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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. Thicken it with cornstarch. My mom buys bisto. It is basically beef flavored cornstarch. They might make chicken flavor too. When she makes potato soup she removes half the potatoes and mashed them to make the soup creamy. You could try that as well.
  2. My daughter has had 3-4 MRSA infections and never been hospitalized. You can pick it up anywhere. Hers was a skin infection, and we passed it back and forth a couple of times before we finally go rid of it, then she had a few other outbreaks. We finally got our cleaning and disinfecting process down and stopped the reinfections. My mom had a minor surgery and had to have a pre-surgery MRSA test. If she had a post-surgical infection, they wanted to know if she already had the bacteria in her system or if she picked it up in the hospital. Check on the hospitals policies and procedures regarding MRSA.
  3. I voted other....I have 2 plus a dresser and a half wall (in which I have olaced some nice book sets) in our school area. There is another bookshelf in tye kids bedroom, one in the playroom, two in the family room. 6 total bookshelves plus the wall and dresser.
  4. I just sent my first EDDM (every door direct mailing) for my business. This used to bee a very complicated task, the post office has recently simplified it. It gets a business delivery saturation without a mailing list. We made deliveries to two post offices and they had no idea how to process my bundles. They had not paid attention to the training because they did not think anyone would do it! I assumed this was a way they had come up with to bring in more business, why would they not properly train their employees.
  5. I looked at the .list for white DS would be going if we weren't HSing, it was ridiculous! Why should parents have to supply cleaning supplies! AND I don't let my kids use liwuid hand sanitized, why would I send it to school? I remember my mom telling me that it cost $8 for me to go to elementary school. We wnet to meet our teachers and the parents paid $8 and our supplies were in our desks when we arrived the first day. If we ran out, we had to provide more; but the fourth grade class ran a school supply booth everyday at lunch for math class (learning to make change and do mental math, etc), supplies were cheap. In high school (private school), we bought books like you do in college. You coyld sell them back at the end of the year, but I am a highlighter! They generally wouldn't take mine back :)
  6. I generally make up on the weekend. We do 5 days a week. My schedule is for m-f, but we might skip Thursday and do it on Sunday afternoon. If we miss a few from sickness, I can bump my full year schedule by a few days. Just highlight and hit the plus key :)
  7. Boil and dice 1 lb chicken Mix sauce: 1 can cream of chicken 1 can cream of mushroom 16 oz sour cream 1 can chicken broth Season with salt, pepper, chili powder, garlic and hot sauce An Orange tinted sauce is going to be hot, a lighter sauce will be mild. Layer in a 9x13 pan Crushed tortillas chips, chicken, sauce, shredded cheese, chips, chicken, sauce, cheese Bake at 350* for 30 minutes until bubbly. This is one of our favorites.
  8. I took word processing freshmen year of high school, on a computer. I was taught two spaces. That was 1994. When on my phone, I do one for speed.
  9. If she has completed the requirements, why can you not issue her a diploma? I would not want to take the GED either. At convention this year, they told us to avoid that if possible. GED implies that you dropped out or that something went really wrong in your education. If you are providing a full education, you can "graduate" her. It takes some extra work with college admissions, but I spoke to several people at convention who have graduated kids and sent them on to college with a High School Diploma from home. If she has not finished the requirements, then you have to wait; but you would with PS anyway.
  10. I got a free family tree book on currclick.com. It has lots of places to fill in information and add pictures. It also has leafs to cut out to create a larger tree to hang on the wall or whatever you want to do. I don't think we will do the whole thing, DS is almost 6 and not a big writer, but we will of some of it.
  11. I am really enjoying Dance Moms on Lifetime! It is an awful show, really, but I can't help watching these crazy people! I am waiting to catch up on Glee when the new episodes come out on Netflix. I also need to catch up on Greys and Desperate Housewives. I may actually get to watch Glee when it comes on this year!
