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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. No one :( But I'm new.....but not a troll, I promise! I tried to look at people from OK to see if anyone was near me, or of I happened to know them, but it was overwhelming.
  2. Sometimes it is easy, they post things just to get people upset and arguing. This happens A LOT on the dance forums I use. People will find youtube videos of completely inappropriate dances from competitions and get people going about what is and is not appropriate. Their postings can also be inconsistent. There was one on the dance forum, in the baby and pregnancy board. She was pregnant with twins, having a hard time with family and boyfriend....went on and on. Then it was close to the due date and she had the babies and they both died. There were things she said about the babies' births and deaths that were completely outrageous! Things that would never happen. There were several women who had experienced difficult miscarriages and still births who were hurting for this girl. People started questioning and looking closer at her pictures. I think she eventually confessed. Things get crazy and unbelievable, or just inconsistent. I hope that's not to much rambling...I have to boys playing Boom Blox in the room :tongue_smilie: It prevents my brain from functioning properly. ETA: She had been a member for years, had a couple thousand posts.
  3. Nothing and dh just cleaned the windo2s, ao the view is great. We are far enough away that the neighbors can't see in...but we can see when the larger neighbor comes outside without his shirt.....maybe I should het some blinds....
  4. The HIG has the mental math in it. For the lower levels you can do it on your own, but my 2a book has sime great addition table problems to review. I am really good at math and dont need the help to teach concepts, but there are some good activities as well.
  5. Shop on eBay. I got all my 2a and b books for les than $60. Brand new. Text, wbk, hig, cwp, and ip.
  6. I cleaned my whole house today, the kids cleaned their room and it is perfect. Now I am lounging by the pool checking this thread on my phone while the kids quietly entertain themselves. :tongue_smilie: No really....the house is clean and the only reason I am lounging is that it is storming!!!! I swear it went from 115* to 80ish! I want to be in the pool, but it feels glorious outside!! And....it's (no dead kittens there) my parent's pool. :001_smile: I have never understood the whole troll thing...I guess some people just have too much free time. I am only online as much as I am because I have a smart phone!
  7. Master is 11x11, kids room is 10x12 ish, third room is currently a playroom...8x10 maybe? We have around 1200 sq ft.
  8. I and using dictation sentences that go along with our spelling lists. This week we did list 4 in Spelling Plus and next wee we SIL do the dictation for list 4. It is all words that he should know how to spell. It is for reinforcement of his spelling skills. The sentences are simple and will remain so until he learns more punctuation. The words and sentences get progressively harder. I can write my own sentences if I want to cover a different grammar topic. The idea with this method is to reinforce what they have learned. I don't know how old your kids are, but it is working well for my 5 year old. We started with lists that are too easy so that we can practice our method before we get to the new words.
  9. Mardels is a Christian book and teaching supply store. The laminator is do it your self. It is like what schools have, 2 ft wide and a continuous feed of laminate. When I checked at office depot they did it in sheets (8x10, 11x17, etc) it was very pricey. The link is to their locations. It is headquartered here in OKC. They are owned by the same people who own Hobby Lobby, I think. I love Mardels. They give all their teacher discounts to homeschool parents, they carry homeschool curriculum in store, and so much more! I pick up little workbooks there. I got our globe there last year with the back to school discount :001_smile: ETA: There are a bunch of stores in TX, I don't know how close they are to San Antonio...
  10. First one was born at a hospital, with epidural and an emergency c-section (cord wrapped so tight around his neck that he could not move down. When I was finally at a 10 they had me try a push and his heart rate dropped way too low and was very slow to recover, when he was born he had little color; scariest hour of my life!) Second was born at a hospital with an amazing staff in L&D (can't say that about the admittance and post care nurses). I wanted an epidural, but the admittance nurse moved so slow! She left me in triage for an hour and a half without checking anything! By the time they got me to L&D I was a 8 and the anesthesiologist was in an emergency c-section. They were so apologetic and did everything they could to make me comfortable. They were awesome! If i have another, i think I can handle the no meds thing again. Maybe...
  11. Nope. They have spent most of their lives with dear old mom and dad. If they are not with us, they are with family or a baby sitter at our house for a couple of hours.
  12. My son did occasionally after he turned 4, but he did not do a great job. He would call us a lot. We told him he needed to do it on his own and he said "when I am 5. then I will be ready." SO...on his 5th birthday we stopped answering his calls and we have been good ever since. Now my DD wipes most of the time, but not when she is dirty, she just can't get that yet.
  13. My first grader is doing R&S 2, it is easy; but it is the basis for learning the more complicated grammar later. He needs to know how to identify the different types of sentences. We are not doing all of the writing. We are doing most of the work out loud right now. We do separate handwriting, and that is one place the he struggles...he hates to write! He reads the lesson out loud to me, I ask him a few questions, we talk through the exercises. We write a few things. It takes us less than 10 minutes to go through one lesson. I can reinforce these topics with our spelling dictation.
  14. It was only .25 per foot at Mardels and I got the first 5 feet for free. I could not find a laminator for less than $30, $50 at the office supply store. Plus I would have to buy the pouches. This took me 10 minutes and cost $7.25. I can go back next week and get another 5 feet, the science cards will be 1 pack instead of 5, so it will only cost another couple of dollars if I don't get the free lamination.
  15. These are 6X9 inch cards, $120 worth of cards. They are meant to be used for 6 years per child, I have 2 who are 3 years apart. That is 9 years of use, more if we have any more kids. I am hoping to keep them in good condition as long as possible. They get used daily, so they need the extra protection. I plan to punch holes in the lamination and put them on rings so that I can deal with the a little easier. They also need to be handled by the kids for putting in order. That is a lot of abuse!
  16. I am using the CC foundations at home with other history and science curriculum. I am just using it for memory work. It does not line up completely. I don't think it is a big deal.
  17. We did Social Studies through 6th Grade, 7th grade was Civics and State History, 8th Grade was American History. I remember "creating" our own country in 6th Grade. We had to have a name, major business/exports, then all the symbols (flag, bird, flower, etc). It was fun. That is what social studies always was - random projects and studies of some geography, holidays, government, and culture. We learned key history points: Columbus, Pilgrims, Thanksgiving, Washington, Lincoln, Slavery, Revolution, Civil War, Declaration of Independance and the Constitution. Nothing in depth, just general knowledge that the people existed and the events happened.
  18. Yea!! We just celebrated this with DD so I understand!! I hope it continues to go well. We had a bad couple of days a few weeks after we thought she had it, but she was just exhausted! :party:
  19. That's how much lamination it took to to all of my Veritas Press history time line cards! Mardels has a coupon for 5 free feet of lamination...that did not help much; but it is just .25 per foot. I still need to do my science cards, but I will go back another time :)
  20. About $40 a month for a family of four and that includes trash pick up. In MO, our water/sewer was about $35 and we paid trash to an independent company.
  21. I don't repost and I don't forward emails, unless the are fall out of the chair funny (which does not happen often). I have some friends on facebook who repost EVERY single one of those things. There are days that that fills my page! It is annoying. That is not why I use facebook.
  22. My son loves to color. If the picture is too detailed he may stop before finishing or scribble the end a bit. He also loves to paint. His focus is and always has been unusual.
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