certain amount...I can't remember what it is called.:confused:
  6. We are in Singapore 2a and it has some algebraic thinking as well. It asks him so solve for x, without x. He gets the concept. If the program continues to develop the abstract thinking that way, he will be ready for algebra by 7th grade. Using the IP book, I have found a lot more abstract thinking problems.
  7. Charleston, SC! My friends and I took a road trip Jr year of college, and that was one of our stops. It is beautiful! Lots of plantation homes. We went to the one they used for the outdoor scenes of John Jakes North and South tv mini series. I think it was used in roots as well. It is gorgeous. They had lots of great things to look at inside. We took a ghost tour the night we were there. That was fun. They told historical stories about different areas of town as you walked past and through buildings that were "haunted." It was a fun way to learn some history. They took us through a graveyard where a bell is still set up for someone to ring if they were buried alive. I can't remember if it was Macon or Savannah, GA...we took a Civil War tour and saw "cannonball house." It was a long time ago....Savannah and Charleston were great!
  8. We are onto week 4 - SOTW is my son's favorite part of the week (3 days a week). He BEGS for SOTW!
  9. Don't mention salary in a cover letter. Some applications leave a space for expected pay or previous pay; but don't mention it if they don't. Like the PPs said - make them want you, then discuss pay. Be sure you have researched the pay range for the field you are looking at.
  10. You stole 199 cookies!


    Rules of the game: if you find this (anyone except the cookie thief themselves) then post here to say "I caught the cookie thief! BUT... someone else took 199 cookies from the cookie jar!" That way we know this player has been caught and we'll look on another profile. Next, copy this entire post and paste it onto someone else's profile (player must have more than 100 posts and must have been active in the last month.) Lastly, change the numbers so each increase by one. It will be easier to track that way. Please post your findings in the thread entitled SOMEONE STOLE A COOKIE! Forum Game. Have Fun!

  11. I caught the thief!

  12. I purchased my stuff off of eBay. I paid shipping, but I got a great deal on the books (brand new) and it came out to less than Singapore's site before shipping.
  13. Both of mine self weaned around 22 months. I was going to wean my oldest, we were down to one time a day, at bedtime. I was sending him to my parent's house for a week. But he weaned himself the week before while we are my family reunion.
  14. Don't do any schoolwork. Take them to do something they could not do if they had to go to school. Go out to breakfast, go bowling, skating, go see a movie. If you can, stay out of the house for a while, then come home to do something special - bake cookies, their favorite dinner, have a water fight outside. Keep them busy when the buses come by...
  15. I don't know if she has a sweet tooth...but I assume she has sweet toes...
  16. You stole 197 cookies!


    Rules of the game: if you find this (anyone except the cookie thief themselves) then post here to say "I caught the cookie thief! BUT... someone else took 197 cookies from the cookie jar!" That way we know this player has been caught and we'll look on another profile. Next, copy this entire post and paste it onto someone else's profile (player must have more than 100 posts and must have been active in the last month.) Lastly, change the numbers so each increase by one. It will be easier to track that way. Please post your findings in the thread entitled SOMEONE STOLE A COOKIE! Forum Game. Have Fun!

  17. Laughing Lioness stole the cookies!!! I knew that one without searching :) BRB
  18. I caught the thief!

  19. Me too (Not twins...just when I was pregnant)! Everyone thought I was crazy, I would start to feel sick and get a coke, then all the morning sickness would go away! :iagree: DH just walked in the door with 3 two liters from 7-11!!!
  20. This is the only time I have ever used the word...when we sing this song. I generally hear it used as someone being caught doing something they should not be doing. The word just annoys me more than anything else.
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