  12. Academics and schedule: I own a dance studio. If I sent my kids to school all day, I would never see them. Also, due to DS's b-day, he would only be in Kindergarten this year. He is very advanced and always has been. The school district could not guarantee they could keep him busy at his level. I was not willing to take that chance and ruin his love of learning through boredom. We started kindergarten last year. He also wants to be homeschooled.
  13. The other day DS asked me "Are there still nomads? You know, people who move around a lot." And daily he begs for SOTW!
  14. Make sure it is getting time to dry out after soaking it. If you constantly keep them covered with ointment and bandages they stay warm and moist. It takes longer to heal. Each time you change the dressi.g let it air dry for a bit.
  15. I went to choreograph for a high school show choir 6 hours away. I stayed with the teacher. Each evening there was a fresh pitcher of water and a glass on the bedside table. It was nice to not have to wander through a strange house in my pjs if I got thirsty at night.
  16. I went to mom's night out with our support group and inner was cooked when I got home :) It was Yummy too! DH is a great cook!
  17. I am currently prepared to hs through graduation, but I know that things happen and plans change. Right now DS wants nothibg to do with ps, but if he really wants to go at some pount we will consider it. It is not an option right now, the schools could not accommodate him. That is part of why we hs. He would be in kindy this year due to a late Sept b-day....but he is doing 2nd grade work and reads at a 5th grade level. All the district could say was, "we would hope his teacher would keep him busy with work in his level."
  18. There is a debate amoung dance teachers about the split sole vs full sole for little ones. The argument is that the thin cardboard or leather sole helps strengthen their feet. I actually want my little ones in split sole shoes. I teach foot articulation starting with my babies. They can learn to properly roll through their feet, but not with the full soles. The full sole impedes movement (especially the payless shoes). Careful and proper articulation of the foot strengthens feet and ankles much better than a full sole shoe.
  19. My kids outgrow their infant seats before or around a year and they outgrow the rear facing height and weight well before 2. Ds also outgrow her 5 pt by height, the straps pulled down very hard on her shoulders. It seemed like over night we coukd no longer buckle it with out her slumping forward. She is 3.5. I guess I just have tall kids. (We did not to with the cheapest seats either. We did not have the mist expensive, but the seats recommended by our fire dept. I don't know anyone who has 5 year olds in 5 pt harnesses, and half of our family homeschools. It was a shock to me to see you many who do.
  20. How do you keep 4 year olds rear facing?? At 1 both of my kids were too tall to face back. Their legs went up and over the back of the seat. Had we been in a wreck, it would have severely injured their legs and hips! My DS has been in a booster since he was 4. We could take the back off now for one car, but he needs it in the other; so we have kept it. DD 3.5 is also in a high back booster. We switched when she met the weight and height requirements.
  21. I require my students to buy specific shoes at each level and I sell them in the studio. Check before you go elsewhere. A lot of studios carry Revolution shoes (especially for little ones). They are priced like Payless with quality like the bigger brands. It is aggravating when people go buy whatever shoes they want without checking first. We have all the info on our website and people still come in with the awful Payless...or even worse...the Walmart shoes that are really house shoes!!
  22. We have one cat. He was an indoor cat until we moved to OK from MO. Now he is mostly outdoors. He comes in when he wants a snuggled. When we moved I tried to leash train the cat so I could walk him on the 8 hour trip. Everytime I put the leash on he dropped to the floor like he was dead.:tongue_smilie:
  23. We have just made it through the into and first two chapters, but he seems to be retaining a good amount. I don't expect every detail, but he definately remembers the main idea. We do SOTW MWF. Monday - we read the first story of the chapter, Wed - we read review the main points of story 1 (i.e. Fertile Crescent, Nile, Nile Delta, Red King, White King, King Narmer....), then we read story 2 and discuss. After reading each day we pull out either the Kingfisher Encyclopedia, the globe, historical maps, book that goes with subject, or watch a documentary on Netflix. On Friday we review/discuss both stories, do a section for his lapbook, and work through the test as a worksheet. I do something similar with science, he really seems to be retaining it because we review so much. We also discuss things from earlier in the book as we discuss. We talk through our mini-timeline.
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